Crysis 2
Crysis 2
I haven't played the game for a while and I installed it again today and it said that i have excided the number of downloads for the game! What can I do about this? Any ideas? a 66 year old gamer lol.
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contact support live chat,might help,i was giong to install it but i see many people reactivating it,so...
I had the same problem contact EA Support and they will fix your product key.
Yeko 10 déc. 2020 à 11h59 
Too late for EA support now. Another game I bought years ago, but can no longer play because of DLM
Cool, I'm a 71 year old gamer lol.
Yeko 1 janv. 2021 à 11h04 
Glad to see another Boomer that still enjoys gaming. Since I first posted this thread, I've ventured well into the 7th decade myself.
Have fun!
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