Logical Gaming Community LGCTTT
Logical Gaming Community LGCTTT
December 19, 2013
ABOUT Logical Gaming Community

Owner: Rush. Co-Owner: Alabama. Head-Admin: Killjoy

We game logically. Need any other reason why to join?

Like Our Server? SHOW SUPPORT :D PUT [LGC]

Community Rules.
1. Do Not Disrespect Staff/Players, if you disrespect players you will be gagged/kicked/banned. Zero tolerance.
2. Do Not Troll Threads 
3. If You Are Banned and believe you shouldn't of been, contact Rush or Alabama and calmly state your question.

In-Game Rules. 
1. Do Not Rdm/freeshot for any reason. Any damage commited to a person is seen as an attempt to kill them.
2. Obey staff rules.
3. If You Believe Staff Are Abusing ADD [LGC] Rush, or [LGC] Alabama
4. Do Not Troll or use voice changers, you will be gagged/kicked/banned
5. If You Are Under The Age Of 12 You Are Mic Restricted. 
6. DON'T CAMP/ CLAIM ROOMS, you cannot kill people people for entering a room other than the traitor room. (void if overtime)
7.Do no enter and stay in a traitor room if you are innocent, allowing innocents into the traitor room for any reason other than to kill them is slayable.(staffs discretion)
8.Innocents using traitor weapons(jihad/c4) to kill other innocents will be slain for the number of innocents they kill.
9.Do not jet pack abuse to fly off a collapsing building that would otherwise kill you.
10.Do not false kos, if the person you kos is killed the slay is on you, if you repeatedly false kos you will be treated as if you are mass rdming.
11.Using the map to harm/kill anyone is rdm (axe on rooftops, breaking bridges, activating traps, sesaw, swings.....and any other kind of prop/map kill)
12. Breaking the traitor tester once the round starts is kos on any map.
13. Camping traitor room for over 2 minutes will result in a slay or tp to a new location(leaving t room for more than 10 seconds resets countdown)
14. Staff have final say.
15. Ghosting is bannable, this is your one and only warning
16. Throwing discombobs is not kosable, unless you are on a map where people can fall very easily.
17. Saying (Insert name) may be a traitor, or “i think (Insert name) is a traitor is a form of kos. Meantioning traitor when talking about them can cause people to kill them thinking you said they were a traitor.
18. Constantly giving out false suspicion can result in a gag/mute/slay.
19. Enjoy yourself, but not at the cost of others.
20. Admins messing around with each other is allowed and NOT KOSable.
(At admins discretion)
Hogun Nov 8, 2014 @ 6:47pm 
what happend to the server
Kusoikore Aug 23, 2014 @ 8:04pm 
hello i have been baned on logical community... i would like the reason, i stopped playing for alot of months...
808 nightmares Aug 10, 2014 @ 11:33pm 
As the new coco owner I hereby associate this group with neko girls.
TheVaccCheerio Aug 5, 2014 @ 3:38pm 
Im a Kat
Black Donald Jan 31, 2014 @ 7:15pm 
Ozymandias Jan 8, 2014 @ 5:38pm 
Enter chat room
December 19, 2013