CSGOMatchMakingPetition MMPetition
CSGOMatchMakingPetition MMPetition
June 2, 2015
ABOUT CSGOMatchMakingPetition

CS GO Matchmaking Petition

Dear Valve,

We as a community are fed up with the lack of integrity that the matchmaking system you have put in place currently has. What the members of this group want to see, is an effort to thwart the plethora of corruption that is currently turning matchmaking into nothing short of a joke. The suggested actions below would instantly improve the purity of matchmaking with little effort whatsoever on your behalf. Improving the integrity of the game should be very important to you, if not THE most important thing. Please put these changes on the top of your list, and not on the back-burner behind updating cobblestone again. Not only will the community greatly appreciate these changes, but you may just win over some players that have lost any faith left in Valve to respond to the community regarding issues such as this.

Change #1 - Make an option available to veteran players that will ONLY match them with other players that are also veterans (or at least do not have a "new" account). This could be based on number of Matchmaking wins or time played, or any other number of measures.

Change #2 - Make the option available to ONLY match players that have no VAC bans on record at any point.

The reality here is simple. For players that have not cheated and proven that over at a certain amount of wins or time played, then they can play with others that have that same proof. This reduces the odds of someone buying a new account to cheat on because they do not care if it gets banned. Matching someone who just created their account with someone who has a non-cheating track record is just asking for cheaters to play with non-cheaters. Making this an 'option' doesn't mean that anyone has to use the filter, but merely allows for a veteran to feel more confident that the match will not involve a cheater. You do a similar thing with the Overwatch system by not allowing players with less than 150 wins to determine if someone is cheating, so why not implement the same standards into Matchmaking?

The bottom line is... fix the damn rampant cheating in matchmaking.

Thank you (or screw you, depending on how you respond).

The CS GO Community
Update to the group overview.
[Q] WWG1WGA Jun 10, 2015 @ 3:42am 
Valve already only allows players with 150+ wins to review tickets in the Overwatch system. Does that cut the game in half? No. Valve only wants experienced players to judge those. So the real question is; why can't a similar requirement be implemented into the MM games themselves? It can, and in my opinion, should.
[Q] WWG1WGA Jun 10, 2015 @ 3:42am 
@Cypher We're not suggesting to only allow people with 5 year coins to be able to play MM. We are saying that people should have the "option" of playing with other people that also either have 5 year coins or some sort of proof of legitimacy. It be time played, amount of wins, age of Steam account, etc., or a combo of such. Certainly Valve can look at what most VAC-Banned players have it common, and determine the requirements from there.

New players can still play. They just won't get matched up against other players that don't wish to play with people on new accounts/low experience/etc. If you have a 10 year old account and still wish to play with anyone (including those with new accounts), then you would simply not select the option and it would treat the matching as it does today. Adding an option for veterans to play together shouldn't hurt the game at all. If anything, it may just help veteran players feel more confident in the MM system.
a gun Jun 9, 2015 @ 5:58am 
@cypher -read some of the discussions surrounding this debate
Hyped Jun 8, 2015 @ 9:19pm 
This is fucking stupid, Let's make it so only people with 5 year coins can play, That's so smart xD That would cut the game in half there would be maybe like 500 people able to play at 1 time
a gun Jun 5, 2015 @ 6:29am 
Almost 100 members!
crs Jun 4, 2015 @ 2:30pm 
ScreaM supports this group my friend!
Enter chat room
June 2, 2015