The Hegemony of Worlds T.H.o.W.
The Hegemony of Worlds T.H.o.W.
May 25, 2014
ABOUT The Hegemony of Worlds

"Imperialism, conquest, war........"

Current Year: 3550

In the early 21st Century, Earth has been the beacon of light for humanity. The independent nations banded together to form the United Nations of Earth and sought out to expand and colonized other planets. As humanity grew, so did its greed to expand. Around 2250, humanity made first contact with an advance race of insectlike aliens known as Insectoid Conglomerate, who would later be known as Bugs or Insects. Humanity succeed in spreading itself across the universe, but after centuries of armed conflict, and after mankind has lost billions of men and women, the numerous Insectoids succeeded in breaking through Earth's defenses and conquered mankind's home planet. Within the period of a century, the entire Sol System was lost..........

Humanity wasnt destroyed yet however............

As the conflict raged, in another system, another people is emerging. The Imperialistic Military of Athenai was also on the warpath, and after defeating planet after planet, it grew into an unrivalled force in space. Fearing the growing rise of the Athenian Federation, over a thousand sovereign planets decided to ally with the Federation to create military power unseen in centuries. The Hegemony of Athenai was born. This alliance was known as the Hellenic Confederation. Although each sovereign planet has representatives in the council, the real power lies in the iron will of Athenai's leader, its Empress. Though the alliance is called a "confederation", it is another name for the Athenian Empire. As the leading power, Athenai contributes the most manpower, resources, funding, etc to keep the Hellenic Confederation Athenai secures its power, and earns the respects of its allies, it begins to build a military machine like no other.

The year is 3550, thirteen hundred years since humanity's first contact, and an uneasy truce between the Hellenic Confederation and the Insurgents is nearing an end. To make matters worse, pockets of rebellions are breaking out across the Confederation as many non Athenians are sick of the Athenian Empresses oppressive regime and their iron grip over the other sovereign planets and the Insects are still on the rampage. More societies begin to surface as the conflict looms.

The Imperial Republic of Atlantea, an ancient race of humanoid aliens is hellbent of destroying the Insect menace and establishing their old dominance. The Britannic Star Dominion seeks to expand its technology and explore, while the Grand Union of Muscovia seeks to gather resources as it builds up the largest army in human existance. War is inevitable, the fate of planets, worlds, peoples, and the universe has yet to be decided..........

Athenian Federation
New faction announced
The Hawk Imperium
Unknown to the Hellenic Confederation so far, the Hawk Imperium is an absolute matriarchal monarchy under the control of the Hawk Empress. The Imperium is a militaristic, all female, survival of the fittest type of society that relishes in the idea of warfare. They differ from the other factions mainly because of their arrogant attitude. Hawkavarians see themselves as superior to all and deem everyone else inferior. With the iron fist of the Hawk Empress, they seek out other civilizations to either enslave or exterminate. The Hawk Empress is at the top of this social hierarchy and she isnt afraid to show her dominance to her followers. She also serves as supreme military commander, so pretty much her power is absolute and infinite. The position of Hawk Empress holds the highest authority and it is hereditary, passed down from mother to daughter(Will explain more of that later). As an advanced alien humanoid race, the Hawkavarian' physiology makes them quite superior over the humans and allows them to live a bit longer. Whereas a human's years are on average with 80 years, the life expectancy of an Hawkavarian is about 1000 years, similar to their rivals the Atlanteans, while some can pass that. With the natural long life, Atlanteans pride themselves on their experience, martial prowess, and superior intellect. Hawkavarians share many characteristics to humans, but in terms of physiology, thats where the similarities end.

Three more factions announced.
The Britannic Star Dominion
- Britons/Britannians: Unknown to the Hellenic Confederation so far, the Britannic Star Dominion is a constitutional monarchy under the control of the Emperor, Nobility, and Parliament. The Dominion is literally the complete opposite of the Federation in many ways. Power is limited to the control of the Parliament and Nobles, the Emperor and his household are more ceremonial. Though a figurehead to the state, the Emperor is an important figure to his people.(more will be added later)

The Grand Union of Muscovia
- Rossians: Unknown to the Hellenic Confederation so far, the Grand Union of Muscovia is a constitutional monarchy under the control of the Tsar, Nobility, and Duma. Quite similar to the Dominion in a sense, the Grand Union reflects Communist Russia and Tsarist Russia. Like the Dominion, the position of Tsar is more ceremonial. Though a figurehead to the state, the Tsar is an important figure to his people.(more will be added later)

- Cossaks: A free warrior people, fine horsemen and terrible foes, from the steppes of Muscovia's cold regions. They are organised into large hosts, each under the leadership of an ataman, or chief. Within each host, smaller Cossak bands fight as separate units. Traditionally, Cossaks are cavalrymen without peer, as might be expected of a steppe people, but they are equally adept at fighting on foot. They are personally brave, even headstrong, in the presence of enemies, something that can make them too eager to get into the fight.(more will be added later)

Brief Description
Unknown to the Hellenic Confederation so far, the Republic of Atlantea is a Oligarchic Republic under the control of the Matriarch and the High Council. The Republic differs from the Dominion and Federation that even though the Matriarch rules with absolute power, the High Council helps make decisions. The Matriarch can be removed if she falls from grace of her people. Though the Matriarch holds the highest position it is not hereditary(Will explain more of that later). As an advanced alien humanoid race, the Atlanteans' physiology makes them quite superior over the humans and allows them to live a bit longer. Whereas a human's years are on average with 80 years, the life expectancy of an Atlantean is about 1000 years while some can pass that. With the natural long life, Atlanteans pride themselves on their experience and superior intellect. Atlanteans share many characteristics to humans, but in terms of physiology, thats where the similarities end. Since Atlantea is an ocean planet, the Atlanteans can breathe underwater with gill slits on their necks, withstand the pressures of Space and the Ocean.

