Phr00t's Software Phr00tSoft
Phr00t's Software Phr00tSoft
January 11, 2012
United States 
grey027 Jan 27 @ 10:38am 
Hello, Phr00t !

Hi ! I'm using your wonderful Autostepper program.
It's a brilliant unique piece of software, thank you.

And I wanted to ask you a question about the functionality of this program. Is there any way to set or limit the complexity of the step map? Autostepping creates files with a difficulty level of 2.4.5....7... , but I would like to get files with difficulty level 1. Is there any way to adjust or adjust this in the settings ?

What determines the complexity?

Or does the complexity depend only on the track (music bitrate)?
I will be very grateful for any of your comments!
Mazequax Dec 6, 2024 @ 9:10am 
Make Kulsi break games again!
Khalthehunted332 Nov 5, 2024 @ 9:03am 
Hey man! Any new games lately? Are we going to 10000 AD?
Metal Cat Solid Nov 5, 2024 @ 4:19am 
Kvaki Aug 8, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
Phr00t from Action Quake 2? no way :D
Argon Jun 26, 2023 @ 2:07am 
These games are just wonderful. Anyone who wants to get into indie game dev should have a look at these. Lots of great ideas and competent execution, more than I can say for a distressingly large section of the industry.
Khalthehunted332 Feb 16, 2022 @ 3:26pm 
PHR00T! Always a pleasure! Keep it up!

Have you ever thought about making a no man's sky demake? they're very popular since that game is a rip-off that breaks down everytime I play it. I'm thinking of making one myself either with Godot Hexlite or even with Pico-8. Like this one guy did.

If you did make a simplified yet radicalized and better version of it I bet you'd be better than the original No man's sky. That would be great!
phr00t Feb 19, 2020 @ 1:27pm 
@Baron O' Beards, try forcing DirectX by adding "-force-d3d11" (without quotes) as a launch parameter / runtime argument. I'm guessing Vulkan is crashing. You can also try updating your video drivers!
Baron Jan 5, 2019 @ 4:36pm 
So bought ROMBIE, it always crashes after the menu sequence once you load in. Cant find anywhere with helpful info plz help
iresine May 18, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
tf2's deadlock player Apr 7, 2016 @ 9:46pm 
♥♥♥♥. I wanna join! *Eats cheezeburger*
spiritusdundukus Mar 12, 2016 @ 5:16am 
Здравствуйте! Я хотел бы обсудить кое-что с разработчиком этих игр "phr00t", пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной.

Hello! I would like to discuss something with the developer of the game "phr00t". Developer please contact me.:steambored:
LANTIS Feb 5, 2016 @ 4:38am 
I was disappointed in 5089:ss13down:
Lizard Feb 4, 2016 @ 7:11pm 
I LOVE 3089 and im buying 5089 cause i gotta i love all the games
ant Oct 17, 2015 @ 10:05am 
Somehow, 3079 is still played even though it now has 3089, 4089, and 5079 or 5089 will come out. That is nice. Mostly cause I thought I was alone. But, I'm not! :3079demon:
enby.wafflehouse2001 Mar 17, 2015 @ 11:39am 
@bemo in 3089 you're on a new planet. in 4089 you're in the overlord's ship which is orbiting 3079's planet (aka Zehra)
run of the mill simp Feb 19, 2014 @ 8:54am 
i love both games but im confused on the story line. Are we on the same planet as 3079 or a differnet planet. But i still love it
Zelefon Feb 17, 2014 @ 7:32am 
Great game, but fustrating when you lose a item you have equipped/are using.I lost a crucial gun part when i had no money, and i had to run to the very first base to buy another one.If you could choose to keep some items in your inventory safe from being lost that would be good.Just a thought.
armaghgeddon™ Jan 13, 2014 @ 3:11pm 
HOLYCRAP I love this game. I got this from my friend, downloaded it, then stuffed it in for the rest of the day. Brought it out, and now it's the next day.
Gunatic Jan 3, 2014 @ 10:51am 
Hey phr00! Can you add a german translation for 3079 AND 3089? That helps german people a lot, like me. ;) (Sry for my bad english... I try my best! )
Bad Wolf Nov 28, 2013 @ 11:32am 
Hi pht00t!
I played in 3079 a long time ago, unfortunately in a pirated version. I was glad to see it in the steam, and I'm going to buy it.
Opinion about the game was positive. BUT that it would become a truly worthwhile game, much remains to be refined, as I understand you have now two Projects (3079 and 3089) really want to estimate the second :) but I think need to pay attention to the first!
ps. idea with gamepd conrol sound great.
raixel Nov 18, 2013 @ 8:08pm 
Hey. Just stopping by to say I bought 3079. Its really hard but I liked it a lot. So I bought 3089 from your webpage within an hour of buying 3079. If 3079 if "fun and really good" 3089 is "really f&^*$ing mindblowing"!

