Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Dragonic 31 ม.ค. @ 6: 08am
I am absolutely flabbergasted at the amount of mention of the censorship and how people are deciding that's the single only reason they won't buy the game.
Something as petty, ridiculous, absurd, etc. as changing the aesthetic of pants on a character (which in absolutely no way affects the actual gameplay).

Have you people seriously completely lost it? Is THIS seriously something you decided that it's something you need to almost start a virtual revolution against? While in the scope of things in the world, this is not even a single salt piece in an entire universe of hay. While there is some REAL censorship happening in the world (think of Russia, etc.), this is what you decided is the most unacceptable form of censorship.
I know people can dislike and revolt against more than 1 thing, I am 1 of the people that always preaches this, I don't need to be told, but I repeat, this is just such an extreme non-issue, such a petty, ridiculous and absurdly tiny thing. Are some people really that deprived of things in life that a character not wearing panties in an anime/drawing/cartoon styled game is that massive of a deal for them?

I am not trolling, I am actually being for real here, I literally can't even with this, it completely boggles my mind.

I do understand that the biggest issue is that this change was unnecessary, I get it, but the change happened, big EF-ing deal, game is still the same, get over it, the world and even specifically the gaming industry has waaay bigger issues to worry about, especially with the extreme amount of predatory monetization and rushing of games, etc. happening with a lot of games in the past 10 years, this isn't something to lose even 1 second of sleep over.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dragonic; 31 ม.ค. @ 6: 13am
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กำลังแสดง 151-165 จาก 263 ความเห็น
What these people don't understand is: There is no agenda or conspiracy or even anything out of the ordinary. Just companies doing what companies have always done because capitalism is inherently profit-oriented and risk-averse, and panty shots invite controversy from the same whinging middle-aged soccer moms who have been complaining about videogames for the last few decades, so they get toned down to shut those people up.

In fact, there is less censorship in the present day than ever before, especially with localized Japanese games... I remember growing up with aggressively censored media. Now we can even just get hentai on Steam, and yet people are crying about "the wokes" or something else that literally doesn't exist, screaming about how much they hate localizers (who are doing better than before, too) because some talking head rage bait youtuber told them it was the next big threat to society or something.

It's just people getting mad over a problem that doesn't exist. The culture war is just a bunch of reactionary, easily-outraged children angrily protesting a version of reality that exists only in their heads and the political propaganda they listen to, and the rest of the world just looking on in confusion as people give themselves an aneurysm over harmless, minor things like "pronouns at character creation".
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dragonic:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Fealow:
Yo Dragonic... All due respect mate but, if someone wants to pay $70 to look at their favourite fictional characters panties who the F are you tell them otherwise? The only person who made this a big deal is the one that started shouting in the town square and got the attention of all the townsfolk... AKA you. I can guarantee plenty of people saw the opportunity to glimpse up these characters skirts and ogle their revealing clothing from time to time while playing the game as the cherry on top of the awesome game cake. Now lets replace that cherry with a rotten one... Can you maybe see why some people no longer are as ecstatic about eating the cake? It's really not as odd as you make it out to be. Plus there is the whole angle of any censorship is bad censorship in video games and I agree with this sentiment. Opposing morals and virtues have no business dictating what they had no hand in creating. Why is this such a hard concept for some people to understand...
There are literally websites where you can see that stuff for free and within a real context.
If 10 extra pixels on a crotch in a fast-paced combat game where the camera is mostly pretty far zoomed out and there's 10000 effects flying around on your screen while you're dancing and jumping all over the place is gonna bother you to the point of it being the difference between buying or not buying the game and outweighs some real issues a game could have or that actually affect the gameplay or are genuinely visible during gameplay without completely zooming in your camera and clipping it into a wall to get it that close and in the right angle.
Also considering that the game is a non-pornographic action RPG game and not a visual porn novel.
Then yeah that's your right, but that doesn't make it any less absurd, petty and weird and doesn't change the fact that they're very twisted priorities.
And look, make that choice for yourself without calling to boycott, because that's what actually happened and where the biggest problem is: people called to boycott the game for adding a few extra pixels to undergarments. If that isn't absolutely ridiculous to you, then I don't even know where to start with you.
Yeah, then I'm gonna consider the person insane.

