Borderlands GOTY

Borderlands GOTY

In Search of other Vault Hunters
I'm looking for somebody to play this game with since the game really does become fun with more than single playing. Add me on Steam and add me on Borderlands at DasGeheimnisMann. P.S its the same as my Steam name XD

Happy Vault Hunting
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
You can join my buddies and I. About to hit 30 if thats a good starting point for you. Sorry but we're not restarting ;/
Oh it's good... I'm level 35ish. Maybe tomorrow I can join in? I'm about to head off to bed
added you all. im a veteran but i started all characters. My lowest level character is on the Road Warriors: Bandit Apocalypse mission. what time you play? eastern time.
ill play with you guys im a level 47 and have all dlc but also have a lvl 7 siren if youre a low level
i can play if we macke a new charecter ;=)
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. jan. 29., 18:10
Hozzászólások: 5