Would you ever think of adding controller support? Reason why I ask is because Ive got a messed up left hand that makes it really hard to press any more than the W key without having to look down at the keyboard, lift up my whole hand and press another key with my index feature. Ive got a keymappable controller, but its a giant pain to configure. 3089 would be even cooler with at least partial controller support.
The Pop-N-Lochness Monsta!!! Nov 16, 2013 @ 1:13pm 
Hello can someone help me with something :)
Gardakan Nov 15, 2013 @ 8:26pm 
I got my steam key from my profile at GamersGate. Thanks phr00t!
phr00t Sep 23, 2013 @ 5:01pm 
@Despicable Diet Tina,

3079 was finished after receiving many, many updates. However, I know you and many others were looking for more out of the series, which is why I decided to make a sequel redesigned from the ground up to support more polish and features. You can read more about this on 3089's website here:
Mahou Sep 19, 2013 @ 6:29pm 
What happened to 3079? Did development stop? That game wasn't nearly close to finished the last time I played it.
Hexatona Dec 31, 2012 @ 11:02pm 
Sometimes I think I must be the only person alive who actually still plays his first game - 3059. It's got some cheesy music, and the controls take time, but it just speaks to me. It's got an pleasing aesthetic, a world of 10 trillion screens, cities, caverns, building, party formation, item crafting, innumerable unique npcs you can fight, talk to, steal from, or have join you. Random equipment, and quests. And it's in real time.

I wish there was a better place to talk about it, or get people to try it out. Unfortunately, Phr00t doesn't exactly have a nice central place for all his projects. That guy needs a friend with some website experience to design him an actual website hub for all his stuff.

But man, 3059 is drivin me crazy. From the release notes, apparently there are not only Boss Zones, there's also some secret zones and items. I think one of them is shown on a screenshot on 3059's site. Maybe one of these days I'll e-mail him and ask about them.
HNIC Oct 26, 2012 @ 5:57pm 
phr00t Sep 8, 2012 @ 11:21am 
If 3079 gets on Steam, it is unlikely that current owners on other platforms will be able to get Steam keys. 3079 has thousands of players across IndieRoyale, BMT Micro, GamersGate and Desura... if Steam has a system for importing client data from all of those sources, great! If not, it isn't practical to verify each person and e-mail keys out individually. With that said, I guarantee that owners will get updates from any place they purchased it from!
schro Sep 7, 2012 @ 3:43pm 
@Shady Just kill Neanders, or more Humoids, Neanders give awesome crap
Shyvor Sep 4, 2012 @ 10:02am 
how do i get good rep with the humoids again? somehow they are angry at me
schro Aug 31, 2012 @ 6:41am 
I bought the game off of Gamersgate in the bundle, will the people who got it off of there get a steam key?
Lovyxia Aug 31, 2012 @ 6:23am 
Are the people who have already bought 3079 on desura going to get a free steam key when 3079 releases here?
phr00t Aug 30, 2012 @ 4:15pm 
I'm going to work on getting this game up on Steam's Greenlight shortly!
Drake Aug 19, 2012 @ 2:00am 
This is the most pure fun I've had with a game in a long time. I think you've done some pretty great things with this game since I first played it in Alpha. Thanks phr00t!
Hexatona Aug 18, 2012 @ 11:30pm 
Has anyone gone up into the sky rocks area for a great deal of time? anything up there after a while? Like the spaceship, or anything?
>:I Aug 11, 2012 @ 11:51pm 
This game can be hard as hell at times, but I love it! It just has it's own quirky charm that I can't get enough of. Seriously, outstanding job sir!
phr00t Jul 10, 2012 @ 5:54am 
Glad you are enjoying it, LinkusOfEpica!
schro Jun 29, 2012 @ 10:07am 
Just got the game a couple hours ago. I am addicted.
phr00t Jun 4, 2012 @ 6:47am 
Thanks man, I really appreciate it! Yup -- one and only 3079 developer here!
Wastelander Jun 1, 2012 @ 1:01am 
I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed by this game! Are you really the only one working on it?
Bosco Apr 15, 2012 @ 5:39am 
I finished the game a while ago. Planning to wait a few months and do a whole new playthrough. But i found toward the end of my playthrough i was moving literally 20X faster than starting speed, when overencumbered i think i move faster than starting speed. ANYWAYS i LOVE the game and i hope once you get out of dev stages it gets onto steam ( i hear steam crazy limits constant patching)
phr00t Apr 11, 2012 @ 8:17am 
Sad to see you didn't enjoy my game, RastaPanda. If you believe your $8.99 was wasted, you could have gotten a refund. Oh, and as you can see, I didn't delete your comment. :-)
Sebastian Apr 9, 2012 @ 3:39pm 
This game is bloody terrible... I regret wasting my 8.99 on it.
If the developer deletes this it just proves hes insecure.
jamal Apr 9, 2012 @ 10:34am 
court Apr 8, 2012 @ 9:21am 
Really likeing this game! Beaten it once, it was hard but a lot of fun. Cant wait to see what else is in store
jamal Apr 5, 2012 @ 10:58am 
I love this game :DDDDDDDD
phr00t Mar 28, 2012 @ 6:37am 
Me too, BloodBeetle :-)

I'm planning on dropping the "BETA" label in about a week (since 3079 is getting closer to being feature-complete and it is very stable) -- next step after that: Steam!
Kavallero Mar 27, 2012 @ 12:03pm 
I hope 3079 come to Steam soon! :D
phr00t Mar 27, 2012 @ 7:24am 
I believe people who purchased the game, should have the game on all distribution platforms. Unfortunately, the game distribution platforms don't always make it easy to share customer data, so I will have to just do my best. I'm already trusting people enough to not share the 3079 installer, so I'm going to have to trust people to not give away their Steam keys.