Qwerty Drive Oct 15, 2016 @ 5:50am
Failed to add firewall exception for steamwebhelper.exe
I started getting this Error today in windows event viewer. But the only way i can seem to stop it is forcing steam to run in administator mode

Failed to add firewall exception for E:\Steam\bin\steamwebhelper.exe

Last edited by Qwerty Drive; Oct 15, 2016 @ 7:05am
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Showing 1-15 of 103 comments
Capitan Furia Oct 15, 2016 @ 6:32am 
Same problem, I realized this on Thursday, after the client upgrade, he began recording this error Event Viewer.

In fact, I format my PC thinking it was a stranger to STEAM but continuous error.
Qwerty Drive Oct 15, 2016 @ 7:34am 
Originally posted by Capitan Furia:
Same problem, I realized this on Thursday, after the client upgrade, he began recording this error Event Viewer.

In fact, I format my PC thinking it was a stranger to STEAM but continuous error.
Even if i disable windows firewall the error is still there..
Dy'Naer Oct 15, 2016 @ 8:27am 
As a temporary workaround ; copy the one located there :

"insert correct path"\Steam\bin\cef\cef.winxp\


"insert correct path"\Steam\bin\

i hope Valve will fix this issue, it's annoying.

actually the steamwebhelper.exe is used, but it's located in the first directory i mentionned (if you don't trust me open the task manager and select one of steamwebhelper.exe process)

however for some reasons the client want to add a firewall exception for a file which is no more there (second path) .

The issue is not from any user configuation (i think) , since i tried aswell on a PC which never have Steam installed before.

i suspect an issue with the last update too.

this is just to avoid the event log errors & having a valid firewall rule which is cleared if you run a tool such as ccleaner and don't paid attention (it's doesn't really fix the issue, it's Valve's job, not mine)
Last edited by Dy'Naer; Oct 15, 2016 @ 8:38am
Capitan Furia Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:03pm 
It will be a general error?

Because I see no other subjects on the matter.
The Giving One Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:11pm 
@Qwerty Drive

In your event viewer screenshot, you have Steam installed on E drive.

Is that by any chance an external hard drive ?
Qwerty Drive Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:24pm 
Originally posted by The Giving One:
@Qwerty Drive

In your event viewer screenshot, you have Steam installed on E drive.

Is that by any chance an external hard drive ?
Nah it is just a second physical HDD
Last edited by Qwerty Drive; Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:30pm
Qwerty Drive Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:29pm 
I just noticed if i copy the steamwebhelper.exe file to E:\Steam\bin the error is gone but i also left a copy of the file in E:\Steam\bin\cef\cef.winxp
Last edited by Qwerty Drive; Oct 16, 2016 @ 3:44am
Capitan Furia Oct 15, 2016 @ 9:03pm 
I have STEAM in C :, so I do not think I have interference where it is installed. And I tried it on another PC and also the error.
The Hoff Oct 16, 2016 @ 5:46pm 
I am also seeing this in the Event Viewer after a fresh Windows 10 install. I take it this is a Steam error and not us?
Dy'Naer Oct 17, 2016 @ 6:10am 
Originally posted by The Hoff:
I am also seeing this in the Event Viewer after a fresh Windows 10 install. I take it this is a Steam error and not us?

from what i experienced, the client don't throw an error in the event viewer if the firewall exception rule is still in place , even if the firewall exception rule is invalid... Ihmo it's highly possible most users didn't run a tool for searching error in the registry. The issue as mentioned by others happends on a fresh install of the client, either on a fresh install of the OS or not.

Personnaly i started to see this error after the last update & ONLY when i searched errors in the registry and cleaned them , i should have paid more attention about this particular problem :|.

The workaround offered isn't a real solution, it just avoid to have some errors logged & furthermore the firewall exception rule is still valid. For users who don't have installed the client recently they shouldn't not remove the firewall exception rule even if it's suggested . On a fresh install of the client you don't have other choice to copy the file in the bin directory. What disturd me is the client run the steamwebhelper from the other directory without a valid firewall exception rule which point to it : this is the real issue.
Last edited by Dy'Naer; Oct 17, 2016 @ 6:32am
skyrimemailtest Oct 17, 2016 @ 1:07pm 
I got an "error 138 unknown" after the update today.

And it took a while until I realized the steamwebhelper.exe is in a new folder.

Does anyone know why the location of the steamwebhelper.exe has changed with the latest update?

Last edited by skyrimemailtest; Oct 17, 2016 @ 1:08pm
⚡ FaTcaP ⚡ Oct 18, 2016 @ 6:48am 
i have the same problem since last update 15 october... and my steam is switching english language! (in french by default)
deadlyrhythm Oct 18, 2016 @ 12:52pm 
Also seeing this error. I as well am coming from a fresh install of Windows 10.

As of this moment, in the windows event viewer:
"Error: Failed to add firewall exception for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\steamwebhelper.exe"

I've tried copying and pasting the file from \Steam\bin\cef\cef.winxp\ to
bin which was mentioned above. Nothing.
I've tried Administrator permissions potential fixes. Nothing
I've tried turning off Windows Defender and Windows Firewall. Nothing.
I've tried removing and adding steam to Windows Firewall. Nothing.

I've no idea. I guess use the web client or big picture mode for now until next Steam update comes along to maybe fix this.
deadlyrhythm Oct 18, 2016 @ 1:01pm 
Took drastic measures. Uninstalled Steam. Reinstalled Steam.
Same issue.
Seven7 Oct 18, 2016 @ 1:05pm 
unistall steam. reboot. clean registry with ccleaner. install steam. no problem
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Date Posted: Oct 15, 2016 @ 5:50am
Posts: 103