Duchy Of Brackaltwald KDOB
Duchy Of Brackaltwald KDOB
January 4, 2013
Out of The Frying Pan Apr 30, 2021 @ 7:06am 
3(ish) since my last comment. Still waiting for this reform
Dark Mar 28, 2020 @ 7:11pm 
i miss all you sexy cunts :(
Pendanyk Aug 27, 2019 @ 10:14am 
Out of The Frying Pan Apr 24, 2018 @ 12:14pm 
reform when????
Pendanyk Aug 6, 2017 @ 1:41pm 
Burgh Aug 2, 2017 @ 2:00pm 
Dasher Jun 6, 2017 @ 11:56am 
Sup bitches, Y'all still lurking?:AOEKnight:
Baldwin# Mar 31, 2017 @ 4:47am 
ladoea von Krems Aug 3, 2016 @ 7:02am 
The link I sent you works, from there I can't say anymore. If you have any technical problems, using their discord is the best way to get in contact, most of the dev's are on it 24/7
Jezza Aug 3, 2016 @ 4:56am 
Tried to download it for the last playtest, pretty unreliable downloader I found :S I might give it another go.
ladoea von Krems Aug 2, 2016 @ 4:14pm 
There's a playtest happening for the game Of Kings and Men happening this Wednesday at 7pm UK time, it's open to the public and the game looks promising, it's made by the guys who created the C-RPG module, if you're interested download it here and hop in whenever, you can also play against bots if you want to learn the combat system, it's similar to Mount and Blade in terms of the game:
Burgh Jun 29, 2016 @ 12:47am 
A better discussion than was had by both campaigns.
ladoea von Krems Jun 27, 2016 @ 3:03pm 
Sounds like fun :)
Jezza Jun 27, 2016 @ 2:48pm 
Oh anyone with any sense knew the 350mil thing was subjective. As nice as it would be if more voters did their own fact checking, it'll never happen. I'm not sure why Cameron feels the need to delay his resignation, a leader with an expiry date is no leader. And a Chancellor begging Boris for foreign secretary is no chancellor....From September we have two years to negotiate our way out of the EU. The treasury is well prepared (unlike 2007) and if we're diving head first then at least we've got plenty of time to figure out how to pull the parachute cord. Anyway, I've enjoyed this mini-debate. Shall we reconvene in September?
ladoea von Krems Jun 27, 2016 @ 12:39pm 
I'm in definite agreement that the EU is to be frank, shite, but now was not the time to leave the EU, we had no plans, and a shit government to lead us into the unknown. Now our PM has resigned (Or will be in October) and we still have no plans at all. Not to mention the fact that all the idiots who were promoting Brexit (Michael Gove, Boris Johnson) are now backtracking a lot of the things they said as well as trying to delay invoking article 50. It's a fucking shit show. The people running the Brexit campaign are nothing but Conversative liars and they're fucking awful, if the country does go into ruin, it'll be their fault as they're too incompetent to do anything above tying their own bloody shoe laces.

The EU is far from perfect, but overall now was not the time to dive head first into the complete unknown.
Jezza Jun 27, 2016 @ 11:35am 
Is it not hypocritical of you to say as a Scot your vote is (according to you) worthless in the United Kingdom when argueing about the EU, where your vote is, quite literally, worthless?
Nobody in Britain elected Jean Claude Juncker. David Cameron positively fought against his appointment. You complain about flawed democracy in Britain, but those same issues exist in Europe to a much much larger degree. You only praise Europe because you fall for alluring things like right to work whilst ignoring its flaws (minimal meaningful democracy) and failures (Greece,migration, youth unemployment etc etc.)
ladoea von Krems Jun 27, 2016 @ 11:16am 
I'm in agreement burgh, I believe that Scotland Ireland and Wales all deserve the chance to leave or stay in the UK if they want to, that's their right. I'll be sad to see the nations go if they do choose to leave the UK but they deserve the chance to choose.
Burgh Jun 27, 2016 @ 9:44am 
In a supposed "union" of nations , where each nation is supposed to be equal how exactly is it fair that one nation can constantly outvote the other 3 combined...When ll the Brexiters talk about democracy , my vote as a Scottish person feels pretty pointless in just about every election.
ladoea von Krems Jun 25, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
Scotland voted 62% to stay and Ireland 56% whereas England was 53% to leave and Wales 52% to leave.

You can clearly see the divide lol, Scotland and Ireland don't want to leave, Wales and England do.

