Microsoft Maquette

Microsoft Maquette

I realize this is VR but...
As the title suggests, I realize that this is a VR program, however do you think that a NonVR interface could be developed and implemented for it?

I have not actually tried this out with my gear yet but wanted to get some idea what the on screen environment looked like so I tried launching without VR being ready.
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I suggest just giving it a go with your headset. No harm in that!
Tho I think this is only for real VR devices, so not sure if it will work for Gear
Typical officer there Lt. Us enlisted men have our own jargon. LOL (Just kidding)

By gear I meant my Vive Headset. I've just downloaded the program and haven't had a chance to explore it, but watching the video ad for it, it looks like a lot of this functionality could be done in a non-VR environment. Watching the videos, it looks like most of a setup could be done in the non world using mice and keyboards, then tweaked in the VR world for better affect.
if u want a non VR of this use a 3d editing tool they do just about the same but from what i've seen this looks like a very good tool for creators in VR that just makes a 3d editing tool more personal
Ahh my bad haha!!
A lot with Gear think they are on the same VR level, hence my confusion ^^

But with a Vive there is no need for flat version? You are good to go :-)
I understand that... I was wondering if there was a Flat interphase (or one in the works) that I could use to look at/use the program without having to donn headsets...
if u just want to see what u created in non VR i can just export it into another 3d editor program or unity and see it there otherwise this was created to create stuff using VR only
Wanyfer, you're missing the point of this whole discssion...
I merely asked if there was a nonVR interface for the program.
I have not tried it in VR yet and wanted to have a boo at it in normal view.

My VR machine was my laptop with a 1070 GPU but the play area was cramped. My desktop didn't have a VR capable GPU until just now (I just finished replacing my AMD HD7770 with a RX580). I'll be transferring my "gear" to the desktop later. I just want to see what the program looked like without having to put on gear.

If it is VR only, so be it.
what i was trying to say is that this tool was created specificaly for VR theres no reason to make this nonVR because there are plenty of similar tools that are pancake only
Which is fine and I'll have a look at it with gear on. Then I'll come back and ask other questions.

Thanks for the replies everyone.
From what I gather, since it can import from the google store, as well as from Unity, that you can sculpt and everything externally and lay it out, then use this program to import the scene and get a feel for it inside. I haven't done much in these regards however.
@Pte Jack This isn't a stupid request at all. Many Steam VR apps have can have a 2d slate view and a VR view in the same app. I could see where a multi-modal app would be really helpful. VR setup works for many things but you might want a three window orthographic setup for precise positioning and layout etc. Also, you may have noticed that a lot of functions will try and and interact with the desktop like popping up the explorer but requires you to exit the program to see what is going on. This might be easier with a multi-modal app. I think you should add it as a request.
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