Its pretty much the same thing that was up with Hogwarts Legacy, it just comes from the other side of the coin. instead of to mind their own business they are comming to the forum here and spamming it with these threads.
i've got multiple reports streaming Hogwarts back then btw. xD, maybe they wont go that far, but a conversation with this bubble seems impossible when you're not 100% on their side.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dark Moon Felis:
What these people don't understand is: There is no agenda or conspiracy or even anything out of the ordinary. Just companies doing what companies have always done because capitalism is inherently profit-oriented and risk-averse, and panty shots invite controversy from the same whinging middle-aged soccer moms who have been complaining about videogames for the last few decades, so they get toned down to shut those people up.

In fact, there is less censorship in the present day than ever before, especially with localized Japanese games... I remember growing up with aggressively censored media. Now we can even just get hentai on Steam, and yet people are crying about "the wokes" or something else that literally doesn't exist, screaming about how much they hate localizers (who are doing better than before, too) because some talking head rage bait youtuber told them it was the next big threat to society or something.

It's just people getting mad over a problem that doesn't exist. The culture war is just a bunch of reactionary, easily-outraged children angrily protesting a version of reality that exists only in their heads and the political propaganda they listen to, and the rest of the world just looking on in confusion as people give themselves an aneurysm over harmless, minor things like "pronouns at character creation".
I wouldn say it doesnt exist, because it does, its clearly pushed by mainstream media, but again antiwokenes as well, just a big unnececary fight a perfect tool to divide the proletarians so capitalism can do its thing, screwing over everything, while people dont pay attention and discuss if we should use the correct pronoun.
And of course there are really scummy activities in that regard like what with skullgirls happened, retroactivley butchering it, yes i did buy that game because it was so blatantly filled with eechi content, for whatever the reason is, those anti consumer practices can and should be called out but this here on Granblue is just ridiculous.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SeTirap; 1 ก.พ. @ 6: 24am
A literal bear sex game won GotY on steam but you start asking for the original gacha character designs and people start losing their minds. Clearly only one flavor of fan service is cheered.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dark Moon Felis:
What these people don't understand is: There is no agenda or conspiracy or even anything out of the ordinary. Just companies doing what companies have always done because capitalism is inherently profit-oriented and risk-averse, and panty shots invite controversy from the same whinging middle-aged soccer moms who have been complaining about videogames for the last few decades, so they get toned down to shut those people up.

In fact, there is less censorship in the present day than ever before, especially with localized Japanese games... I remember growing up with aggressively censored media. Now we can even just get hentai on Steam, and yet people are crying about "the wokes" or something else that literally doesn't exist, screaming about how much they hate localizers (who are doing better than before, too) because some talking head rage bait youtuber told them it was the next big threat to society or something.

