Viera Army LeporineEar
Viera Army LeporineEar
April 3, 2021
ABOUT Viera Army

In Final Fantasy XII, the player can speak with 31 viera total throughout the game. If spoken to with Fran as the party leader (only possible when outside of town areas), they give different dialogue.

Viera is a word in Slovakian language meaning "faith". It also appears in other Slavic languages with small changes in spelling or pronunciation, and is often used as a feminine name. Viera is also an Italian word meaning "ring", and is used as a surname particularly in Northern Italy.

The viera live deep within wooded areas, earning them the name "People of the Wood." They have two distinct clans, the Veena which have lighter fur and the Rava which have darker fur and hair colors. They have excellent senses, and their hair is usually white. Males and females live separately, only making contact and communication when the need arises. Viera have superb eyesight and their sense of hearing allows them to hear even the slightest sound, which comes in handy if they are being hunted themselves.

Viera communities have two jobs the viera can take: Salve-Maker and Wood-Warder. Those who wish to become Salve-Makers must complete the rite of passage of catching the Vorpal Bunny, which appears every seven years. Its tail is used to create Vision Dust, which keeps Eruyt Village hidden from outsiders. However, not all villagers are required to take a job.

Having lost their ancient homelands to war over 450 years ago, some viera began to question their way of life and went off to live among the humes. This is against their law, referred to as the "Green Word," which forbids contact with the outside world. According to Jote, Fran's sister and the leader of the viera who remain in Eruyt Village, once a viera breaks this law, they are considered viera no more and are regarded as outcasts. The viera of Eruyt Village can communicate with the Golmore Jungle, referred to as the "Wood"; an outcast's senses become dimmed, and they become unable to do this. Whether a viera can regain the ability to communicate with the Wood is unknown.

Notable viera:

Fran – sky pirate Balthier's companion.
Jote – Fran's older sister, leader of Eruyt Village.
Mjrn – Fran's younger sister.
Krjn – member of Clan Centurio.
Ktjn – Krjn's sister.
Relj - a viera residing on Mt Bur-Omisace.
All viera encountered in combat, with the exception of Fran, are weak to Earth.
H.R. Hoffman Mar 20 @ 10:13am 
Hello, Feel free to add me (^3^)/
Fran Mar 16, 2023 @ 7:26pm 
In the village you will find her: Mjrn . Bring her to me. She will know why you call her.
Enter chat room
April 3, 2021