Space Haven

Space Haven

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
aksel_bugbyte  [developer] Feb 18, 2020 @ 2:07am
Known Issues and Solutions
All known issues and solutions are listed below. If you have another problem let us know here in the Technical Support forum!

I Don't Know What To Do.

Don't worry, if you don't want to try steps yourself please post a thread here in the technical help forum, and we will help you as soon as possible.

Please remember to mention your CPU, Graphics Card and Operating System when posting your thread.

Enabling fullscreen leads to a black screen with the audio playing in the background

The game is picking up the wrong supported full resolution for some reason.

To fix:
  • As a first step: Try selecting your correct resolution in the dropdown list before enabling full screen.
  • If the above does not work try steps below:
  • Go to the Steam install folder for the game. E.G. E:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven if you have installed Steam in E:\Steam.
  • Find the settings.xml file.
  • Open the settings.xml file with Notepad for example.
  • Modify this string: <main full="1" w="2560" h="1440" b="24" hz="144"/> to be <main full="1" w="Your Resolution Width here" h="Your Resolution height here" b="24" hz="Your Hertz here"/>
  • Example: If your Resolution is FullHD 1920x1080 try this one: <main full="1" w="1920" h="1080" b="24" hz="60"/>

Sound Works but No Music

No Music - Music Interval
If your problem is music not playing. Check the "music interval" setting in the game options. Setting this to "constant" will have the music playing constantly without pauses in-between.

No Sound or Music

Step 1
Launch the game and try to go into the game options and change the Audio Device setting.

Step 2
1. Right click the speaker icon on the Windows toolbar.
2. Select "Sounds"
3. In the "Playback" tab, select your default device, and click "Properties".
4. In the "Advanced" tab, select "16 bits, 44100 Hz (CD-quality)" or 16 bits, 48000 (DVD Quality).
5. Save and try playing.

Step 3
If you cannot get it to work please create your own thread here in the help forum and we will assist!

No Sound - Linux PulseAudio
LibGDX uses OpenAL and the audio needs to be forced to use PulseAudio.

set in /etc/openal/alsoft.conf or ~/.alsoftrc file:
[general] drivers = pulse

Crash on Launch #1 (No stacktrace report) - Steps to Fix

Step 1)
Reboot Machine/Steam

Step 2)
Disable any antivirus you might have, or set a specific setting to allow Space Haven to be disregarded by the antivirus program.

Step 3)
Update your graphics card drivers.

Step 4)
Are you using more than one monitor? Try unplugging all but one of them and then launching the game. Especially if you have a monitor plugged in via a HUB (This has been known to not make the game start at all)

Step 5)
Try also the following:
  • Go to the Steam install folder: Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
  • Delete: "user", "settings" and "creds" files if they exist
  • Try launching the game.
Step 6)
After you've tried the above and it still fails try to launch the game directly from that same Steam install folder.
  • Go to the Steam install folder: Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
  • Second mouse click on spacehaven.exe and give the game administrator rights.
  • Now try launching the game directly from spacehaven.exe, if it fails try also spacehaven.jar in the same folder. Try them both.

Step 7) The problem could be that Win10 is not correctly using the Java environment packaged with the game:

To fix:

  • Uninstall java and reinstall. Make sure it is 64 bit java. Choose Windows offline (64 bit) here: (Note! Make sure it is Windows Offline 64-bit)
  • Go to the Steam install folder and then: Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
  • Try launching the game from the spacehaven.jar file.

NOTE! Start the game from spacehaven.jar, not from spacehaven.exe.

Step 8)
If the game is still not starting, but there is also no visible error try this:

  • Open cmd console. In windows it is found easiest by pressing the Windows key, then simply type "cmd".
  • Navigate to the Space Haven Steam install folder: E.G. E:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
  • Paste in this string to launch Space Haven with logging: spacehaven.exe 1> log.txt 2>&1
  • Navigate to the Space Haven Steam install folder and check if there is a "log.txt". Open it and give the text inside to us here in your thread.

Crash on Launch #2 - Couldn't create window

With the following stacktrace:

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't create window

Check that your system is using the correct graphics card. You can follow the instructions here below:

If the above does not work continue to steps below.

Unfortunately Windows 10 does not support the OpenGL 2.0 of Intel HD Graphics 2000 or 3000.

To fix:

If you cannot get the game working using the video above try the steps below:

1) Execute the video instructions for both java.exe and javaw.exe.