It's just people getting mad over a problem that doesn't exist. The culture war is just a bunch of reactionary, easily-outraged children angrily protesting a version of reality that exists only in their heads and the political propaganda they listen to, and the rest of the world just looking on in confusion as people give themselves an aneurysm over harmless, minor things like "pronouns at character creation".
It is not profit that drives this though. Attractive female characters sell gangbusters. Gacha games make way more than AAA games. You really misunderstand the problem when you assume corporations only do things to get profit.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dragonic:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Fealow:
Yo Dragonic... All due respect mate but, if someone wants to pay $70 to look at their favourite fictional characters panties who the F are you tell them otherwise? The only person who made this a big deal is the one that started shouting in the town square and got the attention of all the townsfolk... AKA you. I can guarantee plenty of people saw the opportunity to glimpse up these characters skirts and ogle their revealing clothing from time to time while playing the game as the cherry on top of the awesome game cake. Now lets replace that cherry with a rotten one... Can you maybe see why some people no longer are as ecstatic about eating the cake? It's really not as odd as you make it out to be. Plus there is the whole angle of any censorship is bad censorship in video games and I agree with this sentiment. Opposing morals and virtues have no business dictating what they had no hand in creating. Why is this such a hard concept for some people to understand...
There are literally websites where you can see that stuff for free and within a real context.
If 10 extra pixels on a crotch in a fast-paced combat game where the camera is mostly pretty far zoomed out and there's 10000 effects flying around on your screen while you're dancing and jumping all over the place is gonna bother you to the point of it being the difference between buying or not buying the game and outweighs some real issues a game could have or that actually affect the gameplay or are genuinely visible during gameplay without completely zooming in your camera and clipping it into a wall to get it that close and in the right angle.
Also considering that the game is a non-pornographic action RPG game and not a visual porn novel.
Then yeah that's your right, but that doesn't make it any less absurd, petty and weird and doesn't change the fact that they're very twisted priorities.
And look, make that choice for yourself without calling to boycott, because that's what actually happened and where the biggest problem is: people called to boycott the game for adding a few extra pixels to undergarments. If that isn't absolutely ridiculous to you, then I don't even know where to start with you.
Yeah, then I'm gonna consider the person insane.
Fan service is when you give the fans what they like. When you take away fan service, it is because you don't like the fans.

This is simple stuff. Please stop trying to dismiss other people just because you don't like the fans either.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย William Shakesman; 1 ก.พ. @ 6: 28am
They are trolls. Don't feed em and eventually they go away. Tale as old as the internet. Hot take means my handle stays at top of page.
Holy s— this was a wild read.

Calm down y’all, you’re either going to buy and play the game or you aren’t.

Obsession like this leading to an 11 page thread of nonstop back and forth is just a waste of time (also bringing RL politics into it is just funny, because it doesn’t matter, people on both sides of the political spectrum will have just as divided opinions on this matter). You aren’t going to change the devs minds or anything, it’s clear that things changed with the western release due to Sony being rather restrictive on certain materials, and that’s just how it’s going to be (until mods release).

And before I get jumped, yes I know you can’t mod the localization and that they’re awful for using western slang and blah blah blah… but really as far as I’m concerned the bulk of this game is questing with friends and that’s fun.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย =A_FROSCH= SeTirap:
I wouldn say it doesnt exist, because it does, its clearly pushed by mainstream media, but again antiwokenes as well, just a big unnececary fight a perfect tool to divide the proletarians so capitalism can do its thing, screwing over everything, while people dont pay attention and discuss if we should use the correct pronoun.
And of course there are really scummy activities in that regard like what with skullgirls happened, retroactivley butchering it, yes i did buy that game because it was so blatantly filled with eechi content, for whatever the reason is, those anti consumer practices can and should be called out but this here on Granblue is just ridiculous.
"Clearly"? What are you talking about? Mainstream media just panders to whatever the marketing people think people will buy. The marketing people are old, out-of-touch, and always just come to trends several years late. No one's 'pushing' anything other than like... whatever some suit thinks is cool based on something their grandkid said five years ago, usually.

Also, people telling you their preferred pronoun is literally just a normal thing that takes zero effort. The only people who freak out about it are, once again, either literal children on Tiktok (they will grow up, this happens every generation) or 'anti-woke' delusional types who act like they're being forced to do something incredibly difficult. It's only really that side that makes an issue of it.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย William Shakesman:
It is not profit that drives this though. Attractive female characters sell gangbusters. Gacha games make way more than AAA games. You really misunderstand the problem when you assume corporations only do things to get profit.
Your response can be summed up as "No, you're wrong, but I won't explain why I think you're wrong." I'll take you seriously when you actually say something and have an argument to back it up. The characters are still attractive, and frankly, they're barely edited to the point that you have to be looking for something to be mad about to even notice. I had to look at a comparison image and you know what, the tiny bit that was shooped in is... short spats, which are still hot? People are acting like they got put in burkas or something. This is like, terminal levels of "unable to even see a woman IRL".
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย William Shakesman:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dark Moon Felis:
What these people don't understand is: There is no agenda or conspiracy or even anything out of the ordinary. Just companies doing what companies have always done because capitalism is inherently profit-oriented and risk-averse, and panty shots invite controversy from the same whinging middle-aged soccer moms who have been complaining about videogames for the last few decades, so they get toned down to shut those people up.

