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himmeltengoku Dec 25, 2018 @ 10:13pm
You could put your suggestions here :)
Hello there,this is himmel.

If you may know me as head of AQUATRAX.
I am pretty shocked about your expectation on INVAXION.
As a PC game rookie developer,part of our design may not suit your demand.But We are working hard to change and redesigning the entire user interface to make it way much more console like ;)

What I can leak to you is that our new UI would be online on the 30th day of our daily update project.There will also be some interesting new functions coming out at that day.We would call it INVAXION 1.5.
Before that,here are the lists we are working on:
1.Seperating 4k and 6k dan with current grading system.So if you focus on 4K, you could also achieve Gold tier,Moonstone Tier.

2.There will be a tier higher than Moonstone 1(Purple 1) for 4k,6k and 8k players.

3.4K and 6K Trinity patterns are on their way.We will update regularly.So before the 30th day of our daily update project, most of the songs will have their 4K Trinity and 6K Trinity.(There are songs not suitable for a Trinity pattern like Maple Wind or Upon Ararat,please understand that.)

4.Social features will be expanded.Group battle is on its way.You could create your own team and try to beat others.This new function will be very much like DJMAX TECHNIKA2 CREW RACE. I hope you all like it.

5.PVP mode:we expected PVP mode could be open before Feb,but there are some players cheating our leaderboard and score uploading system.Our head programmer,also the server programmer Huangqian1985,is bringing more serious judgement system which make PVP a little bit delayed.

6.Before Jan 19th (the 30th day of our daily update project),there would be 15 songs addition to current version,and 150 patterns addition. I hope it is a good number.I hate DLCs so no paid DLC for a moment.

There are something I didn't mentioned and I consider it secrets.I hope you would find out by yourself soon.

If you have any suggestions,please let me know and put it here.Though we are pretty exhausted,but several hours answering your questions and read posts are enjoyable for me.

It is pleased to see rhythm gamers gathering again :)After a looooooooooooong period of time
Last edited by himmeltengoku; Dec 25, 2018 @ 10:14pm
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Showing 1-15 of 95 comments
Ashley Dec 26, 2018 @ 5:04am 
Sounds really good.

Some suggestions:

I read somewhere that you no longer recieve harm for getting "good"? If this is true then doesn't that make Zing No.233's skill useless? "Do not get harm on "good""

Also I think I played with Libra character before, her skills says "Expand Judgement Zone, 10% less HP" but I'm pretty sure she also reduces the max score you can get? If it does it doesn't say.

Also maybe you could add another skill to Gemini, she only gives 15% XP bonus... if you have Volensa unlocked which gives 30% XP bonus there's no reason to use Gemini.

Also don't know if this is a bug or intentional - The game doesn't upload which character you used on the leaderboards? Say I use Gemini and score gets uploaded to the leaderboards, then I change my character to Sin, the score I previously done will now display as Sin. It is my character selected but isn't the one I used to get that score, so it can look misleading/people can think you used Sin even though you didn't?

Characters might need to be balanced more or have the character used for the score upload to the leaderboard and remain even if you change your character later on... At the moment mini zing is the best and safest character to get good scores with "turn 10 just into max and show extra judgement". Sin will not be used over Leona because the additional max+ is so little in comparison for making the rest of the song notes more strict, and dolfie shows extra judgement as well as making timing more strict. Because the character used doesn't get uploaded to the leaderboard and stay, there's no point in making it harder for yourself if no one knows that you used a harder character like Sin.

I feel if you use Sin you should maybe be able to get more points than the max score being 1mill, or you could change the color of the Delta rank to show people you done it with stricter timing, because at the moment there is no reason to put yourself at a disadvantage by making timing more strict when you can just use mini zing for an easy full maximum with normal timing and show judgement.

Also hold notes constantly have maximum flashing... I do like this but if you have a hold note with other notes played along side it, it can be hard to see the judgement you got for them so maybe make the judgement for additional notes along side hold notes stand out more? So many times I find out I got a just/good from a note alongside a hold even though it looked like all max. Maybe you could add a character thats skill is instant game over if you get 1 just in the song.

Co-op leaderboards would be cool.

