The Pow3r of Friendship ThePOF
The Pow3r of Friendship ThePOF
30. januar 2012
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Sjru 🐲 2. mars 2013 kl. 11.04
Community Spotlight: Sign ups and FAQ
Soup on everypony!!

Do you want to sign up for free advertising of your Deviantart/Soundcloud/Youtube/Twitter/FIMfiction etc...?

Well here you can!!

To apply just fill the form commenting!


  • Name or Alias
  • Your website/page to publish.
  • What you do.
  • Comissions or requests (If any): Yes/no (Try adding prices)
  • Description, about you, etc...

Then you're prompted to make your own permanent thread here.
Having a thread here is MANDATORY to be eligible for advertising!
(We may or we may not make a thread for you, depending...)

About, FAQ

What is Community Spotlight?

Basically it's a humble advertising of not so known or well known artists/youtubers/musicians/writers of any sort in our group.

These will be in form of announcements, events, etc... that would aim to promote your page or blog or whatever you want to promote.
We'll aim to have one of these each week in peak hours, and depending on demand, we may increase or decrease this.

Advertisements of your work here are completely free, but of course, if you want you can always donate games or stuff so we raffle on

This is done as a community service every sunday if possible, so try to not complain!!

If you leave the group you WON'T have your spotlight!
Also you'll get punished! Don't do it

Sist redigert av Sjru 🐲; 5. okt. 2014 kl. 20.45
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Sjru 🐲 2. mars 2013 kl. 11.07 
Comments after this one should only be applications, any others will be deleted.
Sist redigert av Sjru 🐲; 2. mars 2013 kl. 11.07
Blissharmony 2. mars 2013 kl. 11.26 
  • Name: RarityTheUnicorn1st
  • My deivantart:
  • What I do: I'm an artist and do free requests.
  • About me, etc:Hello, I'm RarityTheUnicorn1st and I am an artist, I love to draw and will do so free of charge, as I believe people shouldn't be charged for not being able to draw what they invision. I would very much like to be able to advertise my art in this group with many members, so that I will be able to provide people with art as well as improve my own skill at the same time.
Thank you for you time and I hope that my application is accepted.
All the best RarityTheUnicorn1st~
Sist redigert av Blissharmony; 2. mars 2013 kl. 11.29
C O N S U M E R 17. mars 2013 kl. 15.40 
Hello, I'm AllergyPistol, also known as Ryan Cruze

I am a music producer wanting to advertise my new album, here it is

I wanted to show people that you can be fully capable of getting music if they don't have money, a lot of good things are free. This isn't much in the way of requesting, more of me showing appreciation and sending tunes for people to listen.

Thank you,
byter 30. mars 2013 kl. 14.06 
Name: byter75
My Youtube:
My DA:

What I do:
On youtube: I organise mlp music, PMVs, animations and do a podcast with prominent youtube reveiwers discussing the show.
On DA: I organise deviations and write written reveiws on the show.

About me: Blarg. I'm Byter, the analytical robot. If you want to hear/talk-about my analysis, or see my various organised playlists, check out my channels, podcast & written reveiws on mlp. I'm very in depth into the show and the antithesis to digibrony! :p

Generic statements of thanks; to please impressionable humans. I frankly don't mind if I get attension or not...
Sist redigert av byter; 30. mars 2013 kl. 14.07
HarrietTheWolf 7. apr. 2013 kl. 18.59 
-Name: Harry Excalibur
-My dA: - My FurAffinity: - My own forum:
-I do digital art and gaming :3
-I do take requests (atm closed) and commissions (open :D check prices at my da or fa!)
-I like videogames, art, music... and i love to make new friends and play with them online :3
Smasheroonie 26. apr. 2013 kl. 3.53 
Name: Smash
My dA:
My FiMFiction:

I do art. Pretty much any art, but mostly ponies as of right now. I take requests, art trades and point commissions. Commissions are no specific price, and are just if you're feeling generous and want to contribute towards getting me a premium dA membership. I love doing art trades the most though. I also sell shirts and stuff on RedBubble.

I tried my hand at making music and it's something I may go back to at some point, but not very soon. I also occasionally write fan fiction.

Sist redigert av Smasheroonie; 26. apr. 2013 kl. 8.39
Ardail 10. mai 2013 kl. 12.27 
Sure why not?
Name- Ardail


I haven't really had any commission request yet so I haven't really set a policy for that yet.
But I have done several request for people because I'm not that good of an artist and it gives me some topic to focus on. One of my biggest requests was the last picture on "March to the Scaffold" (I was so happy that author asked me, I never would have found that fanfic otherwise)

I'm just a hobby artist, teaching myself overtime from trial and error or just watching tutorials. I try to stay either cannon or close to cannon with my art. I play piano, I did do some longsword training for awhile but it was getting too expensive and I didn't want to injure my fingers. I also play warhammer 40k. As far as video games go, I mostly prefer RPG and complicated strategy games like total war, although I'll enjoy some games just for a well written story.