In fact, there is less censorship in the present day than ever before, especially with localized Japanese games... I remember growing up with aggressively censored media. Now we can even just get hentai on Steam, and yet people are crying about "the wokes" or something else that literally doesn't exist, screaming about how much they hate localizers (who are doing better than before, too) because some talking head rage bait youtuber told them it was the next big threat to society or something.

It's just people getting mad over a problem that doesn't exist. The culture war is just a bunch of reactionary, easily-outraged children angrily protesting a version of reality that exists only in their heads and the political propaganda they listen to, and the rest of the world just looking on in confusion as people give themselves an aneurysm over harmless, minor things like "pronouns at character creation".
It is not profit that drives this though. Attractive female characters sell gangbusters. Gacha games make way more than AAA games. You really misunderstand the problem when you assume corporations only do things to get profit.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dragonic:
There are literally websites where you can see that stuff for free and within a real context.
If 10 extra pixels on a crotch in a fast-paced combat game where the camera is mostly pretty far zoomed out and there's 10000 effects flying around on your screen while you're dancing and jumping all over the place is gonna bother you to the point of it being the difference between buying or not buying the game and outweighs some real issues a game could have or that actually affect the gameplay or are genuinely visible during gameplay without completely zooming in your camera and clipping it into a wall to get it that close and in the right angle.
Also considering that the game is a non-pornographic action RPG game and not a visual porn novel.
Then yeah that's your right, but that doesn't make it any less absurd, petty and weird and doesn't change the fact that they're very twisted priorities.
And look, make that choice for yourself without calling to boycott, because that's what actually happened and where the biggest problem is: people called to boycott the game for adding a few extra pixels to undergarments. If that isn't absolutely ridiculous to you, then I don't even know where to start with you.
Yeah, then I'm gonna consider the person insane.
Fan service is when you give the fans what they like. When you take away fan service, it is because you don't like the fans.

This is simple stuff. Please stop trying to dismiss other people just because you don't like the fans either.
I dont think you missunderstand this, especially in granblues case the crowd who really would actually "boycott" the game because of hotpants is extremly negligible in comparision to making it more fammily firendly, companies do what companies do in a capitalistic world and this is making money and to apeal the investors and so on.
We are not talking about a localisation team butchering the game in the west, its just the game how its made and intendet to by Cygames, Inc., this whole woke/antiwoke debate is pretty much an non issue over there in japan, you cant argue with that here even if you know that companies are aware of it being a thing in the west, because guess what the japaneese version has the same designes.
Just because someone put less ♥♥♥♥ into my bowl, doesn't change the fact that there is still a ♥♥♥♥ in my bowl.

You can disagree with this, but it's never a Yes or No type of argument. Localizers having any form of power to change the source material WILL ALWAYS be a bad thing. First they censor some pants or some blood, and then you get stuff like Dragon Maid DUB.

That being said, my #1 issue with Relink is the atrocious translation. There is way too much gen-z BS slang in this game, especially in situations where you can clearly hear characters using formal language.
Anime coomers will try to say it's for the "artistic vision" and that these are the worst changes they have seen, in reality i and probably most people couldn't even tell anything was changed in like 90% of the cases since they were so small and we don't spend hours staring at the caracters asses and boobs to tell what changed.

