Rise Trading Rise Trading
Rise Trading Rise Trading
October 25, 2018
United States 
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Blizzard Dec 1, 2018 @ 12:02am
Server Commands
There are commands on the server which can help enhance your trading experience; they will be discussed below. Also, VIP’s gain additional commands which can assist them in various ways.

Here are some useful commands
  • !help – Displays all server text commands and what they do.
  • !vip – Opens VIP menu where you can select text-chat color and set custom tags if you are VIP or if not view the available perks of VIP.
  • !sk <player> – Switches knifes with that user (sends them a switchknife request).
  • !sw <player> – Switches weapons with that user (sends them a switchweapon request).
  • !sp <player> – Switches pistols with that user (sends them a switchpistol request).
  • !sk, !sw, !sp – Opens up a menu with all the players on the server to send a request to them (useful for sending requests to players with different fonts in their name).
  • !rk – Gives player their knife back (stands for reset knife).
  • !guns – This brings up a menu where you can select what guns you want to equip.
  • !teleport(s), !tps – This brings up a menu where you can choose where to teleport to.
  • !A-T – Allows players to teleport outside of a specific trade room.
  • !arena, !surf, !bhop, !knife, etc. – These commands will teleport you to the respected area, for example !bhop will take you to the bhop course.
  • !invite <player> – Sends an invite request for a specified player to teleport to you.
  • !request <player> – Sends an request to a specified player to teleport to them.
  • !invite, !request – Opens up a menu with all the players on the server to send a request to them.
  • /pmon – Enables private messaging (PM has to be enabled by both people in order to use it).
  • /pm <#player> <message> – Sends a private message to a specified player on the server.
  • !convert <currency> <amount> <currency> – Converts a price number from one currency to another.
  • !currencylist – Displays 35 different currencies that you are supported in the currency converter plugin.
  • !calc <math equation> – Can parse complex mathematical expressions.
  • !tags – Opens the tag menu and shows you your allowed tags.
  • !store – Opens the store.
  • !credits – Displays your # of credits that you have available to use in !store.
  • !inv – Allows player to see what items they own from !store.
  • !comms – Allows the player to see if he/she received a mute/gag and for how long.
  • /chat <message> – Sends a private message to the admins who are currently on the server.
  • !tp – Puts the user in third person view mode.
  • !mirror – Allows the user to see what they look like from other player's perspectives (useful for inspecting cosmetics that you equip from !store).

Here are some useful VIP ONLY commands!
  • !viproom – Teleports to VIP skybox with 4 seperate voice channel rooms.
  • !420 – Teleports to secret room hidden on the map.

  • !kzskip1 – Skips first kz pillar.
  • !kzskip2 – Skips kz's bhop section.
  • !kzskipend – Skips to the end of kz.

  • !surfskip1 – Skips first level of surf.
  • !surfskip2 – Skips second level of surf.
  • !surfskip3 – Skips third level of surf.
  • !surfskip4 – Skips fourth level of surf.
  • !surfskip5 – Skips fifth level of surf.
  • !surfend – Skips end of the surf.

  • !bhopskip1 – Skips first level of bhop.
  • !bhopskip2 – Skips second level of bhop.
  • !bhopskip3 – Skips third level of bhop.
  • !bhopskip4 – Skips fourth level of bhop.
  • !bhopskip5 – Skips fifth level of bhop.
  • !bhopend – Skips end of bhop.
Last edited by Blizzard; Dec 15, 2019 @ 3:07pm