Last Epoch

Last Epoch

Trashio Nov 8, 2022 @ 8:46am
is there transmog ?
well is there ?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
andrew.thiele Nov 8, 2022 @ 9:45am 
No, there currently isn't a transmog system in game and it's a feature that's out-of-scope for 1.0, but could be added after launch.
Do characters ever actually change how they look? I'm level 30 now and still look the same as when I started... I don't understand how a ARPG can ignore the visual progression that comes part and parcel to the genre? I don't mean transmog to look how you want to look, it's clear they're going to add MTX for skins later on... but this isn't a F2P game, and ALL other ARPG's have managed to deliver a full game, with multiplayer, and with gear that shows on the characters... What makes Last Epoch so special they can't do as much as their peers?
Ravenkid9266 Nov 9, 2022 @ 2:03pm 
Originally posted by Its Almost Harvesting Season:
What makes Last Epoch so special they can't do as much as their peers?

its a SmAlL StUdIo, its still EaRlY AcCeSs.
underd0g Nov 9, 2022 @ 3:06pm 
Originally posted by Its Almost Harvesting Season:
Do characters ever actually change how they look?

There are very slight differences between the various armour pieces, especially head armour.

Sure, it would be nice to have the option for transmogrifying if that's your prefered way of approaching these games.

Personally I never understood why it's important how our characters look in these isometric ARPGs. There are very rarely cutscenes or closeups of our characters when we play these types of games.
Originally posted by underd0g:
Originally posted by Its Almost Harvesting Season:
Do characters ever actually change how they look?

There are very slight differences between the various armour pieces, especially head armour.

Sure, it would be nice to have the option for transmogrifying if that's your prefered way of approaching these games.

Personally I never understood why it's important how our characters look in these isometric ARPGs. There are very rarely cutscenes or closeups of our characters when we play these types of games.

The exact same reason hit feedback, skill/spell audio, and visual clarity are important. It's been a key part of the genre since its inception and a lot of focus goes into the design for it. Even PoE does it, although they don't make anything flashy to deliberately encourage MTX...

Of course, PoE is F2P so that's ok. Something like that would be atrocious in a game you have to pay to play.
Busy Jan 22 @ 2:28am 
Originally posted by Its Almost Harvesting Season:
Do characters ever actually change how they look? I'm level 30 now and still look the same as when I started...

Lel, dat Diablo IV killer.
Ayk- Jan 22 @ 2:41am 
There is already a MTX shop, so don't get your hopes too high up.
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Date Posted: Nov 8, 2022 @ 8:46am
Posts: 7