†~We Love Ânîmê ~† υwυ™
†~We Love Ânîmê ~† υwυ™
December 29, 2012
@R+5 Nov 13, 2023 @ 11:07pm
japan gov is trying to kill anime and manga.
have you seen this story? things look grim, but maybe trends can still change.
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Halcyform Nov 21, 2023 @ 11:53am 
Anime will survive. It'll survive because it's very lucrative.

If Japan goes stupid, then someone else will fill the void.
@R+5 Nov 21, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
Originally posted by Halcyform:
Anime will survive. It'll survive because it's very lucrative.

If Japan goes stupid, then someone else will fill the void.

did you watched the video?

according to the video, japanese gov doesnt seem interested in reverting their new idea. the japanese gov, like most govs, do stupid things and is also corrupt (even when they may claim they arent, or "have low corruption"; corruption is a tool of power, so no gov is free from it); most of yakusa groups have a deep control over big corporations, real estate, and therefore influence in gov, so maybe the difference with other countries is that they may have a closer relation and control that helps prevent crimes and conflicts from external non-japanese criminals. anyway, the thing is the gov will do what the gov does, which is anything they believe will help them to increase control, or to change the markets for another goal.

the problem isnt that anime in general "wont survive", but how everything will change if the measures they are trying to push arent modified to allow small companies and individual artists to make enough profit without their new invoice system and requirements.

the reason that there are many more original and interesting stories in anime than in western media, even if also a lot of anime is copy pasta bs, is that is a highly competitive market, that starts from the bottom: with wannabe mangakas trying luck in conventions and contests to get a shot with a big company.

also the quality of japanese voice acting is usually superior to foreign voice overs, because independent artists try to give their best and improve in their art, which is the opposite of many if not most american voice actors for example, because many have a hard-coded cultural prejudice about cartoons as "children media", which to them means "low expectations", therefore lesser and more generic quality is acceptable to them, and those that hire them (because to them, also animations are just another product to trade).

so, anime can die "in essence", because the tropes and stories are tightly related to a mix of traditional japanese perspectives and grievances, and how those relate to modern technologies and chaotic social context frequently induced by globalist mega corporations, and international organised crime. think it a bit like this: if for every 10-20 mediocre or simplistic anime made theres a good one made, which may or not come from a manga that became lucky, the more original or more unique story will be less common, if things go bad, because bad mangas and anime are frequently part of the learning process of new artists and studios: they will usually bet in generic stuff that gets a few sales, until one maybe "hits the jackpot", so later they can fund more ambitious and interesting projects (this also means many mangakas have also done erotic or porn drawings anonymously to get funds, and that can end as option with the new invoice system too).

there is no western made "anime style" that actually feels authentic, because also the cultural biases affect production in other aspects. probably the closest thing to a "(mostly) western made anime" could be the series of "avatar", which still in the end (after the first part ended) began to turn into another generic western cartoon, with typically western animation and narrative flaws. Then, theres also no other asian country that could fill the void: chinese anime narration is terrible, the dialogues are poor or rushed, very bi-dimensional, and in general, good stories (even with the usually poor dialogues) are more rare than in japanese anime because they care more about saturating the market, than increasing quality: they are trying to do with their anime, what they did in the 70s, 80s and 90s with technology and doodads (produce a lot of cheap bs, that is easily forgettable and disposable).

maybe south korea could do a bit of the work, but their cultural differences with japan would also affect the topics and style, and would never be "true anime". even netflix cannot help: all the pro-woke bs they have done, even if the animation style they use is not terrible, only degrades stories or hijacks brands to insert things that should have their own brand (ie the many ways writers degraded castlevania characters into weaker, and less interesting variants, while inserting the "generic strong female" that acts like a grunt, and everyone is ok with it", or the "only females can have smart or intelligent lines", and so on).

if you get what the video implies, and related articles, more people outside japan should become aware to begin thinking how to help both local and foreign artists able to earn money doing anime, and anime related jobs. what can happen is a slow collapse of the anime market, and then an "implosion", reducing not only the amount of anime in general, but also their quality of stories and everything else.

thats why i left the link here, so maybe more people can share the story and try to figure out how to help, even if things "go south".
Last edited by @R+5; Nov 21, 2023 @ 4:03pm
Halcyform Nov 22, 2023 @ 6:15pm 
Yes, I watched the video.