Just ideas

Thanks for making a good game, look forward to the updates.
Last edited by Ashley; Dec 26, 2018 @ 7:12am
ESPR Dec 26, 2018 @ 6:22am 
for now the only thing I feel is missing is a better way to tell what grade the medals are! went through 1-8 which tells you to get a steel medal, but I had at the time NO idea what that meant, since the game never tells you what's the best medal and what is the worst. Don't change it to a letter based grading system because I like what you currently have, but I would like to see just a sheet showing the medals from worst to best! could very well be under the tutorial menu. absolutely LOOOOOVE the game though! <3
RoxSedna Dec 26, 2018 @ 6:49am 
i really hope can lower cosmic mode reward requirement, because it is only story required high skill to complete i think many player cant achieve,
Ashley Dec 26, 2018 @ 7:08am 
Can we get a Total Honour Point display in the main menu of Battlefield? Only way to check your total score is to view the leaderboards but that only displays your score if you're in the top 100 otherwise it shows "-"?
ZAR-PARTY Dec 26, 2018 @ 9:05am 
That's nice to hear. INVAXION is currently one of my favorite Steam games.

My only suggestions are
1. To change the skill of AI-Grus. She is useless compared to Mini Zing because Mini Zing's skill is just a better version of hers.
2. To change the icon of MAXIMUM+ from a "white MAXIMUM" to an actual MAXIMUM+. I didn't know these were different before I used Mini Zing.

Other than that, I would like to see the Vocaloids MAYU and GUMI (and full-body IA) become heroes in the game since their names/images are already there. Maybe the Vsingers too?
Last edited by ZAR-PARTY; Dec 26, 2018 @ 9:09am
RavannaW Dec 26, 2018 @ 9:17am 
Mac version, please :)
Orangeシ Dec 26, 2018 @ 11:31am 
Hello, I know you guys are working on a new UI for the menu, but if it's something that is going to come in a while, i think you could maybe lower the transition time between the menues ? I hate clicking on the wrong menu and then having to wait ages before leaving, then clicking on the good oine and then wait again, and then change my mind so i have to wait again... You get what i mean i think.

It's cool to have the animations and stuff, but the wait get very very boring over time. I hope you understand :)

EDIT: Oh yeah also, do you think you guys can add the Canadian Flag? Because i'm canadian but need to use the US flag, which i don't really mind, but i would prefer to show up as Canadian :)
Last edited by Orangeシ; Dec 26, 2018 @ 11:34am
Twintails Dec 26, 2018 @ 5:06pm 
Is it possible to change the color of the D and K keys in 6K/8K mode?

I know they are slightly different but they're barely noticable. Other games have the D/K keys green or blue and the rest gray so you could easily tell them apart.

Keep up the awesome work devs, this is currently my favorite rhythm game on steam and the song selection is awesome.
91 Mr.Lu Dec 26, 2018 @ 7:23pm 
himmeltengoku Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:18pm 
Originally posted by Ashley:
Sounds really good.

Some suggestions:

I read somewhere that you no longer recieve harm for getting "good"? If this is true then doesn't that make Zing No.233's skill useless? "Do not get harm on "good""

Also I think I played with Libra character before, her skills says "Expand Judgement Zone, 10% less HP" but I'm pretty sure she also reduces the max score you can get? If it does it doesn't say.

Also maybe you could add another skill to Gemini, she only gives 15% XP bonus... if you have Volensa unlocked which gives 30% XP bonus there's no reason to use Gemini.

Also don't know if this is a bug or intentional - The game doesn't upload which character you used on the leaderboards? Say I use Gemini and score gets uploaded to the leaderboards, then I change my character to Sin, the score I previously done will now display as Sin. It is my character selected but isn't the one I used to get that score, so it can look misleading/people can think you used Sin even though you didn't?

Characters might need to be balanced more or have the character used for the score upload to the leaderboard and remain even if you change your character later on... At the moment mini zing is the best and safest character to get good scores with "turn 10 just into max and show extra judgement". Sin will not be used over Leona because the additional max+ is so little in comparison for making the rest of the song notes more strict, and dolfie shows extra judgement as well as making timing more strict. Because the character used doesn't get uploaded to the leaderboard and stay, there's no point in making it harder for yourself if no one knows that you used a harder character like Sin.

