Boycott the Mann Co. Store! #BoycottMann
Boycott the Mann Co. Store! #BoycottMann
March 29, 2014
ABOUT Boycott the Mann Co. Store!

Are you tired of Valve.....

....refusing to communicate with us, being hesitant to implement community-fixes that were made years ago, not wanting to balance their broken unlocks, having their priorities completely screwed up, making the game perform worse and worse on even very good systems and yet patting themselves on the back by doing things like calling 2013 "a great year for TF2" ? - then join in!

If we really can't reach them with forum posts, letters and e-mails, then we'll have to do it the hard way. Only a decrease in their income might give us their attention again. And by boycott, I don't mean just stepping down to buying a key or two every other month. I literally mean NOT even visiting the store at all, its FORBIDDEN.

I doubt any boycott in the history of gaming has been effective, but its worth a try, and certainly better than continuing to bang your head against a wall.
So join in and put "#BoycottMannCo" in your name for everyone to see, and dont buy ANYTHING from the store.

And don't forget to tell everyone about this. The more we are, the better. Invite your friends, and dont stop spamming Valve with mails just because of this group! Keep going.
beautiful, chunky smegma Mar 31, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
Games following TF2's f2p model also need a constant stream of good content to keep the playerbase satisfied. They haven't really been doing too good of a job at that lately.

Seriously, why do people keep insisting that "the game is free, stop whining" is a legit argument? Its been beaten violently to death so many times by now, and fyi the game hasnt always been free.
Hatty Mar 30, 2014 @ 12:25pm 
I don't see why one would boycott them. Wth, i het what I paid for...Oh wait! It's a free to play game! I didn't pay squat to be able to play this game. Sure, there are some aweful bugs and annoying mechanics, but they won't force us to pay for anything! Of course, if you want special ingame stuff, then you need to buy stuff from the store (unless you are an awesome trader). Free to play games have to have ingame transactions to be able to support the devs. I see no need in having a group like this. Just play however you wish, have fun! xoxo McTophat
beautiful, chunky smegma Mar 29, 2014 @ 4:46pm 
They also called Galileo crazy.....but guess who turned out to be right?

Thanks for stating the obvious, though. Im grateful, kiddie.
Hancake Mar 29, 2014 @ 3:27pm 
I joined to say that this is going to have no effect whatsoever, and I never even buy anything anyway, so my 'not going to the mann co store' is not really going to change anything. Have fun, kiddies
SPADE Mar 29, 2014 @ 8:03am 
Uh, no.
beautiful, chunky smegma Mar 29, 2014 @ 6:49am 
are people just completely unable to read or something.

I seriously doubt that this will work, but its certainly better to actually TRY doing something instead of just leaning back and doing nothing but making fun of the people who do.
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March 29, 2014