†~We Love Ânîmê ~† υwυ™
†~We Love Ânîmê ~† υwυ™
December 29, 2012
FizzyElf Oct 26, 2023 @ 3:12pm
Breaking a Grail War
So I will preface this with the fact that I don't know a whole lot about Fate (to the point that I thought the non-combat versions of saber people make fanart of were Violet Evergarden for a while.) but I recently tried getting into the series with the Mesopotamian rumble season (dropped it in ~5 episodes) and Fate Infinite Bladeworks' abridged series on youtube (which I did finish) as well as Gigguk's videos a few years back. So I know a tiny bit about the series but nowhere near everything.

My question is: If you were to stop playing fair (which literally everyone apparently does) during a Grail War, could you will you servant into remaining on the field? The Mage the servant is attached to is already bending the laws of reality by summoning and enslaving the servant, said servant can ignore the laws of physics, ignore language and cultural barriers, learn how everything in the world works in a few seconds at worst and the command Spell/Seal can break anything so long as it relates to the servant to the point you could even order them to be another form of servant despite how much of a nerf that might be for the servant.

Given that, could you not command or will them to continue living sort of like what happens with Hercules in Infinite Bladeworks but on a more controlled and effective level? And seeing as you can use servants or generate new ones on the fly could you not just will the servant to possess a new body or have them fuse with you Dragon Ball style, boosting your power and keeping the servant alive? I mean hell if you really want to break the Grail War, get a caster servant and then you can win no matter what so long as you are nice to whoever has the Saber and join them to take down the major apposing force, likely the war's Archer. You can create infinite command seals, repair servants, create infinite respawn zones, corrupt servants and mage's, use the power to boost yourself allowing you and the caster to become a team of what is effectively two servants and so long as the Saber plays nice or is eventually corrupted nothing would be able to permanently kill either of you as you can just will or magic your way through and inconvenient mortal wounds plus you would never run out of command seals so you can abuse those as well to avoid deaths or boost the servant's power during fights.

This^ is just a theory based on my limited knowledge of the series though so perhaps there is some capable of stopping you from doing this (unless you have a caster or some kind of special item/ability of course).