I feel if you use Sin you should maybe be able to get more points than the max score being 1mill, or you could change the color of the Delta rank to show people you done it with stricter timing, because at the moment there is no reason to put yourself at a disadvantage by making timing more strict when you can just use mini zing for an easy full maximum with normal timing and show judgement.

Also hold notes constantly have maximum flashing... I do like this but if you have a hold note with other notes played along side it, it can be hard to see the judgement you got for them so maybe make the judgement for additional notes along side hold notes stand out more? So many times I find out I got a just/good from a note alongside a hold even though it looked like all max. Maybe you could add a character thats skill is instant game over if you get 1 just in the song.

Co-op leaderboards would be cool.

Just ideas

Thanks for making a good game, look forward to the updates.
thank you for your advice.
Balancing characters is a tough work for us.INVAXION has released for a week now and we have already weakened several characters that are too over-powered such like Ciel and Sin and etc.
Talking about Sin,there are several players using Sin already achieved 1000000 in some 4k std and 6k std patterns.So if you have already played some patterns well or super skilled,Sin's 20 max to max+ skill(originally 30) would be an advantage.Otherwise,it is risk taken.

Instant game over character sounds very interesting.We will consider about that.My current consideration about this type of character is to have both risk and advantage at the same time.So risk up,benefit up.
So how's about Instant game over with just,judgement 30% harder and balancing 40 max to max+ ?

himmeltengoku Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:19pm 
Originally posted by Twintails:
Is it possible to change the color of the D and K keys in 6K/8K mode?

I know they are slightly different but they're barely noticable. Other games have the D/K keys green or blue and the rest gray so you could easily tell them apart.

Keep up the awesome work devs, this is currently my favorite rhythm game on steam and the song selection is awesome.

We would add a new theme which seperate DK soon.
himmeltengoku Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:22pm 
Originally posted by CloudixX:
Hello, I know you guys are working on a new UI for the menu, but if it's something that is going to come in a while, i think you could maybe lower the transition time between the menues ? I hate clicking on the wrong menu and then having to wait ages before leaving, then clicking on the good oine and then wait again, and then change my mind so i have to wait again... You get what i mean i think.

It's cool to have the animations and stuff, but the wait get very very boring over time. I hope you understand :)

EDIT: Oh yeah also, do you think you guys can add the Canadian Flag? Because i'm canadian but need to use the US flag, which i don't really mind, but i would prefer to show up as Canadian :)
thank you for your advice on transition animation.Our new UI will have no waiting time or barely noticeable.

Talking about the national flags issue,I will post a post collecting all your nationalities.
And changing flags function will be online after then.
Last edited by himmeltengoku; Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:23pm
himmeltengoku Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:29pm 
Originally posted by Bad Egg:
That's nice to hear. INVAXION is currently one of my favorite Steam games.

My only suggestions are
1. To change the skill of AI-Grus. She is useless compared to Mini Zing because Mini Zing's skill is just a better version of hers.
2. To change the icon of MAXIMUM+ from a "white MAXIMUM" to an actual MAXIMUM+. I didn't know these were different before I used Mini Zing.

Other than that, I would like to see the Vocaloids MAYU and GUMI (and full-body IA) become heroes in the game since their names/images are already there. Maybe the Vsingers too?

Thank you for your advice :)
1.AI-Grus is a character that we made for some super hardcore players.Such players reject using characters which could change their score.Our consideration is to put a character leader board to make AI-Grus players show off their awesome skill.

2.Notes taken :)

VOCALOID characters are on their way.It's new years season all Japanese offices are closed.So some preparations delayed.But MAYU,IA and some Vsinger characters we already have contracts.
himmeltengoku Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:30pm 
Originally posted by RoxSedna:
i really hope can lower cosmic mode reward requirement, because it is only story required high skill to complete i think many player cant achieve,

Theadonn Dec 27, 2018 @ 2:18am 
hi! i would love to see some kind of offline mode where you can just play songs, sometimes i don't have internet and i really wanna play even without.

i also think that it would be helpful to have an offset helping thing where you could tap to a beat to try to detect offset.

keep up the great work on the game!
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