Final Theory

Final Theory

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Tenacitybrit Sep 17, 2023 @ 5:27am
Anything new in the works?
Not just Final Theory, or even a sequel. but like any game in general. Personally I would like tank game like Final Theory, with a few tweaks, I reckon the same mechanics would work in a ground combat setting.

For example shields could be replaced with armour plating, and you have different pieces of armour for different sides of the tanks. Bigger tanks would be tougher from the front but weaker from behind. Or another idea is to let us customise the armour, so you can have a faster tank but its not as tough, her shroud it in heavy armour, but it won't go fast at all.

Each tank could have different moment options too:

Treads: Move normally at a constant speed over most terrain, no special features.

Wheels: Move faster over hard terrain but slower over softer terrain,

Legs: Move the slowest, but can climb ANY terrain.

Hover jets: Moves the fastest, but can't use heavier armour or weaponry.

Here are the proposed tank names, i'm using them to replace the ship types:




Tank Destroyer

Command vehicle


Assault gun

Weapon types could be similar or even the same from Final Theory: Torpedoes might not have a replacement, but things like Missiles and LRMs could still exist. You could have direct fire cannons and guns, indirect mortars and artillery etc.

I know Monticube will need to have a final say on weather or not this is feasible, but i'm not just asking for 'Final Theory, but with tanks instead of ships'. Think of this as an opportunity for them to try out some new mechanics, something that wouldn't have made sense in Final Theory, you know something to set it apart from the other game.

That you guys think?
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Carnwulf Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
I personally prefer the good old sci fi thing. so if a tank game was done i would like it to be Sci fi style. Then i might be interested.

But who knows... Honestly Monticube might be doing nothing. Might be doing a DLC for Final Theory or Final Theory 2 or a Hardcore Hentai Visual Novel or be dead already. Who knows. Monticube dev is without a doubt one of the worst devs when it comes to communication. Doing literally 0 PR and Communication even with dedicated Fans like us. Just some very rare vague BS like "i am working on some new game mode" (said that like 5 years ago or something).

So i am a big Fan of Final Theory the game, but i dont have any faith that the dev/dev Team is actually working on something. Better pitch your idea to somebodey else maybe at slitherine or the guys who made Panzer General 2 or something.
Tenacitybrit Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
Originally posted by Carnwulf:
I personally prefer the good old sci fi thing. so if a tank game was done i would like it to be Sci fi style. Then i might be interested.

But who knows... Honestly Monticube might be doing nothing. Might be doing a DLC for Final Theory or Final Theory 2 or a Hardcore Hentai Visual Novel or be dead already. Who knows. Monticube dev is without a doubt one of the worst devs when it comes to communication. Doing literally 0 PR and Communication even with dedicated Fans like us. Just some very rare vague BS like "i am working on some new game mode" (said that like 5 years ago or something).

So i am a big Fan of Final Theory the game, but i dont have any faith that the dev/dev Team is actually working on something. Better pitch your idea to somebodey else maybe at slitherine or the guys who made Panzer General 2 or something.

Yeah it is upsetting Monticube doesn't talk to us, its sad because this game is amazing. I wish I could code like this so I could, idk take over if they don't want it anymore. But sadly I don't know how to do that.

I did still have the sci fi aspect in mind, like hover tanks, lasers, plasma etc but It would be interesting to see in the Final Theory style.
Carnwulf Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:53pm 
Your idea reminds me a little bit of the old "Battle Isle" Games. They had an amazing Sci Fi universe with sci fi Tanks and combat machines. Though in the end the missions and levels became way to big. Still it was an amazin experience.
Monticube  [developer] Sep 18, 2023 @ 6:49am 
Ground combat was very much on the table at one point, but it seemed out of place in a Sci-Fi game where whole star systems routinely get obliterated. Currently there's no tank game, or visual novel for that matter, in development.

At the moment I can pretty much guarantee that all game developers, who are using the Unity game engine, are very very busy testing- and moving their games to other game engines.

The makers of the Unity game engine have fully embraced the dark side of the force, and want to start charging game developers per installation of their games. Not per game sale, but per install. Meaning every time a player installs a game, the developer would owe Unity money.

This insane new payment model may very well result in game developers worldwide having to delist/unlaunch thousands and thousands of games to avoid bankruptcy.

If you have a bunch of games on your wishlist that are made with Unity, I would highly recommend picking them up before they potentially disappear from stores.

