Downloads stuck at 99%
I am having a lot of difficulty completing downloads from Steam servers. I have downloaded three games in the last two week and all get stuck at 99% and take 3-4 days to complete the download. I see that there are hundreds of other users having the same issue. I have changed the region (San Diego, Japan, Sacramento, and Canada - Toranto), renaming and deleting the clientregistry.blob file, restarting and stopping the download, plugging directly into the modem over riding the router, configured all required ports on the router, and ran a repair on the steam installation, disabling the firewall completely, checked for any background applications that are on the problem list, coultless reboots, virus scan for any issues, registry defrag, and have tried launching steam with the -tcp trigger.

Nothing works and I am not seeing any other things to try in the forums. Please help.

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Are you downloading with your Steam Client? Or through SteamCMD? If your are attempting the former, I suggest you download via SteamCMD. See my Contagion Guide which details that process and is the same for all SRCDS's. Just use your game's APPID.
Thank you for the suggestion. I have been using client. I just tried SteamCMD and get to 74.02% and get the message "Error! App '50650' state is 0x402 after update job." I tried downloading three times seperate times and it always stops in the exact same spot with the same error.
Ultima modifica da DojaKing805; 25 giu 2014, ore 19:24
I just tried to run update again and it's now printing:
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)

It will not go past 74.02% then errors out with state 0x402 again.
Ultima modifica da DojaKing805; 25 giu 2014, ore 19:23
Couple things:

(Forgive me if I am wrong) Isn't 50650 the Darksiders 2 game files?
If the above is true, use your steam client to download those files, not SteamCMD.

You have enough HD Space?
Are you installing Darkside 2 IN the same folder as SteamCMD?

See this[]
and this[]

Post your SteamCMD commands:
login anonymous force_install_dir C:\DS2DS app_update 50650 validate

Also verify that the directory you are installing to exists and is commanded correctly in SteamCMD.

Try reinstalling SteamCMD and then installing the files in any folder except the SteamCMD folder.
Ultima modifica da Knappy; 25 giu 2014, ore 19:39
50650 is Darksiders II. I wish I could use my Steam Client to download the files. It's been stuck at 99% since yesterday morning.

Here are my commands I am running:

login username password
force_install_dir D:\DSIITEST
app_update 50560 validate

Gets to the 74.02% and give me the following:

App state (0x300502) downloading, progress: 74.02 (5466890052 / 7385995795)
Error! App '50650' state is 0x402 after update job.

I have 686.5GB free on the drive so there is not an issue there.

SteamCMS is installed at C:\SteamCMD and is not the same directory I am sending my file download. The files are downloadig and I see a sizable amount in the target directory. It just never gets past 74.02%
I just bought Far Cry 2 and New Vegas. Both games are doing the same thing. My download runs very quickly to 99%. I often get a full 10Mbp/s until the last percent. Is there any solution to this? I have 4 games that are all stuck at 99%. One has been stuck for 4 days now. I leave the computer on all day and night with no progress. Darksiders finally completed, but it's been sownloading since Sunday morning. There HAS to be a solution for this. Why are there so many people who have this problem and no viable way to get what we have paid for? Who can I contact? Please help!
Ultima modifica da DojaKing805; 26 giu 2014, ore 22:29
Messaggio originale di freqparagon:
Here are my commands I am running:

login username password
force_install_dir D:\DSIITEST
app_update 50560 validate

I assume the 50560 was a typo here?

There is a solution, we just need to find it. You're not going to like this but:

Steam Client:
- Cease all download operations in Steam.
- Delete Local Content for the games in question
- For all the other games that work copy their folder to a temp folder so you don't have to re-download the files
- Exit Steam and completely uninstall Steam Client
- Clean your registry (CCleaner[] or what you prefer)
- Reboot the PC (not required but just a precaution)
- Reinstall Steam Client
- Attempt to download just the files for Darksiders II

- Re-install SteamCMD to a different location than before
- Attempt to obtain the files via SteamCMD (or Steam Client)

I know this seems drastic but it has solved many issues before.

Post your findings.
Ultima modifica da Knappy; 26 giu 2014, ore 22:38
That was a typo. I was able to get Darksiders. It just took 5 days to download. I am willing to try whatever I can. This is beyond frustrating. I am an IT professional, so I understand the "drastic measures." I was avoiding unistalling steam because of my content and saved games. I lost several of them once before, but am willing to try anything to fix this rediculous problem. I'll give you an update soon. Thanks for the help!
Ultima modifica da DojaKing805; 26 giu 2014, ore 22:45
Good luck with this/ Ive been waiting 2 years for a responce from steam on this issue. They just keep closing my tickets without any reply. I even asked if I could swap l4d2 for another responce. I hate steam and will never again use them. Most of my games do update withouit issue though. The support does not exist at all.
Any other industry with such bad support would incur penalties. For dome reason Steam gets away with it. The take your money and leave you hanging. It is illegal what they do but nothing happens.
I hear you. Steam doesn't really give a crap. I just bought a XboxOne and said screw steam. Everytime you buy a game, you gamble if it's going to work or not.

The download issues were beyond maddening. Basically, thank for stealing my money and never responding with any answer execpt "Try posting in a different forum..."
Ultima modifica da DojaKing805; 7 feb 2015, ore 21:07
Also, I want to comment on my June 2014 post. The reinstallation of Windows did absolutly nothing. Just wasted hours of time to have the same result and still can't download several games.
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Data di pubblicazione: 24 giu 2014, ore 22:31
Messaggi: 12