Shining Resonance Refrain

Shining Resonance Refrain

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mademan2 Jul 21, 2018 @ 10:22am
Character ages and the time that passed? *spoilers*
First of, do we know how old the characters are from any official source? If not, what are your guesses? I mean they refer to Yuma as a boy but he he is at the very least 17-18 if not more, in my mind at least. What do you people think?

And secondly, whats up with the different timestamps, all the actually passage of time is left ambigous. Like how old Janis is, Kirika's brother reffered to him as a boy when he blew up the village but he looked the same as he looks now, adding whatever ages Yuma is would make him at most like 40ish, why does he make himself look much older when talking to Zest?

Same goes with Beatrice, I mean we dont know how old Kirika, Rinna or even Kirika's brother are and Beatrice was supposed to leave when they were little and yet its all super fresh for them and they are not ready to talk about it and such, if it had been decades than it shouldnt be much of a problem no? We know Kirika and Rinna are young by elven standarts but still o.O

In any case, what are your guessses?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
CLG Jul 21, 2018 @ 11:40am 
I dont think there were ever official ages given out but the elves are around the same age as Yuma. This is easy to figure out due to Lestin being the disciple of Yuma's mother and the music box event in the after story.

As for Jinas, we have no real idea how old he is since he stopped aging a long time ago. He could be hundreds of years old since we don't actually know how long ago the village exploded. the lack of any art of Jinas being "young" is most likely just due to budget.
Last edited by CLG; Jul 21, 2018 @ 11:46am
landman Jul 21, 2018 @ 11:42am 
Haven't beat the game, but around chapter 7 or maybe before, it's explained how Excella at 7 controlled the drakomachina, and that was 10 years ago, so she is at least 17. My guess is everyone is around that age, Marion a little younger, Lestin and Beatrice a little older, and Jinas you are provably right and he is about 40, but he looks in his 20 for spoiler reasons. Then there's Licelote and her sister.... don't know if it's revealed at the end of the game, but my guess is they are some thousand years lol
Last edited by landman; Jul 21, 2018 @ 11:43am
CLG Jul 21, 2018 @ 11:47am 
Originally posted by landman:
Haven't beat the game, but around chapter 7 or maybe before, it's explained how Excella at 7 controlled the drakomachina, and that was 10 years ago, so she is at least 17. My guess is everyone is around that age, Marion a little younger, Lestin and Beatrice a little older, and Jinas you are provably right and he is about 40, but he looks in his 20 for spoiler reasons. Then there's Licelote and her sister.... don't know if it's revealed at the end of the game, but my guess is they are some thousand years lol

Yeah the 2 merchant elves are pretty big enigmas and most likely original high elves that are somehow still around.
mademan2 Jul 21, 2018 @ 1:46pm 
Well Lestin's age isnt clear because of Yuma's mom either, I mean she was an elf too, could have lived for a long time, the fact that he was her disciple doesnt mean much. But yea, most likely everyone is around the same age. I initialy thought that Kirika is much older, I mean she is said to have trained as Diva Magica and all that, its quite odd they would just let her go so young but I guess its a war time so if her Armonic chose her she had to go fight.
But its still weird, in one conversation Yuma asks Rinna and Kirika if they remember when they fought for the first time and they said its been too long to remember..I mean that is just BS, if they are less than twenty, how would they not remember o.O

I would honestly expect Sonia and Yuma to be 17-20 years old, Agnum 20-25, Kirika and Rinna lets say 40-50 which in elven years is very young. Lestin few decades older than that.
True about the merchans, I am curious if that ever gets revealed :)
CLG Jul 21, 2018 @ 1:52pm 
Originally posted by mademan2:
Well Lestin's age isnt clear because of Yuma's mom either, I mean she was an elf too, could have lived for a long time, the fact that he was her disciple doesnt mean much. But yea, most likely everyone is around the same age. I initialy thought that Kirika is much older, I mean she is said to have trained as Diva Magica and all that, its quite odd they would just let her go so young but I guess its a war time so if her Armonic chose her she had to go fight.
But its still weird, in one conversation Yuma asks Rinna and Kirika if they remember when they fought for the first time and they said its been too long to remember..I mean that is just BS, if they are less than twenty, how would they not remember o.O

I would honestly expect Sonia and Yuma to be 17-20 years old, Agnum 20-25, Kirika and Rinna lets say 40-50 which in elven years is very young. Lestin few decades older than that.
True about the merchans, I am curious if that ever gets revealed :)

The after story events with the music box basically point that all the girls are similar age to Yuma. Unless Yuma is incredibly old as well due to the dragon. Unfortunately we really dont even have a timeline of when Yuma was captured and how long he was held but I'm going to assume hes very young because of how annoying he acts in the game.
landman Jul 23, 2018 @ 11:32am 
I don't think Yuma was captured before the war, that's, at most, 10 years ago, So Elise died maybe around he was 7, then he was adopted in a vilage, and then he lost control at a later time.

Jinas says he stayed with the Shining Dragon at least a hundred years, but that doesn't ad up... Alfheim was repopulated a 100 years ago, adding 100 to his natural age and to yumas age, that would mean his vilage around the seal was already stablished at least 130/140 years ago
mademan2 Jul 23, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
Yea... and we know Excella is likely 17 at the begining of the story so the age range is as I guessed, 17-20, justs for about everyone. I still thin kthat Agnum is older, Kirika and Rinna too, but probably not by much.

Weirdest is Marion, I thought she was significantly younger than the rest, in her early teens, whereas the rest of the cast was in their late but I guess once again its not that much of a gap.

Well its weird with Jinas but I dont think Alfheim was populated 100 years ago exactly, and not overnight, there could have easily been people before that, just not the kingdom of Astoir as we know it.

But there is a lot of things that dont add up, the king for example says that there have been generations of kings... while not technically incorrect, even if it is 100 year old kingdom its unlikely they had more than 3 kings or so? He certainly made Astoria seem much older.
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