2) Update the Intel HD 3000 graphics driver from the Intel site

Use it even if it says it is for Windows 8.1 -- there is no Windows 10 equivalent
Version: (Latest) for 64 Bit (Choose 32 or 64 bit depending on which version of Windows 10 you are using)

When installing the driver, it may tell you that this "latest" version is older than the current version. Install it anyway.

After this you can play by directly running the spacehaven.jar file from:

Steam\SteamApps\common\SpaceHaven folder.

If you run it from Steam or the .exe, you will get the same error. So run it from the install folder spacehaven.jar file.

IF all above fails try this video:

In the description there is a download file for Vishal's opengl fix.

Open file, enter 64 bit folder, Drop opengl32.dll into Space Havens main steam folder

Try launching the game from spacehaven.jar file in Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven. If you use Steam or the .exe you might get the same error.

There is also another video with a download file:

Download the file and choose the 64bit version, copy it to the install folder Steam\SteamApps\common\SpaceHaven.

If you run it from Steam or the .exe, you will get the same error. So run it from the install folder spacehaven.jar file.

Crash on Launch #3 - Frame buffer couldn't be constructed

With the following stacktrace:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Frame buffer couldn't be constructed: incomplete attachment

Check that your system is using the correct graphics card. You can follow the instructions here below:

If the above does not work continue to steps below.

The problem could be that Win10 is not correctly using the Java enviroment packaged with the game:

To fix:

  • Uninstall java and reinstall. Make sure it is 64 bit java. Choose Windows offline (64 bit) here:
  • Go to the Steam install folder and then: Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
  • Try launching the game from the spacehaven.jar file.

Launch the game from spacehaven.jar file in Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven. If you use Steam or the .exe you might get the same error.

Crash on Launch #4 - "Failed to create display" NullPointerException with GLFW


Space Haven is having trouble detecting your primary monitor. The solution looks to be removing your monitors in device manager & having Windows re-install them. This should "reset" the primary monitor information that apparently GLFW is having trouble finding.

To fix:
  • Try unplugging your extra monitor if you have one, and testing with only one.
  • Remove your monitors in device manager & have Windows re-install them. This should "reset" the primary monitor information and the game should be able to run.

Crash on Launch #5 - Animation not found

With the following stacktrace:

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: java.lang.Error:
Animation not found:

To fix:
  • Delete the game install folder found in your Steam folder. The path is the following: Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceHaven
  • After you have deleted the game install folder reinstall the game from Steam.

Mouse Stuttering - NVidia Gsync - Performance/FPS problems playing in Windowed/Borderless mode.

NVidia Gsync may cause the game to cap the FPS to a low amount in windowed and borderless mode. Full screen should not be affected by this issue.

To fix:
  • You can try disabling Gsync with a game specific setting. Try going into nvidia control panel, Manage 3D settings, and then click on the Program Settings tab, find your game and in the profile for that game under Monitor technology, turn G-sync off.
  • If the above does not work you can disable Gsync globally while you play Space Haven.
  • Playing in full screen mode is also an option.

Game will not save to hard drive / Settings are not saved

For some reason the game is not allowed to save on your hard drive. This could be due to antivirus or something else, a permissions related issue.

To fix:
  • Run the game in administrator mode. This will give the game permission to save on your drive.

Game language cannot be changed. Language is still the same after a restart.

For some reason the game is not allowed to save into the settings file on your hard drive. This could be due to antivirus or something else, a permissions related issue.

To fix:
  • Run the game in administrator mode. This will give the game permission to save the settings your drive.

On MacOS: The game gives an error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 99999.)

Gatekeeper in MacOS is now stricter than ever, defaulting to only allow options for apps downloaded from either the App Store or the App Store and identified developers. Advanced Mac users may wish to allow a third option, which is the ability to open and allow apps downloaded from anywhere in MacOS Catalina, macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, and MacOS Mojave.

To fix:

On MacOS: The game is scaled to be visible in only a part of the screen, and it is hard to press any buttons.

To fix:
  • Try first to look into the Display settings -> Apple Menu : System Preferences : Displays.
  • Make sure it is not set to scaled. And try Default for display instead.

If the above does not work try the following:

  • Navigate to: ~/Library/Application Support/SpaceHaven/settings.xml
  • Open it with text edit. You can see <main full="1" w="your resolution width" h="your resolution height" b="24" hz="60">
  • Change main full="1" to main full="0". Then start the game.
  • The game will start in windowed mode, but you can change the game to full screen in options.
Last edited by aksel_bugbyte; Sep 4, 2023 @ 12:39am