Future Proof

Future Proof

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parandr0id Jul 6, 2018 @ 5:22am
Looking for some hints
Me and my friend have been able to find nine endings so far, but now we've been stuck for some time. We tried everything we could think of, but are now desperate for some hints on the following things...
I'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.

Old factory: Got in the first door; assuming we have to use the pay phone to open something in the room... tried calling every number we could think of, including some dates (opening closing, founding of town, date on paper in factory), nothing so far...

House with maze next to it: Filled out the maze, but no idea where to go from here. Is it even connected to the house? Tried every 4 number code we could think of, mostly dates...

Portal??: Can't seem to get to the point where the portal is supposedly opening up in the timeframe it is supposed to open. How is it possible to get there so fast? Or are we on the wrong track?

There are some other things we're not all clear on yet, but the above are the most puzzling issues atm. Thankful for any hints :)
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
monokoma Jul 6, 2018 @ 9:47am 
For the Portal, yes it is possible to get in there quick at the right time before it vanishes, do you have the "character always run" option active?

For the rest, i'm also stucked at the moment, still trying to find more hints arount the city :O
monokoma Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:24am 
Ok I found some more stuff! :)

Old factory: it's correct to use the phone to open the secret passage, but you don't have to put a number in it, it is a word... if you'd like I can give you more hints about the word, but now it should be easy to figure it out by using the rest of the "thoughts" you should already have :)

House with maze next to it: this is solved in the same way, you don't have to put a number code, it is a word... related to the maze you filled out :) Now the problem is the following puzzle when you open the door... when you'll get in there, let me know!

Also, could you write the name / number of the endings you found? I only got 7 of them for now..
parandr0id Jul 8, 2018 @ 10:31am 
Thank you! I'll try your hints ASAP :)

I got the endings 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13 & 14 so far. If you need hints for any of those, let me know :)
monokoma Jul 9, 2018 @ 2:39pm 
Nice! So, I got 2 endings missing from your list:
ending 3 (related to the old factory) and ending 6 (related to the portal). Adding them all together, we only miss 3 endings: 9, 11 and 12!

By looking at the achievement list: https://steamcommunity.com/stats/844130/achievements
I still don't have: Crash and burn, Man's best friend, To the Moon VIII, Hydra like this, ALT + F4, Final Wars begins!, Chouginga Sean, Unfound. Which ones are you missing?

By looking at the achievement we don't have together, we could get some more hints about where to look for the remaining endings. For example there could be an ending related
to the dog? Maybe you got it already :P
parandr0id Jul 10, 2018 @ 12:40am 
Yeah, three more to go! :)

I still didn't manage to get to the portal, but I got the factory ending thanks to your hints! Currently struggling with the puzzle inside the maze-house.

I'm missing the achievements ALT + F4, Chouginga Sean & Unfound. One of them must be related to the maze-house picture puzzle. For the other two, I have no clue.

Do you want some hints for Crash and burn, Man's best friend, To the Moon VIII, Hydra like this or Final Wars begins!? The first one is not related to an ending in the endings list btw. Just to another gruesome death...
parandr0id Jul 10, 2018 @ 12:42am 
Btw I saw you're one of the curators for Weird Games for your Pleasure - I found this game through your recommendation! :D So thanks for that!
monokoma Jul 11, 2018 @ 4:08am 
For the portal: Do you at least see it behind the house before it vanishes? At what time do you arrive in there?

For the puzzle inside the maze-house: I made screenshots for all the "secret pictures" around the city, you can see them in here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/monokoma/screenshots/?appid=844130 we "just" need to find a connection between the 3 pictures for each number, then find another picture with the same connection from the ones in the house. As far as I can see, these seem to be the pictures around the city:

Number I:
A boat
a pretzel?
a pickaxe?

Number II:
a lighting bolt?
a ring
an ear?

Number III:
2 stars
a treasure map?
colorful rocks / precious stones?

I'm still not sure what the connections between these could be..

Originally posted by parandr0id:
Do you want some hints for Crash and burn, Man's best friend, To the Moon VIII, Hydra like this or Final Wars begins!? The first one is not related to an ending in the endings list btw. Just to another gruesome death...

I was able to find the Crash and burn death yesterday! I also found the room related to the Final Wars Begin! ending, I just need to find the item to put in there :O If you have general hints for the other ones (not too spoiler-y), they are welcome! :)

Originally posted by parandr0id:
Btw I saw you're one of the curators for Weird Games for your Pleasure - I found this game through your recommendation! :D So thanks for that!

