Master Levels for DOOM II

Master Levels for DOOM II

was the game sopposed to use the unclassic controles? when i play the game it uses wasd and mouse.
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Pandoras 15/dez./2012 às 9:09 
Same thing here, almost unplayable... Any way to change the default controls?
TyberZhan.33 15/dez./2012 às 9:41 
i sure hope so.
soh_cah_toa 3/jan./2013 às 21:56 
This caught me off guard as well but I found a simple solution. All you need to do is copy the DEFAULT.CFG file from your Doom 2 installation over to your Master Levels installation.

More specifically, you could just execute the command:

copy "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base\DEFAULT.CFG" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Master Levels of Doom\doom2"

Always make sure to back up your original config file beforehand though.
Última edição por soh_cah_toa; 3/jan./2013 às 21:57
Pandoras 4/jan./2013 às 2:43 
Thanks, I will try that!
TyberZhan.33 4/jan./2013 às 12:29 
thanks for helping with that. it worked and now the master levels of doom 2 is playable.
noreg-dan 29/mar./2016 às 14:48 
Thanks for helping, man! This is really what I need!
Maxy 19/jun./2019 às 20:21 
Escrito originalmente por soh_cah_toa:
This caught me off guard as well but I found a simple solution. All you need to do is copy the DEFAULT.CFG file from your Doom 2 installation over to your Master Levels installation.

More specifically, you could just execute the command:

copy "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base\DEFAULT.CFG" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Master Levels of Doom\doom2"

Always make sure to back up your original config file beforehand though.
Thank you for posting this.
gui.a.ritter 23/nov./2021 às 17:09 
Did not work for me. I found this, though:

If the link breaks in the future, it's about downloading Chocolate Doom and using it to generate a config file that is compatible with Steam's Master Levels for DOOM II.

It's almost completely like I wanted: WASD for forward/backward/strafe and mouse aim. The only problem is that the mouse is also moving forward and backward.

Here's how my DEFAULT.CFG ended up:

mouse_sensitivity 5 sfx_volume 13 music_volume 13 show_messages 1 key_right 77 key_left 75 key_up 17 key_down 31 key_strafeleft 30 key_straferight 32 key_fire 29 key_use 57 key_strafe 56 key_speed 54 use_mouse 1 mouseb_fire 0 mouseb_strafe 1 mouseb_forward 2 use_joystick 0 joyb_fire 0 joyb_strafe 1 joyb_use 3 joyb_speed 29 screenblocks 10 detaillevel 0 snd_channels 3 snd_musicdevice 3 snd_sfxdevice 3 snd_sbport 544 snd_sbirq 7 snd_sbdma 1 snd_mport 816 usegamma 0 chatmacro0 "No" chatmacro1 "I'm ready to kick butt!" chatmacro2 "I'm OK." chatmacro3 "I'm not looking too good!" chatmacro4 "Help!" chatmacro5 "You suck!" chatmacro6 "Next time, scumbag..." chatmacro7 "Come here!" chatmacro8 "I'll take care of it." chatmacro9 "Yes"
Última edição por gui.a.ritter; 23/nov./2021 às 17:10
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