Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
8 januari 2013
Alle discussies > Bug Reports > Details van topic
Continuing calling registry entry
I discovered via "Process Monitor" that since steam is starting, the "svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch" process is constatnly trying to access "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses". Closing Steam will stop it immediately. Reinstalling steam didnt solved the problem.
Since a lot of people have an SSD it will defently decrease its lifetime.

win 7 x64

EDIT: After messing around the problem appears now since steam is logged in.
Laatst bewerkt door Nucu; 17 nov 2013 om 11:04
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This is present in the release channel now. It's always HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{ec87f1e3-c13b-4100-b5f7-8b84d54260cb}\ and below. It queries the registry dozens of times per second, stopping the minute the Steam client is closed down. Win7 x64 here too; my procmon output looks just like the original post.
Same here. With Steam not running, the amount of entries for DcomLaunch per minute are about 7000. Start Steam and the number climbs to 63000 entries per minutes. That's a nine-fold increase. In my case, the polling is done to all of the entries corresponding to Xbox input devices (receiver, controllers and play & charge kit).
Laatst bewerkt door uKER; 28 sep 2014 om 2:40
Just now found this thread. I'm noticing this same issue on the release as well. Did anyone come up with a work around that didn't involve closing steam?

I'm guessing its supposed to be the Xbox controller myself. The VID 046d & PID C21E supposedly belong to it. Also appears to belong to logitech f510 controller as well (logitech apparantly makes both?) /shrug.

They probably put it in there for wireless controllers as they seem to have a constant need to validate their existence. I imagine the battery life will go to ♥♥♥♥ if this is the case though.

Edit: This has been going on for some time apparently:
Laatst bewerkt door thelazyjaguar; 25 jan 2015 om 8:32
Thanks for the link, lazyjaguar. Looks like ultramage tracked it down to the Xbox 360 controller and SDL2.dll. The hack to temporarily stop the registry access spam is to:

1. Load up Process Explorer (from SysInternals).
2. Find the steam.exe process, right-click, and select Properties.
3. Switch to the Threads tab.
4. Find the thread with a name starting like "SDL2.dll!SDL_DYNAPI", select it, and press the Suspend button down below.

This only work until you restart Steam, though; I'm not sure how you would fix this permanently.

ultramage said suspending the SDL2.dll thread seemed to have no ill effects, though I support anything to so with Big Picture or a game controller might conceivably be affected.
Awesome, thanks for the reply. Fortunately I don't really use Big picture, so I should be okay.

Edit: I guess I didn't read that thread carefully enough or else I would have had my answer, lol
Laatst bewerkt door thelazyjaguar; 26 jan 2015 om 14:58
Thanks for that information. I hope there will be a solution soon.
I'm now on Windows 10 and the problem is still there.
Laatst bewerkt door uKER; 13 jun 2015 om 9:55
Go back and resume the thread that you suspended and you can shut it down then
the probleme still exist !

edit: screenshot here
Laatst bewerkt door eucalyptux; 12 nov 2015 om 17:16
same here
in steam client
Built apr 29 2016 api v017
package 1461972496 w7 x64
We're aware of the issue, but just so you know, the Windows registry is cached in memory. This query (which is caused by the official DirectInput APIs to detect new game pads) is always for the same key, and it has no measurable effect on system performance or disk reads/writes. The only annoyance is that it clogs up the display of any tools that are looking for registry access.
First of all, I thank you in the name of everyone here, for taking the time to reply.

Now, there must be some event to which the application can subscribe instead of continously polling the registry.
Games do realize when controllers are added, yet the Steam client is the only thing I've seen hammering the registry like that.

You knowing about the issue and it still being there means it's been disregarded as not worth fixing?
Laatst bewerkt door uKER; 9 jun 2016 om 18:18
I tried everything , (windows updates, steam configuration changes, drivers...) and other things i've read in other posts.

The problem for me was overclocking (disable it and try).

The post is old, but I bet someone will fall in the same hole.
Unbelievably, after years of hammering the registry, they just deployed an update that fixes this.
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Alle discussies > Bug Reports > Details van topic
Geplaatst op: 9 nov 2013 om 4:04
Aantal berichten: 15