The Lord of the Rings RP TLOR-RP
The Lord of the Rings RP TLOR-RP
April 28, 2018
ABOUT The Lord of the Rings RP

“Someone else always has to carry on the story.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

The calm before the storm - a shadow rises in the east that threatens the peace of Middle-Earth, will you fight for the dawn of a new era, or the twilight of man? If there is any hope in defeating your enemy, you must band together to secure a future for the free peoples of Middle-earth, or stand united under the eye of Sauron to claim Middle-earth.

Note: In order to pursue active RP, we won't be drawing too many differences from the books or the movies, I'm quite sure most people are familiar with the movies. I myself am outlining the RP from the books but if your character appearance is used from the movies or something it won't matter too much.

T.A. 3018

* Represents Faction is Taken

Alliance for a New Era

* Gondor: Ruling Steward Denethor II.

Rohan: King Théoden

* The Kingdom under the Mountain: King Dáin II "Ironfoot"

* The Elves of Mirkwood: King Thranduil

The Elves of Lothlorien: Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel

* The Elves of Imladris: Lord Elrond

* The Dúnedain: Chieftain Aragorn II

Dale: King Brand

* Isengard: Lord Saruman "the White" of Orthanc

Alliance for the Twilight of Man

Mordor: Dark Lord Sauron

Dol Goldur: Nazgûl Khamûl

The Haradrim: The King of the Haradrim

Khand: The King of Khand

Rhûn: The Lôke-Khân of Rhûn

* Moria: Dark Lord Sauron

Mount Gundabad: Witch King of Angmar

Umbar: Duumvirate of the Kingdom of Umbar

Map of the Third Age[]
Gondor Rallies
A mighty host worthy of Mordor marches forth to oust us from our once great capital city once more, we have defeated them once before but then our armies were vast and mighty. Now the garrisson of Osgiliath grows weak, but together if we stand united we can secure Osgiliath and send a strong message to Mordor. Gondor is not weak, Gondor is not disunited and Gondor is most certainly prepared to defend itself from the taint that is Mordor!

I hope that one day, our people may return to Osgiliath and rebuild it to its former glory, for every day that passes is another day that the Citadel of the Host of Stars remains unturned. Perhaps we have waited long enough now, perhaps it is indeed the time that Mordor recognises the full strength of Gondor and her capability to not only defend but to destroy her foes.

Lord Forlong and Lord Angbor, I beseech you to rally all your forces and make haste to Osgiliath, for we cannot fight this battle alone. Gondor can only stand strong if it remains united and loyal to the faith of the Realm.

The staunch defenders of Osgiliath stand true and proud, however, only time will tell how the fate of the gateway to Gondor turns out. For if Osgiliath is to fall, then Gondor can no longer protect its vassals and allies. The Realm of Gondor will most certainly be in grave danger.

The Shadow of the East Looms
Duncan May 15, 2018 @ 10:12pm 
Seems the group has died down.
Arthur Hood May 13, 2018 @ 8:31am 
Withdrawing for the time being Durins Bane is open
Nicky May 4, 2018 @ 6:23pm 
Dropping my characters to play Sauron and the forces of Mordor as discussed with Joxford.
Riot May 1, 2018 @ 3:44pm 
I thought he said wallace
golden retriever bf May 1, 2018 @ 10:48am 
Who is Warlance?????
Commissar May 1, 2018 @ 10:47am 
Shut up Warlance
Enter chat room
April 28, 2018