If it matters that much, the Japanese people (and the industry) will push back on it hard enough to make their government listen. If not, they'll go somewhere else. Like China. It won't be the first time Japanese artists have gone in that direction.

As far as quality goes, it is what it is. Degradation seems to be universal these days as the world seems intent on suiciding itself with rampant stupidity.
Halcyform Nov 22, 2023 @ 8:00pm 
After looking into the legal aspects of this, I doubt this is something they'll be able to do anything about unless they can put together some quantifiable data that shows what kind of impact this change will cause to government revenue. Yes, government revenue. If they try to frame it in an industry oriented way, they'll fail.

They'll need to frame their argument in context of what happens if anime takes a huge downturn and the impact it will have on tourism. If tourism takes a hit, this will directly affect the government's coffers.

Absent that, this is probably a done deal. Doubly so since Japan's new prime minister is in bed with the Central Banking system.

Even if they could give a good argument, it probably won't matter anyway. Stuff like this is a good excuse to grow government. Need more drones to keep an eye on all the BS they added. Politicians and bureaucrats don't care. They don't spend their money. They spend everyone else's.
Last edited by Halcyform; Nov 22, 2023 @ 8:10pm
@R+5 Nov 22, 2023 @ 8:57pm 
im not sure the gov actually cares about losing tourism, or reduce one of their main sources for entertainment related products. i will try to "half-explain" that.

if anime begins to implode thanks to going hard against small artists and studios, then also the videogame industry will reduce and the toy-action figure-etc. that much should be obvious to anyone, even the gov.

Im beginning to imagine a little "conspiracy theory":
the gov wants to put the industry on edge, to later force some other thing that may not look related at first glance.

something similar to what happened in the "blue states" in usa: the "woke" corporations and politicians seem to allowed and even encourage the violent protests, the "homeless epidemic", the increase of drug related issues, and so on, to try to reduce the value of land and property as much as possible, so they (only those with enough power and money) could try to buy out the original owners to reshape the cities without resistance.

so, what im trying to imagine is, if the reduction or even collapse of the "anime industry" is intentional, which would be the things they are actually trying to take over? i think in most cases people either pretend to be stupid, or place a "puppet" to play the role of stupid, even when all is part of a design. a well crafted strategy: if the behaviours of masses are usually very predictable, specially those conditioned by one or more ideologies that promote violent reactions and censorship, then also the probable consequences and potential uses for specific crisis scenarios. imo that is more common to what most people like to assume, or hope.

anyway, i hope a technological "loophole" become available to allow people, not only japanese artists, to earn money without having to depend in tight gov control.
Last edited by @R+5; Nov 22, 2023 @ 8:58pm
Halcyform Nov 22, 2023 @ 11:25pm 
What has been, and currently, going on in the West (especially the states) is deliberate.

It's the same tactics from the playbook Lenin (and then Stalin) used from WW1 into WW2 and beyond. Organize the masses, brainwash them into believing that anything the middle class (and above) has was gained from stealing from the "less fortunate" and then use the "useful idiots" to march against their oppressors. Of course, the actual oppressor is the state itself.

For their efforts, the "less fortunate" were made promises that they would get their fair share once everything was reformed and collectivized. With these promises made, harassment and protests turning into roving bands of killers. Once owners of business, farmlands, land, etc were displaced (chased off or killed), the government stepped in and confiscated it all.

While a physical presence of protests and killings are still on the table, you can effectively do the same thing to people and business with technology.

Once the state took over, the useful idiots became literal dark age serfs, were soon forgotten and ground into the dirt while they labored away in forced labor collectives.

It's a disease that is currently attacking the West.
Last edited by Halcyform; Nov 22, 2023 @ 11:30pm
@R+5 Nov 23, 2023 @ 9:16pm 
i agree, in the end socialists always "sugar coat" authoritarianism. who knows how much influence the globalists currently have in japan, because so far they are one of the few countries that have managed to resist the worst aspects of their "cultural occupation (or cultural hijacking)".
Last edited by @R+5; Nov 23, 2023 @ 9:18pm
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