SuperDrunk $uperDrunk
SuperDrunk $uperDrunk
November 28, 2017
ABOUT SuperDrunk

No information given.
DreamyHour Dec 12, 2017 @ 7:41am 
Aaa juste
NotSparks_ Dec 4, 2017 @ 9:28am 
Vote me 2022 please. Thanks kids.
NotSparks_ Dec 4, 2017 @ 9:24am 
Imagine this:

You finally meet the woman of your dreams only to have her fall in love with you. You avoid pissing her off for years and change who you are so that she'll stay. You knock her up and then have to put up with her getting fat, and mean, and extra emotional, but hey - it's okay man! You're passing on your genetic material! You're fulfilling life's only objective purpose!
NotSparks_ Dec 4, 2017 @ 9:23am 
You spend the next decade taking care of a little psychopathic turd that ruined your wife's vagina. You work tirelessly to support it, believing that one day it will all be worth it. You throw a hundred thousand dollars at countless hours at raising it, but fuck all that; it is progeny.

Then - as you come to the end of the second decade - it just stalls out. It stops growing vertically and starts growing horizontally. It stops growing as a person, too. It lacks any and all motivation that isn't directly related to eating sugary garbage. It doesn't get a job; it doesn't get a degree; it doesn't get a girlfriend. It only gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

NotSparks_ Dec 4, 2017 @ 9:23am 
Another decade passes and there is now a certified ham beast living in your home. It eats your food and it uses your electricity to power it's trip-display gaming station. It smells like shit. It looks like shit. It contributes nothing at all to your life, except for a profound sense of failure. This is all your sperm can produce? An evolutionary dead-end that has a zero percent chance of carrying on the legacy that you struggled so hard to perpetuate?

Occasionally, it comes waddling into the living room as you and your wife try desperately to escape from your existential dread into the bright colours of the television set. You don't look at it. You don't talk to it. You just ignore it, hoping that it will soon disappear, back into the abyss from whence it came.

This is the story of Luna, he's not like the others, he's a dumb cunt.
Clem Fandango Dec 4, 2017 @ 9:15am 
Kurt Peep Cobain 2017
Kony 2020
Both Names Start With K
Coincidence I think Not
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November 28, 2017