

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Roy  [developer] Jan 1, 2019 @ 11:05am
Ideas & Suggestions
One of our community members pointed out that since this community is so awesome and you are all so passionate about this genre and type of game, that I should create a pinned thread for you to share your ideas.

I'd love to hear what you have to say and try to implement some of your ideas in the game along the way to Early Access and beyond. So...let's hear it!
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Showing 1-15 of 43 comments
Carson Jan 2, 2019 @ 4:10pm 
You should implement high speed rail as an alternate form of public transportation. Regular trains should be it's own catagory :steamhappy:
socramazibi Jan 4, 2019 @ 6:15am 
option for the community to translate the game into their language
maybe a DLC that lets you play as one of the citizens? though that'd probably for a different game all together... citybuilder/life sim hybrid.

another one could be 1920-2010s construction progression.
Frogging101 Jan 11, 2019 @ 11:39am 
Linux support
Giuseppi Conte Jan 12, 2019 @ 6:05am 
deeper public transport management and the possibility to deal with traffic accidents and other disasters
Bartazel Jan 21, 2019 @ 9:02am 
Oooh yeah, seasons would be nice, same with weather like rain, it would add to immersion.
ThrashNeon Jan 26, 2019 @ 2:13pm 
A Mac build
sitarallc Jan 29, 2019 @ 9:43pm 
I would love more than anything depth of simulation. Specifically economic base simulations as they have to do with crime, health, and education. Not anything that you do immediately but as you implement different policies and build infrastructure, I would love for it to have an effect on the city.

As an example no education and no employment lead to higher crime rate and less economic opportunity within your city, you can't have high tech or even manufacturing jobs with no education. Also different types of crimes from small time robberies and assaults to large scare gang warfare and organized crime. And ways to police those issues special departments/ task forces, different policies dealing with drugs, incarceration/reform, and corruption.

Poverty and affluence should have visible signs as they do in real life. Economy is never addressed in these games, there shouldn't be quick fixes. But gradual shifts within the city planning that have cascading ramifications throughout the game. In real life it takes at least the maturation of a generation for changes to be felt. Like when you reduce leaded gasoline and paint within society 20 years later you have a significant drop in violent behavior. Or for your city to start feeling the effects of higher education takes a few decades of investment in educational infrastructure and business friendly policies.

More or less implementing a maslovian hierarchy of needs for each sim, and as thresholds are crossed they engage in various positive or negative behaviors. I am so tired of glorified over priced traffic simulators, and I would not mind paying per DLC for Crime, Health, and Education.

Also I really hope this will be more passive management system as opposed to the direction of most post SimCity games, which are more plop and drop, like building pretty models with no life to them. I feel like the passive progression of your city adds infinite replay value, you can culture corporate hegemony slums, or a socialist people's utopia, a capitalistic socialist democracy, or unchecked corporate corrupt oligarchy. Obviously I would not use any of those names, and would try to stay away from bias leaning solutions. Just basic by the numbers cases of casuality.

anyways I'm probably hoping for too much, but am excited to see what you come up with, and chances are you'll have my pre order money even if it is just another glorified traffic sim.
Last edited by sitarallc; Jan 29, 2019 @ 10:02pm
Danger! Feb 7, 2019 @ 2:17pm 
I find that in most city builders cars tend to always take the most direct route to their destinations, regardless of traffic or other road situations. This tends to lead to unrealistically large traffic jams because everyone is trying to go the same way even though there are other ways to get there that really don’t take much longer. I think it would be great to have cars respond to traffic and seek out alternate routes, as well as just having variety in how cars get to their destinations, rather than just always being the most direct or efficient.

I think a few other good features to have would be;

  • in depth control of intersections, such as light timing, turning lights, control of turning lanes, restrictions based on day or time, etc…
  • Center turning lane option for roads.
  • Bulleted list
  • Smooth and realistic road and highway merges as well as merging lanes.
  • Cars spread out more on multi lane highways rather than just cluster in one lane when there are 4 other empty lanes.

So basically, my suggestions boil down into just more realistic roads and traffic handling. Super excited about this game! I already love the visual style of it and can’t wait to see more!
whitehorn Feb 10, 2019 @ 7:48am 
Gridless, curving roads, dynamic plots instead of square.

Make resources a deliverable good necessary to build every building. Start with wooden buildings, progress to steel.

Ability to control lanes, add new ones, merge together, etc.

Realistic buildings, parking, parking lots, etc.
Last edited by whitehorn; Feb 10, 2019 @ 7:50am
Mister Dad Feb 17, 2019 @ 8:24am 
Looking great! Definitely following the development and will be purchasing this game. Any chance that this will have a way to inter-connect different cities and trade resources/workforce? I think that is a huge mark being missed by some of the more recent releases aside from the latest Sim City installment. Love the detail! Keep up the awesome work!
Roy  [developer] Feb 17, 2019 @ 6:04pm 
Hey all,
Loving these ideas so far. Hopefully you've all read the latest dev diary and seen that a lot of what you're asking for is planned or already implemented. Things like direct control of each intersection's traffic light patterns and timing, intelligent lane usage, etc.

Keep the ideas coming!
Asmo Feb 21, 2019 @ 8:22am 
Hey Roy,

Looking promising so're swinging for the fences my man!

Now that you have released a blog on traffic flow etc, I was just wondering if you're considering:

1) Road wear and tear that will affect traffic speeds/happiness

2) Regarding #1: the need for a DMV (dept. of motor vehicles) to fix potholes etc.

3) Road crews doing random "construction" on sewer or other services with lane closures

4) Accidents and motor vehicle breakdowns that influence traffic flow

5) PROPER merge and slow down/speed up lanes off highways as has been mentioned

6) Bike Lanes - application of colour to the asphalt for same/similar

7) Proper bus stops where there is a short lane for a bus to stop to keep traffic flowing

8) Weather conditions to slow traffic - like snow and snow plowing for example

9) I can't remember if this was blogged, but a parrallel to road underground subway system with
proper underground stations to limit the footprint above ground.

10) Park and ride carpool lots would be a way to improve traffic flow

11) assigning >2-3 passenger/vehicle lanes on the highways (commuter/carpool lanes)

12) Regarding #11: Bus lanes assigned from hours x:y on city/highway roads

Keep those updates rolling, I can't wait for this to be in my library!
Dude Feb 22, 2019 @ 5:16pm 
Any chance on telecommunication being added? Its missing from every sim game I can think of! It'd be amazing to see a city where you have to include phone, fax, dsl, vdsl, and eventual fiber infrastructure.
whitehorn Feb 22, 2019 @ 7:10pm 
What about ploppable props (like trees, bushes, benches, playground stuff, etc.), preferably free of grid, that are actually interactive for the citizens? In C:S, there are ploppable props, but the citizens never interact with them.
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