Interesting times for game developers indeed.
Carnwulf Sep 19, 2023 @ 2:02am 
Thank you for your communication. Telling Fans about Problems is not the same as complaining about a problem. So telling us about the situation is a good thing.

I take it from your post that the lack of Final Theory News/Update has to do with the Unity Problem you have mentioned? Like you need to move Final Theory away from Unity because of what they are doing? Is there any danger that we loose Final Theory here on Steam?

I have sympathy for your situation. It is outrageous that they want to be paid per install. I mean that has in theory the potential to even surpass the revenue you get from a game. Lets say you get 15$ for a game like Final theory and some guy installs it 30 Times. Then you are operating at a loss (depending on what is charged per install). How could they even consider this a viable business move?

Edit: Also it seems Unity is backtracking on it:
Last edited by Carnwulf; Sep 19, 2023 @ 4:50am
Monticube  [developer] Sep 19, 2023 @ 7:45am 
Originally posted by Carnwulf:
Is there any danger that we loose Final Theory here on Steam?

Players would not lose games they've already bought on Steam. The license players have is between you and Steam, or Valve to be precise. You can pretty much only lose your license if you get permanently banned on Steam. Games that require server communication would stop working if a game is "shutdown" as a whole. But if developers are forced to pull their games you will no longer be able to get them legally. That's why I recommend people double check their wishlists before games potentially disappear from stores.

Originally posted by Carnwulf:
that has in theory the potential to even surpass the revenue you get from a game.

That is correct. In fact there are hundreds of developers who are in this very situation if this new pricing model goes into effect. The fact that developers worldwide are talking about delisting/unlaunching their games goes to show just how insane this change really is.

But the real danger is that, if such a pricing model is allowed to take root, other companies will do the same. Can you imagine your favorite YouTubers all getting charged money per view, just because they used Adobe Premiere to edit their videos. This is truly a Pandora's box moment and has to be met with total rejection from all sides.
Tenacitybrit Sep 19, 2023 @ 10:33am 
Originally posted by Monticube:
Ground combat was very much on the table at one point, but it seemed out of place in a Sci-Fi game where whole star systems routinely get obliterated. Currently there's no tank game, or visual novel for that matter, in development.

At the moment I can pretty much guarantee that all game developers, who are using the Unity game engine, are very very busy testing- and moving their games to other game engines.

The makers of the Unity game engine have fully embraced the dark side of the force, and want to start charging game developers per installation of their games. Not per game sale, but per install. Meaning every time a player installs a game, the developer would owe Unity money.

This insane new payment model may very well result in game developers worldwide having to delist/unlaunch thousands and thousands of games to avoid bankruptcy.

If you have a bunch of games on your wishlist that are made with Unity, I would highly recommend picking them up before they potentially disappear from stores.

Interesting times for game developers indeed.

That is disgusting about Unity, that is such a scumbag tactic, but at the same time its pretty much a one way trip to losing customers, hopefully that business model doesn't fly and enough people protest so that it doesn't stick.

But on a lighter note: ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU'RE STILL HERE MONTICUBE! God I was wondering if you caught cancer or was moving house or something.
Carnwulf Sep 19, 2023 @ 1:39pm 
Originally posted by Monticube:
Currently there's no tank game, or visual novel for that matter, in development.

@Tenacity However you wont get your tank game... And no Hentai Visual Novel.
Tenacitybrit Sep 20, 2023 @ 4:12am 
Originally posted by Carnwulf:
@Tenacity However you wont get your tank game... And no Hentai Visual Novel.

Awwww, thats fine. But hopefully in the near future we get more from Monticube at some point.

Weather its an update to Final Theory or another game entirely, i'm gonna be good whatever happens.
It`s a shame really that this game is not more of an success..
I like it a lot and wished there where more navys or content in general.

Albeit i was one of those criticizing some of the dlcs, im much more sympathetic to the Situations devs are having.
It`s my understanding that Monticube is working alone on this.
Compare this to say Crossfire Legion.. wich has a whole team.. but barely double the reviews that Final Theory is having.. (the latter one haa a much better rating btw).

There is no game like Final Theory, is there?
Sid meiers starships is the only thing that comes even remotley close to this, though it is even lighter on the 4x light part then this. Meaning mobile phone 4x light. Aside from that i dont know anything else and even SM Starships is a stretch to be honest.

Also wish there was more Final Theory but hey, lets hope for the best.
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