Rolling in the Reef

Rolling in the Reef

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BrickRoadDX  [developer] Aug 27, 2019 @ 9:36am
Patch 1.02a is Live on Steam!
-Added new school: "Sand Shifters"
Darkfish: Score a {VP} when you place it next to ONLY lightfish
Lightfish: Score a {VP} when you place it next to ONLY darkfish
Seastar: Resets sand when picked up

-Fixed up coral tooltip, added a new end of game tip for coral
-Adjusted the coral wording in the rules page and in the tutorial
-Show a random help tip at the start of each game (disable in options)
-Added "Can't discard" to bass tooltip
-Fixed up tooltip hovering behaviour to be more intuitive
-Fixed up sand choices hovering
-Fish "possible die faces" tooltips now only show when you're not in the middle of an action
-Fixed bug with Weekly Challenge timing

Enjoy, and thanks for playing Rolling in the Reef :)

(To get info on when we release new BrainGoodGames and large updates for old ones, sign up for the mailing list here:
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
zulmetefza Aug 29, 2019 @ 4:30am 
Thanks a lot for this update, definitely an improved experience.
BrickRoadDX  [developer] Aug 29, 2019 @ 8:43am 
Awesome! Good to hear :)
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