Wombat Trap 'bat Trap
Wombat Trap 'bat Trap
29. november 2019
United States 
OM Wombat Trap

You're legal, right?

Glad we got that out of the way. Welcome to the 'bat Trap!

No seriously. If you're not eighteen, git. This club's for majors, not minors.

Now I can't make you go away, so if you decide to stay, well have fun you feckless rebel.

I'm a wombat, and I spend my off-days playing adult-games like a loser-neckbeard. Except I detest neckbeads, n' I don't have one. I do have a head-beard though. It's very curly.

But you wouldn't know that, because I straighten it.

I play and review "adult" games unironically. I form strong opinions towards the games I play, but I try to maintain a certain objectivity in my reviews. I aim for a conversational tone in my content, at the expense of conciseness.

My reviews may come off as harsh or critical, but know that I want you (the developers) to improve.

Hey, you like erotic reviews?
Official Soul Exchange[]
Official Website[]
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Small Updates
If you're interested in reaching out directly to me or seeing content that's not ready but I share anyways, I strongly recommend joining my Discord.

Or if you want to see wombat's degenerate server talk about poop cubes and and gay sh1t this is your place too.

Here's an invite!

Invites are time sensitive.

Upcoming Articles
I'm pretty close to publishing my next article! I'm currently trialing sex toys with bluetooth connectivity as content, but I'm experiencing growing pains. . . the more I play with toys, the more I want to discuss which I think is relevant for reviews.

For example, what happens if you lose a part? Can you buy another? How loud is this thing? Can you actually use the thing during toy-enabled games?

You know, the important questions!

And well, photography is kind of a bitch. Every time I think I'm done taking photos I realize I need a few more!

Updating Mods
I've been updating a lot of mods recently. I didn't realize how popular a lot of them are! I'm working my way through them and getting back up to date, and adding new content. Now that I have a studio, I'm able to put in more work into my, well uh work.

I am currently updating my PC with all of my old files and reinstalling software, so there's some mods I haven't gotten around to. Since I made my studio, I moved onto my bigger PC to head my operations. Unfortunately, most of my files exist on another.

Video Content
Nothing much to say here, I've been tweaking a lot of software and hardware to prepare for recording. I've worked out a lot of kinks in the past week in recording. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I was recording at 360p!

Wombat records at 3K now B)

Anyways, that's all, time to get back to taking pictures!

Updates and Nonsense
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Wombat Trap anmeldelser
"Here at the Wombat Trap, your host (DatWombat) slaves away reviewing adult-games left-n'-right."
Her er et par af de seneste anmeldelser fra Wombat Trap
63 kommentarer
Satn Jr 11. juni kl. 17:20 
Used to follow when they were Sad. Out.
Ixhorb 13. dec. 2023 kl. 3:11 
♡Your_Bitch♡ 16. nov. 2023 kl. 18:34 
Feel free to add me~
Award for Award~
Rate for Rate~
Bagels 8. okt. 2022 kl. 19:07 
By the grace of God go forth and review the damned!
DopeJunkii 12. mar. 2022 kl. 18:58 
I can't wait for more reviews, they've been good so far!
DatWombat 19. feb. 2022 kl. 13:56 
But I've still been writing! Just not. . . publicly. While writing a 3000+ word article on a FTP game, I realized my writing isn't at a level I'd like it to be. In the past month, I've been re-evaluating my writing abilities and researching essay-style content. Additionally, I've been doing some work on my site.
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29. november 2019
United States