Good news for coomers tho, since the game has no anticheat you'll be able to play with everyone naked in less than a week! Just like the truly based and chad japanese artists wanted !
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Bender:
Holy s— this was a wild read.

Calm down y’all, you’re either going to buy and play the game or you aren’t.

Obsession like this leading to an 11 page thread of nonstop back and forth is just a waste of time (also bringing RL politics into it is just funny, because it doesn’t matter, people on both sides of the political spectrum will have just as divided opinions on this matter). You aren’t going to change the devs minds or anything, it’s clear that things changed with the western release due to Sony being rather restrictive on certain materials, and that’s just how it’s going to be (until mods release).

And before I get jumped, yes I know you can’t mod the localization and that they’re awful for using western slang and blah blah blah… but really as far as I’m concerned the bulk of this game is questing with friends and that’s fun.
its the same in the japanese version nothing got changed for western release only, at least visually. Dialogue on the other hand, we will see, thats the one where the localisers can ♥♥♥♥ up the most.
If people say things like "goWokegetBroke", they already brought real life "politics" into the discussion, its laughable to say a company is doing ♥♥♥♥ out of humanity, political views or anything other than profit, everything they do is to influence their image either directly or indirectly.
Also we are talking about the gaming market you cant ignore the bad influence capitalism has on it, you simply cant, i mean look at any kind of business practices AAA publishers and mobile game publishers utillise, its only natural to bring it up.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SeTirap; 1 ก.พ. @ 6: 54am
??? who cares if it affects the "gameplay". That's not the only deciding factor on my enjoyment of a video game.

Censorship inherently needs to not be supported, regardless of how big or how small.

Also, I enjoy anime, I enjoy anime games. A big theme in anime is cute and sexy girls wearing revealing outfits. That's one of the things I find enjoyment out of in this type of content.

They intentionally remove this. This lowers my enjoyment. End of story.

It's cool that you don't care, but other people do.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Dragonic:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Avernicus:


While i do understand that some "censorship" is unnecessary like they said it's not enough to ruin the game right? the game still works and functions properly and still playable as it is intended.
Nah, obviously I am trolling and people calling to boycott a game and getting hellbent over something as minor and ridiculous as this are 100% reasonable because clearly this is on par with every other problem we can have in the world and in our lives or even just video games themselves. Sigh... lol

I seriously can't even with this, people are putting this in the same or higher regard as companies legit scamming their players or altering actual big gameplay affecting things.
If an entire game is something you 100% like and enjoy and is exactly everything you want, but then the ONE thing being having no panties on your female character putting you over the line of not buying it and calling for boycott? Yeah, priorities are in check for sure.

Dude you need to relax, people have a right to criticise the censorship and if you dont like that then all you have to do is ignore it, why are you complaining at the people that are criticising the censorship acting like it would affect you in any way, it's not such a big deal to you.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mordecai and the Kobokerz; 1 ก.พ. @ 7: 10am
people like you are doing irreparable damage to videogames as a medium. kindly piss off back to whatever social sciences class out of which you crawled
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย CóupDeGrace:
Just because someone put less ♥♥♥♥ into my bowl, doesn't change the fact that there is still a ♥♥♥♥ in my bowl.

You can disagree with this, but it's never a Yes or No type of argument. Localizers having any form of power to change the source material WILL ALWAYS be a bad thing. First they censor some pants or some blood, and then you get stuff like Dragon Maid DUB.

That being said, my #1 issue with Relink is the atrocious translation. There is way too much gen-z BS slang in this game, especially in situations where you can clearly hear characters using formal language.
If "Gen-Z Slang" is a thing in the localised version, what ever that should be, i guess woke activist stuff, then of course thats an issue, but the design changes compared to the mobile game, ehh no not really, again its the same in the japaneese version - the butchered dialogue.
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กำลังแสดง 151-165 จาก 263 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 31 ม.ค. @ 6: 08am
โพสต์: 263
