Microsoft Maquette
Assets from examples
I was going through some of the examples to see how the callouts with background were made and noticed some assets that I can't find in the library. How is the black background made? Is it just a two sided plane? What about the underline? I thought it was from the 2d hololens or maquette assets but that one is much fatter. Also, can we get the dot pattern that is under some of the objects on the desk in the house demo? I guess there is a way to copy assets from one project into another so I could do that, I was just interested in what was used to build up the cool looking assets in the demos.
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Thanks for the questions.

Which demo Maquette's black background and underline are you referring to specifically? I'm happy to explain the process.

We'll seriously consider including some of these useful images in the Maquette Images library in future releases.
Crud. I took a bunch of screenshots using the camera tool in maquette, but I can't figure out how to share them in the discussion. I will do my best to describe it here. There seems to be a lot of sprite objects used as "panel backgrounds" for lack of a better word. The ones I noticed are the black backgrounds to the text in both the "desktop" viewpoint in the house and the opening scene of the malaria project. There is white text on black background and the black background looks like a black sprite. Also the rings around the points of interest in the mammoth demo. I pulled it a part and it looks like a circle sprite with some kind of gradient in the middle. Lastly, the "share" icons in the timeline demo, i.e. the facebook, instagram, snapchat etc. icons are all together and not editable. It looks like it might be a sprite with transparency. Same with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation logos. How is the best way to get those kinds of textures/sprites into Maquette? I imported some .fbx models from blender and it doesn't look like texture is preserved so I assume I can't just texture a plane and import. I do really like the clone tool and how I could just clone and save to library interesting hierarchies etc. It would be nice to be able to build the same kind of stuff from scratch. Also, it was really frustrating to pull apart the day object in the timeline. I noticed that if the object is selected before grabbing it you don't get the resize arrows. Also I kept grabbing the text and background and yet when I selected them they didn't show as grouped. I assume they were in the same plane and so selecting with the selection sphere always grabbed both, but technically they weren't grouped etc. It would be nice to get a visual indicator that there are two pieces in the same plane, or push them apart or something that would make it easier to separate them. I spent a good 10 minutes trying to figure it out. On a side not, that swim navigation idea is brilliant! I am in the office and don't have as much space as at home and it was great to shrink everything done and "swim" over to where I needed to go :).
apparently there is an image folder and if you drop in some .png images with transparency then you can pull them in as sprites and they look absolutely amazing! Duh. Is this written down somewhere and I am just slow? I should have figured it out sooner, because of the objects folder, but I think I saw that somewhere in the forums. It would still be great to get more information on the other shapes and when things are sprites and when they are geometry. The underlines are still confusing me.
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