Starpoint Gemini 3
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
awesome, i want to suggest a new game, wich channel do u guys want that in discord? (starpoint gemini: Ground wars)
I understand that it is a newer update but I finally get through the most painful drag on storyline and get a capital ship and it stutters glitching all over and the game crashes disappointing to be honest as I really enjoy the star point gemini games Make some titan ships for the new game :P
I will always support indie developers making space sim games. Love what you're trying to do here. HOWEVER, it is not acceptable to make a game where I can EITHER use my HOTAS OR my mouse and keyboard. Both should work. They don't. That means I can't bind buttons to the HOTAS controls and I can't even use the mouse for in game menus. It is very frustrating. Please fix it. (Logitech X52 Pro HOTAS with current drivers and latest game update from Steam)
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
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