Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
May 23, 2016
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Special K - v 0.10.3 - [HDR stuff probably]
Yeah you have the whole shader toolset and then the texture system in addition to the settings for D3D11 and DXGI plus however SpecialK hooks into DXGI, D3D11 and potentially how things then interact with the DGVoodoo wrapper and whatever the display driver is trying to do.

Display driver is probably pretty complicated since it might be trying to apply a compatibility profile or specific workarounds based on the name or Steam ID but now the API is different and I have no idea how AMD's D3D7 or D3D8 support is particularly in the newer drivers.

Any existing issues whether from the drivers or the program itself or these third party tools like SpecialK or DGVoodoo could work reasonable but added together there's just this chance it all sort of blows up.

Kaldaien would probably have to replicate the issue on his end for any in-depth information and if there's something SpecialK is doing but if there's a existing driver issue either with some newer version of dgvoodoo2 and what that changed or with the older D3D API's themselves that might be trickier to resolve.

Sounds like some of the usual suggestions for dgvoodoo2 also don't fix a few of these issues like incorrect texture rendering or the black screen start up problem.

Sometimes the OS itself also changes things but the current insider update to 19041 or 19042 if opted into that and build .421 for the cumulative updates only has a newer D3D9 .dll file so nothing for the older ones or for D3D11 or DXGI which goes back to the release build for these versions of the OS or one of the earliest cumulative updates before it hit general release status.

Seems Google has a blocker currently on the website ("Harmful content." Right.) but I can see the forums at least and there are some AMD issues with 2.55+ (WIP60 something currently.) although it seems 2.54 should work.

Not much but it does confirm some display driver issue or vendor specific issues at least.

EDIT: There's also a debug version but whether it'll log anything useful or if it's primarily a display driver side problem or not might change how useful the resulting logs would be.

A lot of "Warning" or the full "Error" entries would point to something going wrong though.

EDIT: Oh wrapping to D3D12 now even, I'm quite behind on the progress of this program then.

Well I can't see the changelog due to Google placing a warning malicious content stopper on the website either but that's interesting to see.

But for now that's primarily updates for the older Voodoo Glide API not D3D8

Or 8.1 little as I can actually find on it but I suppose it's similar to D3D9L/D3D9E/D3D9Ex info also being more limited or what to compare with.

EDIT: Ah and from that topic more confirmed AMD issues plus confirmation for existing ongoing ones outside of this development build or D3D12 wrapping.

AMD GPU? 😁 Will test again!

EDIT: I can confirm the (totally) black screen after the logo image (game is running, audio is perfect).

Weird. I hope it's not AMD again because then we have the same problem as with DX11...
I'd probably use the latest version of DGVoodoo2, wrap to DX11 and use SpecialK as D3D11.dll possibly also utilize DGVCP or what it's called err the DG Voodoo control panel for setting up configuration options.

Wrapping to DirectX 11 should be better and for SpecialK it's about injecting it later in the process thus it gets to be D3D11 not DXGI and not any D3D8 or D3D9 files it might also work via SKIM/SKIF but if it injects early it loads before or mid dgVoodoo doing it's wrapping and that's what this tries to avoid.

Testing wise I'd have little to no overrides available to begin with for SpecialK and leaving the OS to manage the window so borderless or window over exclusive full-screen display first.

SpecialK's dgVoodoo integration was back when the program was doing D3D8 to D3D9 and SpecialK had limited D3D8 and DDraw I think support for hooking up specifically through dgVoodoo and D3D9 as the final process.

I only ever tried this in Trails in the Sky / ED6 after the first few patches added (And then improved and then stabilized) a D3D9 implementation as until after a few more updates D3D8 was still recommended for these games.

It didn't work at all, game crashed on start so I'd either have to use SpecialK and D3D9 with some graphical glitches (Which were fixed later on through later game patches.) or dgVoodoo2 and wrapping D3D8 to D3D9 without SK, later on I also tested D3D11 which worked fine but by then I didn't use SpecialK for these games so I didn't get to try that chain of software and API wrangling ha ha.

(I believe the simpler ReShade D3D8->D3D9 wrapper also worked but it's less configurable and it's to D3D9 only, not sure if it's even updated much at all lately either.)

EDIT: Hmm for the current GPU and drivers it'd probably be a double wrap at that, D3D8 to D3D11 and then D3D11 to Vulkan through DXVK as a extra element.

It just works better or at least in most cases that I've had the chance to try so far.
Newer Vulkan compatible driver code from 1.2.139 to 1.2.145 - .148 and the current compiled builds would be even better but so far it's not happening.

AMD's at 1.2.139 and NVIDIA is at 1.2.133 (.148 on the development Vulkan drivers but a older overall driver code branch pre 451.48 somewhere I think it was?)
Originally posted by Aemony:
The group is already transferred to me (although that was made automatically and not intended), what's another thing? :conwayshrug:

The ban is a bit weird though, as based on Kal's previous messages Steam's support (or whomever he was in contact with) was aware of it and fine with his use of his second account to provide support in the Special K forums as long as he kept away from the other public forums on said account.

It is a bit weird, I'll be honest, to see a ban stretch even within discussion boards that technically he is the moderator/owner off to begin with. From the looks of things, Valve needs to add a separate ban level that basically only affects public discussion boards not related to the discussion boards that the account is a moderator/officer of.

Wasn't that the problem due to how Kaldaien does switch between both of those accounts during discussions not just here or the SpecialK app forums but also the various community ones?

Actually considering the whole ordeal for logging in, app authentication via mobile and validation and signing in to me at least it's pretty surprising how we was able to do discussions through both accounts shifting back and forth like that.

(And a page or two back to have a example of this.)

EDIT: Now that's a curious reject reason, guess you'd need some nondescript sample D3D app with no tie ins at all for video and screenshot materials unlike showcasing FF15 and what not from the various community screenshots and examples.

The API stuff is to me at least new though, some of it I assumed would have to be changed but during the phase where the application was submitted initially not now when it's release readied.
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