Atlanteans are blessed with psionic and biotic powers. Even the weakest Atlantean(if there were a such thing as that) is still a tough opponent with these skills. The Atlanteans are militaristic, but not too warlike. They care not in the affairs of others. Prowess is a key part in Atlantean society. Being much stronger as regular humans, granted with accute senses, and intellect, it is in the culture of the Atlanteans to excel. If an Atlantean fails to meet the standards, punishment can be quite severe, even death. Because of such harshness in the Republic, the Atlanteans have a strong bond towards one another. Military service is manditory in the Republic. While in Athenai some orphaned kids are taken as young as seven, in Atlantea, the child is taken as soon as they can walk. They are cared for by the state and upon their third birthday, military training begins.(more will be added later)

The Matriarch, who is considered the most powerful of the Atlanteans, is treated like a goddess by her people, which makes Atlantean politics sort of conflicting. Though she is an absolute ruler, she isnt a monarch, more on the lines of a dictator. The great importance of the Matriarch meant that any threats made against her was a ground for immediate execution. In addition to the Matriarch, there were also representatives from each Republican member planet at the Royal Court. Their main purpose was to vote on matters of importance and to give updates on any political and social conditions of their home planets that may require the Matriarch's attention. The Matriarch had the final say on everything, and her word IS considered law.

Due to the matriarchal society of the Republic, males were often treated as second class citizens. Although most Atlantean males were used mainly for breeding, some held positions of power, although their ability to use it was often limited. Some Atlantean males who felt trapped by their position in society often ran away and forced to take up religous duties. These males were expected to have fanatical loyalty aand were always closely watched. When failing in their duties, they would be put on trial and possibly executed depending on how severe the charge was.

Atlantean History
Little is known about the Atlanteans, as much of their history is shrouded in secrecy. Long before humanity dominated the earth, the Atlanteans were already making a name for themselves. Starting off as a planet governed as a feudal meritocracy, the Atlanteans were soon united under one leader who crowned herself Matriarch and estblished the Republic. As a Republic, the Atlanteans were more of an oligarchic society where there few rules over many with the Matriarch as the head. The title of Matriarch is only given to the greatest female warrior who has proven herself time and time again of her unrivalled prowess and intelligence. Under the command of the Matriarch, the Atlanteans begin to slowly push its way as a galactic power until they stumbled on another species, the Hyperians. Part of an intergalactic alliance, Atlantea and Hyperion(another alien society), began to use their advanced technology to expand rapidly across the stars.

The Atlanteans learned much from their allies and slowly began to prove more dominate while still keeping to the alliance. A powerful Matriarch named Andromeda I ascended to the Atlantean throne and she began to revolutionize the very meaning of being Atlantean. While Earth has stepped into recorded history yet, Andromeda I issued a set of ideas and laws that would change the Republic forever. From the Hyperians, she adopted advanced starfleets, and used her new fleet to prepare for universal domination. Planet after planet, race after race, slowly many of the major powers at that time fell to the Atlanteans. For sixty years did Andromeda I use military force in hopes to conquer the whole universe. Before Andromeda's plans of a unified universe could come to play, she died suddenly. Her successors tried to keep her vision alive but disturbing news would reach them. Their ally(and rival) of Hyperion were attacked by an Insectlike known as the Insectoid Conglomerate. Though the Hyperians fought bravely, they were no match to the numbers of the Insects. The Atlanteans sent little support. Many Hyperians sought refuge in Atlanteans owned planets. After the fall of Hyperion, the Atlanteans sent scavenging teams to recover much of the technology of the Hyperians. With this, the Atlanteans soon became the most powerful race in the universe. Always keeping a watchful eye on their mortal enemies, the Atlanteans used Hyperion technology to increase their own race and dominance. They started developing sophisticated transforming battlebots called CENTAURS, power energy weapons, powered armor, etc.

The Atlanteans believed that other races are inferior to theirs in both culture and in fighting skill. Atlanteans show great pride in their natural intelligence and physical prowess, but after the fate of the Hyperians, they began to keep to themselves yet expand their science and technology potential.

That is all

- Management

Kiana Vayne Oct 8, 2014 @ 7:43am 
Oh, and this is late, but, all hail Ia! (I said that I would say this everytime I see it, and so I shall.)
ExaltedPhoenyx Jul 1, 2014 @ 7:28am 
That Gaming Titan May 27, 2014 @ 5:33pm 
Ia Palmer May 27, 2014 @ 4:54pm 
1st Comment!!
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May 25, 2014