Steam Universe Steam U
Steam Universe Steam U
September 23, 2013
Showing 1-10 of 139 entries
Apr 28, 2020 @ 3:46am
How we open the Terminal on SteamOS ?
Feb 20, 2020 @ 9:26am
I am considering getting this on a new drive and have a question.
Jan 4, 2020 @ 4:03am
About Steamville town...
Aug 28, 2019 @ 10:57am
Is there any way to dual-boot SteamOS?
Mar 7, 2019 @ 11:35am
ubuntu 18.04 steam os civ 6
As you can see on official Civilization 6 thread on Steam -
System requirements below: Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 / SteamOS CPU Processor: Intel Core i3 530 or AMD A8-3870 CPU Speed: 2.93 GHz Memory: 6 GB Hard Disk Space: 15 GB Video Card (NVIDIA): GeForce 650 Video Card (ATI): Not Supported Video Card (Intel): Not Supported Video Memory (VRam): 1 GB IMPORTANT NOTICE: Some Intel i3 Processors may require an additional 2 GB Swap Partition.

That means you have to buy at least GeForce 650 or higher Nvidia graphic to play on Ubuntu or other Linux distribution. Or play Civ 6 only on MS Windows systems.

Good luck!
Only my guessing - as Linux in general doesn't fully support AMD Radeon graphics and many games have been reported as not supported on this videoadapters, that might be the problem.
(maybe I am wrong)
Well Ubuntu and Windows use sometimes different libraries on the same game or program.
I often found that same game runs better and smoother on Windows than on Linux (that's sad but Linux has higher system requirements for the same game). Have you tried this game on higher or lower versions of Ubuntu.
I have seen same problem on askubuntu and here on Steam forum - Ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10 (grey screen).
From superuser:
Originally posted by Ramhound:

When trying to launch Civilization 6 I'm getting the following error:

Your system does not meet the minimum specifications for the game.

Minimum: 1 GB & AMD 5570 or nVidia 450

Intel Core i3 2.5 Ghz or AMD Phenom II 2.6 Ghz or greater
Feb 18, 2019 @ 11:13am
Is there a SteamOS chat?
Jul 4, 2019 @ 12:16am
What other SteamOS-like projects are out there?
Feb 20, 2019 @ 7:40am
Mint, Ubuntu or SteamOS
Originally posted by gibblets:
... I'm not asking for personal suggestions, I have plenty of both personal and professional experience with many distros...
Then you are completely correct. There is nothing like SteamOS out there for your needs.
Based on your Linux experience there is nothing to suggest for you, as you managed and used a lot of systems.
I'd like to ask you - many system rescue disks, live gaming DVD and live anti-virus systems are based on Arch or Gentoo. What you can say about this systems? They are good enough and faster than Ubuntu can be on the same hardware? (I mean for gaming usage and Steam)
Originally posted by Brother MEX:
Just READ THIS if you are Looking for a Linux GAMING distro :
If I'm not wrong most of mentioned distros are Debian based and the other are Ubuntu based. Most of them have few common things - pre-installed Steam client and/or drivers and/or emulators or open source games.
In general if you want to play on TV set - you can use SteamOS or any Linux based distribution with Steam client installed on BPM (Big Picture Mode) for easier control or game pad control.
In all other cases you install whatever you want and tweak it as you desire getting better or worse performance depending on your settings, hardware or particular game.
I don't know what more could be discussed in this tread, only personal experience with a light distribution and better gaming results.
I have played games for Steam on my outdated PC (I only have upgraded the RAM and the video adapter) on Ubuntu, Mint, Steam OS (SteamOS was interesting but the support of old hardware stopped) and Windows XP then 7. Now I play on Mint 18.2 Xfce and Windows 7. I like a lot Mint but as my PC is old some games (to not say - most) run slower than on M$ Windows.
If your hardware is good enough you can run any Linux. Ubuntu and Mint flavors and Steam OS are for those who don't like or cannot "customize" a lot, but Arch and Gentoo are mostly faster and lighter and if you are familiar with them you'll have a good system for Linux gaming.
Nov 19, 2018 @ 1:08pm
Screen flickering
Jun 25, 2018 @ 11:30pm
Black screen then Uh-Oh Something has gone wrong after installer >reboot
Originally posted by GHR:
That is what I was following the step-by-step guide. BUT the instructions use wget to retrieve a file from nvidia * and when I get to the step to accept the EULA for nvidia I'm told to use a different installer since it's incompatible with .run files. I guess I need .DEB files. *ARGH!*
I cannot find better instructions...
Sorry I didn't helped then :( I used Steam OS beta (can't remember which number) between 2016 and 2017. For some reason Valve and Nvidia don't want to support anymore old video cards.
Originally posted by Tim:
Originally posted by GHR:
nVidia 8400GS
I guess this is a problem. nVidia 8400GS require legacy nvidia-340xx driver version. You need at least >GeForce 400 Series graphics card to run SteamOS. But there should be some workarounds for this, i am not sure. Maybe someone can help you with this.
Right! I have got something like this about 1 year and half - black screen after SteamOS update (I got GTS 250, it is an outdated card vith same GPU as 9800 GT). You can try to "blacklist" and completely purge the Nvidia drivers official and open-source 'nouveau' drivers, then install manually the latest available drivers for your video adapter from the official web site. (there was a manual on the net telling step by step how to do it)
Install NVIDIA Drivers on SteamOS *Step-by-Step Guide*

Now I have 1050 Ti but I don't want to install again SteamOS, because my PC still outdated and weak. Also I need a desktop and I cannot use it in livingroom. So for that purposes I have installed Windows 7 64-bit and then Linux Mint 18.2 Xfce 64-bit. If I want to "feel like I am using Steam OS", I just press the BPM (Big Picture Mode) button.
Most of people here will recommend you upgrade your PC or install any Linux kernel based distribution, where you can install a Steam and play games (most of Ubuntu based distros are easy to use, install and configure, in other cases is recommended Debian, Arch or Gentoo for better performance, if you know how to customize and setup the preferred settings).
Showing 1-10 of 139 entries