Although, I have to say, whatever way people voted, we had a 72% voter turnout, and I think that's great! I'm glad to see people are actually voting instead of abstaining.
Jezza Jun 25, 2016 @ 3:09am 
They're going to vote for independence? Only if we let them, and no British Prime Minister wanting to keep his seat would let them. Besides, the Irish margin was extremely tight in most areas. Sinn Fein and Sturgeon are just being exploitative.
ladoea von Krems Jun 24, 2016 @ 5:44pm 
It's going to be interesting lol, Scotland and Ireland are going to vote for independance now and then we'll be hammered by the EU raw for the next 2 years at the very least, if we make it through that then I think we'll be good, but I reckon it'll take over 10 years to fully recover from all the shit EU will now send our way.
Jezza Jun 24, 2016 @ 6:13am 
ladoea von Krems Jun 21, 2016 @ 3:52pm 
And to be honest, I'm in agreement, I'm very pessimistic about games like this as you really just don't know lol, DayZ was a massive failure for me as well, so that's why server tests and stuff where people can try the game out are great. I regrettably couldn't make this recent server test so I'll be waiting for more down the line that are bound to come up. Either way, the game is far from release as they've got tons more to do; but the guys did a great job modding C-RPG and I'm sure they're putting in just as much effort into this game as well now that they have more team members to work with.
ladoea von Krems Jun 21, 2016 @ 3:50pm 
They've just had a thing where you could test the game, here's some much earlier on gameplay:
and here's the most recent gameplay from the servertest we just had:
Burgh Jun 21, 2016 @ 2:26pm 
Looks decent but I'm really pessimistic about games released by small developers with early access. Look at life is feudal and what an abysmal failure that was.
ladoea von Krems Jun 20, 2016 @ 6:26pm 
Not Calestria, it's a completely new game called "Of Kings and Men"
Hagaron Jun 20, 2016 @ 10:14am 
ladoea von Krems Jun 19, 2016 @ 4:18pm 
Oh also guys, new game that's being developed by the creators of the C-RPG module (Donkey Crew) They're aiming to create a game similar to M&B (Single Player, Multiplayer) It has a new combat systemand other shit, it's still very new so it's not coming out any time soon, but it's something to keep an eye on, from all accounts (There was an alpha test run on Saturday) the game seems pretty good, the combat system seems clunky at first but with a bit of tweaking it could become really good. Just a heads up.

And I'm always on drugs, I thought you guys knew that?!
Hagaron Jun 18, 2016 @ 3:54pm 
Netsrac Jun 17, 2016 @ 5:26pm 
Peasant the gate guard is quite obviously on druuugz
ladoea von Krems Jun 15, 2016 @ 4:03pm 
Some say they here the faint cries of Theon's singing in the distance sometimes...
Out of The Frying Pan Feb 6, 2016 @ 1:40pm 
10/10 should reform
ladoea von Krems Sep 14, 2015 @ 7:13am 
Where can you find pleasure
Search the world for treasure
Learn science technology
Where can you begin to make your dreams all come true
On the land or on the sea
Where can you learn to fly
Play in sports and skin dive
Study oceanography
Sign up for the big band
Or sit in the grandstand
When your team and others meet

In the navy
Yes, you can sail the seven seas
In the navy
Yes, you can put your mind at ease
In the navy
Come on now, people, make a stand
In the navy, in the navy
Can't you see we need a hand
In the navy
Come on, protect the mother land
In the navy
Come on and join your fellow man
In the navy
Come on people, and make a stand
In the navy, in the navy, in the navy
ladoea von Krems Jul 26, 2015 @ 1:25pm 
The problem is that NOBODY plays UNLESS Burgh is the one leading, I have no idea as to why because we have a bunch of new Barons who haven't even been tested out well yet as to how they will lead. It happened back in old Brack as well.
The Red Vizier Jul 26, 2015 @ 4:58am 
True that. Might as well make Arthur Duke at this point.
Milem Jul 25, 2015 @ 3:26pm 
Im sorry Alexander it had to be that way for you, you have always been a good member of brack and even the better one. RIP Alexander, will not be forgtten among the ranks.
Milem Jul 25, 2015 @ 3:24pm 
My question is Burgh "runs" brack even though he aviods questions about him coming back, leaves a week after reformation as well as he can be seen playing ArmA 3 while Arthur and the regulars bust their ass to get recruits. I love brack but there is not brack to be had without burgh actually making it a clan.
ladoea von Krems Jul 25, 2015 @ 11:29am 
RIP in peace Alexander, I do agree with it though. It's the same thing that happened last time, nobody fucking does anything, Arthur called people on and I was the only one who bloody showed up. It's a shame to see Arthur putting in the effort and nobody even tries to show up for it. This is the reason Brack as a clan will in the long run, fail.
BNS Nuno Jul 25, 2015 @ 9:17am 
Will miss you Alex :'(
The Red Vizier Jul 25, 2015 @ 9:12am 
Leaving this "clan", since no one except for Arthur even gives a fuck. Shame really.
ladoea von Krems Jul 22, 2015 @ 9:45am 
It's mostly because Burgh is away, people seem to play a lot because of him.
The Red Vizier Jul 22, 2015 @ 7:24am 
So is this thing even still existing, because there's 5 people on max, and the only one doing their job properly is Arthur, maybe even Kloney.
ladoea von Krems Jul 20, 2015 @ 2:45pm 
ye gime ur job alexanderrrrtertery
The Red Vizier Jul 16, 2015 @ 7:42am 
dose bleks r tekin our jerbs!!11
ladoea von Krems Jul 5, 2015 @ 4:30pm 
i'm black
Abii952 Jul 5, 2015 @ 12:56am 
that's the spirit
Dark Jul 4, 2015 @ 5:16pm 
I'm back, ready to fuck money and make bitches!
Abii952 Jul 4, 2015 @ 9:40am 
Baldwin# Jun 29, 2015 @ 12:48am 
It's good to be back