EVE Online

EVE Online

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exochan Aug 12, 2013 @ 9:26am
PvP in this game sucks
There is nothing fun about pvp in this game

Its just an endless grind for ISK to get ships thats are blown up in 5 seconds. Everyone else can and will destroy you because they have more SP and have tech 2 weapons. You can't ever have a stable and reliable set up because

And the community are full of arseholes who will take delight in tell you that you should suck and "going join RvB carebear" or just call you an idiot when you complain.

How can anyone have fun in this game?

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Showing 16-30 of 247 comments
lart Aug 17, 2013 @ 9:19am 
I have yet to encounter a fair pvp battle. Having played the game a few years ago and now again as a new player I face the exactly same problems.
Train up in single player, until it gets boring (quite fast).
Join a corp.
Someone declares war on the corp/alliance for the lulz.
Get killed by uneven odds, like 5 to 1 repeatedly.
A counter attack is set up, searching for hours for a fight. Attackers stay in their stations.
Fly home, get sniped at a gate.
MetaMaxy Aug 17, 2013 @ 9:21am 
I've been playing since July. I leveled my frig skills way up and now fly and Enyo. I rape face in PvP now...PvP in this game is complex and not everyone can do it....You could ya know always mine....Ganking Hulks in my spare time is fun =) All I really read though was a bunch of carebear qq
BuenoTheWhite Aug 20, 2013 @ 2:57pm 
How much fun you have PVPing is directly related to the quality of Corp/Alliance you find. Run through all the tutorials, get all your free skillbooks and ISKies...then find a quality Corp with experienced FCs (Fleet Commanders) to show you the ropes. EVE Uni I've heard is a great new bro learning environment. Or jump into a large Bloc level alliance and be a part of some amazing battles. Once you reach the top of the learning cliff it's a kick ass game with very mature player environment, you don't find many middle school aged kids playing this game...
Conlac Aug 20, 2013 @ 9:36pm 
The Golden Rule: dont fly what you cant afford to lose.
Raell Aug 21, 2013 @ 6:28pm 
Originally posted by exochan:
There is nothing fun about pvp in this game

Its just an endless grind for ISK to get ships thats are blown up in 5 seconds. Everyone else can and will destroy you because they have more SP and have tech 2 weapons. You can't ever have a stable and reliable set up because

And the community are full of arseholes who will take delight in tell you that you should suck and "going join RvB carebear" or just call you an idiot when you complain.

How can anyone have fun in this game?

I completely agree. The skill progression system is also pretty bad. It promotes people to Not play the game since actually playing does nothing for progression.
Notorious Aug 21, 2013 @ 7:42pm 
I totally disagree. But I have been playing EVE Online for almost 2 years now.

If you think that you can just buy the game and instantly PvP, you will get owned over and over again. PvP in EVE has as much to do with having the proper skills as having the proper strategy and ship loadout. Lots of beginners make the mistake of thinking that just because they can fly a particular ship hull that they will be good at it. Wrong. There are MANY combat skills that you need to have trained up to PvP effectively.

The thing about Eve is that it is not an instant gratification game; you need to spend time planning out your skill sets and training them to be effective in the game. That's what is appealing to most people who stick with EVE.

It is definitely not a game for people who just want to pwn from the minute that they install the game. Try Team Fortress 2 if that is what you are looking for.

But, for those that want more to a game than just running around and mindlessly pressing buttons, EVE is it. Patience and planning pay off.

P.S. Trying to play EVE solo is also why most people fail. There is so much to know about the game that even people who have been playing for several years are still learning. If are going to play this game, do yourself a favor from the start and find a decent player corp to join. The benefits that you will get from more experienced players makes all the difference in the world. Additionally, when you start the game, making ISK can be brutally slow. Seasoned players usually don't mind giving new corp members a little boost, whether it is buying them implants, giving them ships or just floating them some ISK now and then.

But, be smart and polite: make friends before asking for a hand out and try to repay the kindness that people show to you by helping others out when you are more experienced.
Circadian_Seeker Aug 22, 2013 @ 5:15am 
Also, and this is something people overlook, the free form pvp style of eve is extreamly newbe friendly. You go in any other game with "battleground" or "arena" types of fixed-slots pvp format, you have to prove you know what you're doing to justify filling a slot. In eve you can go to your fc and say "I Have NO idea what I'm doing, can I tag along?" and he'll go "sure, even if you're no help at all you don't hurt the team, and it'll be a good experience for you".

