Company Of Heroes 2- lets f@%king play already COH2- LFPA
Company Of Heroes 2- lets f@%king play already COH2- LFPA
9 juli 2013
OVER Company Of Heroes 2- lets f@%king play already

Let's play already, meet new players and cure the stupidity of matchmaking in COH2

Geen informatie gegeven.
MVP of the week
  • MVP status will be assigned according to the games the group plays together

  • The moderator or I will take screenshots of all the scores of games we play and figure out the MVP using some very technical math skillz

  • We encourage our group members to take screenshots of the score of games they play with group members if a moderator isn't around to bear witness

  • Players outside of the group earning MVP status will be invited, if they don't join, a runner up will be announced

  • Play hard, have fun and don't rage-quit life \ (•◡•) /

Company of Heroes 2: Weekend Multiplayer Meetup 7/13
7 opmerkingen
RealTimeHuey 11 jul 2013 om 9:49 
German rifle VS Allied brick
RealTimeHuey 9 jul 2013 om 23:46 
RealTimeHuey 9 jul 2013 om 22:51 
No doubt someone from this group will be on and playing when you finally find the time, just pop in the group chat and see. That's the best way to find players.
Saren 9 jul 2013 om 10:28 
Alrighty then , I've been extremely busy lately due to work so i'll try to pinch in time
RealTimeHuey 9 jul 2013 om 10:04 
Just message me anytime you want to play, and I'll see if I have teh time.
Saren 9 jul 2013 om 5:15 
Well if you put it like that then hell I'll play haha