I'm happy to recommend interesting / original games like Future Proof, I really hope it could sell enough to let the team making more games in the future, they have talent :O
I think it's still rather an unknown game just because it looks like the average "RPG Maker Adventure", and most people don't give it a chance.. but it could have some good "word of mouth" in the long run, as it's really a special game, quite the hardcore puzzle adventure.
parandr0id Jul 11, 2018 @ 6:56am 
Portal: Yeah I see it, I'm just slightly too slow -.- I'm working on my running skills. My friend already got the ending.

I noted down all the secret pictures too, I see them as much the same as you do. Although I interpreted the pickaxe as a scythe, and the gemstones simply as colours. So far, I cannot see a connection either :/ One of the three is always kinda the odd one out...

Some hints for you:
Hydra like this: Do something that you absolutely should not do! Then look around if something changed...
Man's best friend: Clean something.
To the Moon VIII: This has to do with the cards found around the town. Have you found all five yet? I had some trouble finding the last one, but then everything fell into place.

Thanks for all your help :)
monokoma Jul 13, 2018 @ 2:55pm 
I was finally able to get the "Final Wars begins!" and "Man's best friend" endings! The dog-ending was quite random to find, I would have never tried cleaning a random toilet in a random house, before I did try to clean the dirty one in the public bathroom but it was useless :O Still, awesome to see a Silent Hill easter egg in there!

For the "maze house" I think at the moment it's quite impossible to resolve the "pictures puzzle", mainly because the pictures are small icons made of pixels, so they could represent something different from what we may think they are. For example the colorful rocks or the scythe / pickaxe, we don't know exactly what they are. If they were real photos or if they were items we could take to read their names, then we could say exactly what they are (and maybe it could be easier to understand the puzzle), but like this it's really hard..

I probably need more hints for these endings :(

For "Hydra like this": I imagine I have to drink water, but I used the empty bottle and the cup on every source of water I could find that you can interact with, and it never do anything unfortunatly :( Do I have to use the cup or the bottle? Is the source of water hidden in some weird place? Or is the one in the vending machine?

For "To the Moon VIII": I got all the cards, but I don't have a clue how to use them. There are many hints around the city about cards, but i don't have any idea how to use them :( - UPDATE! I got to the Moon, but now I can't understand how to "un-scrabble" the german password to find the right one...

Last edited by monokoma; Jul 15, 2018 @ 7:30am
monokoma Jul 15, 2018 @ 4:34am 
In the meantime for the "house near the maze puzzle" I have extracted the pictures we have to connect, here they are: https://imgur.com/1r5ID58 so we can look at a bigger version and could be easier to understand what they are. Maybe the picture to associate to the second row (II) is the telephone, as you ear it, it rings and.. something about eletricity? :P
monokoma Jul 15, 2018 @ 5:34am 
Also for the "though map - golf": I can confirm that the message in the public bathroom is related to a secret hatch hidden in a grass field, as by looking into the games' files I found the hatch sprite: https://imgur.com/NLikapX unfortunately I still did not find it in the grass yet :P
Adelion Jul 16, 2018 @ 3:01pm 
Originally posted by monokoma:
For "To the Moon VIII": I got all the cards, but I don't have a clue how to use them. There are many hints around the city about cards, but i don't have any idea how to use them :( - UPDATE! I got to the Moon, but now I can't understand how to "un-scrabble" the german password to find the right one...

It is not a german word but an english one. Just got recently the achievement. If you need the solution it can be found in my slowly in progress guide. Or I can tell you here if you wish so.
monokoma Jul 17, 2018 @ 1:00am 
Originally posted by Adelion:
It is not a german word but an english one. Just got recently the achievement. If you need the solution it can be found in my slowly in progress guide. Or I can tell you here if you wish so.

Wow, this helps a lot! It should be easier now to find the password, thank you! :)

I'm also happy to read that you are working on a guide, it will be really useful for many people, i'll take a look at it later
parandr0id Jul 17, 2018 @ 11:20pm 
For "Hydra like this": It has nothing to do with water or the bottles. (I haven't found out what the bottles are for yet, maybe they're simply another Legend of Zelda reference?) Check around for a note that explicitly says something along the lines of "Whatever you do, do NOT do this!", then do the thing anyway. Then check around town again. Something should have changed. :)
parandr0id Jul 17, 2018 @ 11:23pm 
Great find with the hatch in the field of grass! I wonder how to get in there.

the other thing I'm still curious/frustrated about is the hidden message in the Yoga flyer and how it connects to the broken statue... The initial letters of the Yoga flyer spell out "PUSH FINCH", and the broken statue used to be a statue of the town owner, Bradley (?) Finch. And the statue is pushable, the menu gives you the option to push it, but when you do, nothing happens... grrr...

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