6e Young Guards 6eYG
6e Young Guards 6eYG
2012 年 7 月 3 日
关于 6e Young Guards

Welcome to the 6e Young Guard Steam Group Profile!

Basic Information:

We are a line infantry regiment that is part of the 6e Brigade. We fight using standard infantry muskets with bayonets and form lines when in line battles. We are the backbone of the of any napoleonic army.

If you are interested in joining, please add an officer from the members list or join our teamspeak channel.

TeamSpeak IP Address -
Name Format - 6eYG_(rank abbreviation)_(name)

Training and Events Information:

In training, recruits will learn how to form infantry lines, firing drills,, and some basic formations. Everyone is expected to be mature and to be disciplined.

Our default schedule consists of training on Fridays and events on weekends as well as the odd mid-week event. For more information please check out our calendar.

Regiment Roster:

Majors (Maj) - Firecard

Captains (Cpt) - None

Lieutenants (Lt) - VanHalen, Niko, Brown

Sergeants (Sgt) - Razz, Discorsi, Honeydew

Corporals (Cpl) - Frag CJ , IIan, Ingush, RobertMann

Guards (Grd) - Bakesar, Chris, Abdulla, Condorian, Yami

Veterans (Vet) - Tobster, Dimble, Jacob

Regulars (Rgl) - Dean, Manfred, PeteJono, Wonka, Fenton, Jub, Marriot, Pete , Jublication, Prisoner of War

Recruits (Rct) - Shogun, Higgy, Jack, Flint

Regiment Additional Information:

Raised from the ranks of the Imperial Guard, the Young Guard contains the creme de la creme of the new recruits. They inspire surrounding units, encouraging them to fight on in the hope of one day joining the Guard themselves. Unfailing discipline means these men have excellent accuracy and their reload times are exceptionally good. Their only real vulnerabilities are artillery fire and sniping from skirmishers.

Historically, the Young Guard attracted a number of ambitious young soldiers looking to make a name in battle. One such gentleman was Adolphe Edouard Casimir Joseph Mortier, who joined the army in 1791 as a sub-lieutenant. He took part in a number of key battles during the Revolutionary War, leading Napoleon to place his name high on his first list of Marshals in 1804. Mortimer was a huge man, greatly respected by his troops, a fact that proved vital during battles in the Peninsular War, but helped him little at Waterloo when he was unable to join the battle due to severe sciatica. He eventually met his end in 1835 when he and eleven other men were killed by a bomb that was intended for the restored King Louis-Philippe

6e Brigade Thread[]
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84 条留言
ThePsychomanX 2023 年 1 月 9 日 上午 11:40 
We have lol
84th | Razz [HPC] 2023 年 1 月 9 日 上午 11:22 
Happy new year :) Seems we've been doing proper work on this comment section @VanHalen, since 2017 lol
ThePsychomanX 2023 年 1 月 8 日 下午 3:44 
Hope everyone had a happy new year and a merry Christmas :)
84th | Razz [HPC] 2021 年 12 月 24 日 上午 10:08 
Merry christmas everyone!
ThePsychomanX 2021 年 12 月 24 日 上午 7:30 
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year !
ThePsychomanX 2020 年 12 月 24 日 下午 6:20 
Hopefully that'll be awesome
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2012 年 7 月 3 日