Well that's just about it I'll stop my rambling,

Emberz 12. mai 2013 kl. 18.04 
Name: Emberz
Deviant art:

I make great art and great videos or so I'm told. My friends itroduced me to the brony fandum and now I'm a bigger brony than all of them. I am curently drawing some of the groups OC ponies and will post them on deviant art. Most my youtube videos were asked to be made by my subscribers and they are all PMVs but all in all I enjoy it and so do they. I will gladly make art for anyone who requests it free of charge, right now my thing is drawing OC pony for people so ask for it somewhere along those lines.
Other than that, I'm just a brony trying to spread the fandum to people who enjoy it and new people being introduced into the fandum. I myself have converted 14 people into bronies. I even did a speech about bronies at my high school. I am not afriad to say what I am.
So thats pretty much it about me. Love and Tolerance my fellow bronies.
Sist redigert av Emberz; 12. mai 2013 kl. 18.09
Axo to the Maxo 22. mai 2013 kl. 7.13 
Name : K3WRO
Youtube :
Soundcloud :
What I do : Make fan music, that's pretty much it
About Me: I am K3WRO, an Electronic musician who has been always experiemnting with synths and styles for around 2 years and been making mainly pony music ever since I released my works on the internet. I usually compose Hard Dance and D'n'B but I can work with almost any musical styles out there, wether if it's jazz or dubstep, anything (well, rock and orchestral, woring on it)
From summer, I will gladly accept music requests for free of charge, pony or non-pony, anything you like, just contact me over skype! (antigravtoast2)

I have'nt updated or uploaded anything recently, I have some few fresh tracks to share after R&R is relased, just been really busy lately. C:
Brie 31. mai 2013 kl. 18.12 
Name: Genn or Wynter
My dA:
What I do: Make customized ponies
Comissions or requests: All commission info and sales here
About me: Long time pony collector (most of my life) as well as an artist. Though I only occasionally doodle now a days. Been doing customized ponies for a few years now. And on occasion will doodle up some music. So ya o3o
Kolascire 13. juni 2013 kl. 18.16 
11Dakota or Dakota
What you do: I play minecraft, so far that is all XD. I am not really working hard, cause no one watches me :(, but i will start making more videos and play different games if requested.
About me: I recently started YouTube so dont expect too nice of vids, but I try my best. I also am looking for someone to make a channel banner for me since i dont have one/ dont know how to make one.
Ash Berry 16. juni 2013 kl. 18.25 
I am a Hamburger disguised as a pony. (Joking aside)

I am Ashie Frost, More commonly Known as Megaluigi93
What I do: I Waste the time of you, by making LP videos and Gmod Images (commonly themed to my Current LP)
About Me: The more subscribers i Get on youtube, the less likly i will turn to drugs. Keep this white boy off of beer and pot.
Big Dank 17. juni 2013 kl. 1.18 
I'm comonly known as Zalekai, or Zach.

Band FaceBook:

What I Do: I play drums for a funk band out of Washington, Worship Red Hot Chili Peppers and Rage Against the Machine, write MLP fanfiction of all kinds, and occasionally film videos with a few friends.

About Me: I try to make people smile, mostly. Whether it be music, my stories, or the videos on a channel I share with my friends, I just legitamately want to make people happy. I also strive to be different when it comes to these categories, writing fics of a different variety than just the usual sad fic or a random shipping fic, or filming a video that will make you WTF and laugh so many times you won't even remember your name by the time it's done.

Thanks a lot for your time in reading this, and if you even checked out the links above. All support is greatly appreciated.

Sist redigert av Big Dank; 17. juni 2013 kl. 1.22
acleus 28. juni 2013 kl. 23.34 
Name: acleus097
My channel:
What I do: I make let's plays of both pony related and non pony related games.
About me: i try to make funy (or at least entertaining) videos, and have been since i was only about ten. obviously, the channel i have a link to is only a couple years old, but that is because i wanted to stick to a theme which ended up being let's plays. i also love the idea of being interactive with the people who watch my content, and am willing to do dual commentaries with basically anyone who asks. i'm also looking to eventually start making money via youtube, if not just to have a little extra cash.

i love getting comments and responding to the ones that i can without sounding mean. i prefer to make others happy and not ruin people's days by trolling them on the internet. (however, the people who tried to troll me learned i don't f*** around too much)
JayTea 30. juni 2013 kl. 13.08 
Name: JasonTwister or I also go by Tacodoggamingandnews on Youtube
Youtube channel:
What you do: I make youtube videos, I sometimes do some brony stuff on there, but I try to keep it open to anyone brony or non-brony
what I do: I make videos Youtube videos
Description: I sometimes do some brony stuff on there, but I try to keep it open to anyone brony or non-brony. I'm coming up on 100 videos and I've got about 47 subscribers. I could use this to expand my YouTube channel. thanks for your consideration:jarate:
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Dato lagt ut: 2. mars 2013 kl. 11.04
Innlegg: 123