If you're new enough to not afford a t1 frig or cruiser, chances are he'll go "here have 10, let me know when you've blown them up". Seriously there are ammo that cost more per shot than a t1 cruiser hull.
Richard M. Nixon Aug 22, 2013 @ 9:13am 
PVP in nullsec is very heavily influenced by your alliance. Lowsec and FW stuff can be more diversified and free-for-all, as can gate camping or roaming in the more populated areas, but the real "hardcore" PVP is certainly nullsec wars. I've spent the last 3 months in Fountain and there were battles every day - hell, every hour. Go to null, find an active alliance, and shoot spaceships all day every day. Or go shoot asteroids with lasers until you quit. EVE is only as much fun as you care to make it :effort:.
Notorious Aug 23, 2013 @ 8:06pm 

If you cannot find anything to do in EVE while you are training, it may not be the game's fault ;)
Last edited by Notorious; Aug 23, 2013 @ 8:06pm
amaZaral Aug 24, 2013 @ 4:56am 
Basically: Unless you know what youre doing and youre running decent stuff stick to Gang-PVP i.e. join RvB or at the very least a lowsec/null corp. Or yes you are going to lose a ton of ships until you have any idea what youre doing.
ChrizzBourbon Aug 24, 2013 @ 6:23am 
cause iam the one with t2 weapons :D
B✪✪tsy Aug 24, 2013 @ 7:57am 
Originally posted by vollman70:

If you cannot find anything to do in EVE while you are training, it may not be the game's fault ;)

But a lot of it is quite boring. Eos has a quite spot on view of EVE I think. I bought a sub for month again (after not playing for 6 months) and got bored after 2 weeks, didnt even bother to login for the skilltree. And mind you I have the skills and the ships, still boring, but now with expensive T2 ships and fits. And doing pvp is basically trowing away your earned money cos you will lose ships no matter what skills you have.
B✪✪tsy Aug 24, 2013 @ 7:59am 
EVE would be already more interesting if they would limit 1 account to 1 physical address, instead of people playing with 6+ accounts botting their a$$es of and playing for free.
Circadian_Seeker Aug 25, 2013 @ 1:03pm 
Ok, I've heard the 19 year argument before, and while I normally understand the overall point when people make it I think this particular metric is misrepresenting. Here's the same argument in WOW terms (game chosen randomly, as the most popular):

"WOW takes so much time, it'll take X number of years to get 22 characters leveled up and geared for heroic raiding so I can raid with EVERY SPEC in the game"

There is no time requirement to play the game. You progress, make isk to progress faster (either through implants or you buy a differently skilled alt if you can afford it, and that DOSEN"T require a second account). But a 4 month character can go into a nullsec-alliance pvp fleet (nullsec is considered endgame by most) and be useful, and win against opponments with more skill. Brave newbies prooved it, and the Goons prooved it before them. You don't need to have every skill in the game. You don't need every pvp skill in the game, just decide what you'll do and train it, the fact you can do it on once char instead of alts is a Good Thing.

But even more why do you think you need to top every skill to pvp? That won't help you much. Even if you're max skilled, if you meet someone in the wrong ship you're dead, if you meet someone who's prepared for your ship you 're dead. If you meet someone with a fleet while you're alone you're dead. And 200 million skillpoints won't make a difference.

I'll give you the facebook in space point, who you know IS important. You are capped in what you can do on your own (It's your isk income rather than the skills that's the cap the way I see it though) but mostly the game is structured so that you are useless on your own after a point, that is true. But the same can be said about any MMO so I don't consider it so much of a fault.
Lactose the Intolerant (Banned) Aug 26, 2013 @ 2:37am 
Join a corp of PvPers. Fly a Maulus with 2-3 sensor dampeners attached. Put them on enemy Blackbirds & Logistics. Well done, with a 1 million ISK ship and a 6 hour old character you've made a massive impact on a gang of 10-20 people and are one of the most influential pilots in the fight.

If you jump in a brawling ship and try to brawl when you first start you will die as you don't have the personal skill on how to do it properly. If you jump into an EWAR frigate you will dominate.
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Date Posted: Aug 12, 2013 @ 9:26am
Posts: 247