Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

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Jim Rockford Dec 10, 2020 @ 7:27am
How many tiles can you purchase?
Unclear how many tiles you can purchase...appears only 1 no matter how many players, even though directive states 'purchase tiles' (with an S)
I have the gold, but have only been able to purchase 1 opp tile
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Jim Rockford Dec 10, 2020 @ 7:41am 
Beginning with the Starting Player, each player in clockwise order can buy exactly one tile from another player. To do so, pay an amount of gold from your remaining supply equal to the assigned amount at the tile you want to buy.

Game should be fixed to removed the extra S from TILE(S) in the command step line, so there is no confusion
Was just going to make this point, the tutorial and interface are very misleading about this subject compared to the physical game and its rulebook. I don't think the tutorial ever actually says you can only buy one (if it does I missed it in all the goofy extraneous dialogue), and by repeatedly saying "tiles" instead of "tile" the interface gives the opposite impression. The rulebook, which I downloaded specifically to check on this, doesn't make this mistake and is very clear that you can only buy one.

(Although I don't like that "exactly" in there either - that suggests you MUST buy a tile. It's not *exactly* one, it's *up to* one.)
Last edited by philosoraptorgames; Dec 16, 2020 @ 4:43am
Jim Rockford May 11, 2021 @ 7:48pm 
thank you - i stopped playing this game, i was just trying to figure out why : )
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