Unity of Command II

Unity of Command II

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Ante Fau Dec 13, 2019 @ 9:56am
Troubleshooting and FAQ
Reporting bugs
When reporting a bug, please attach the log located at %localappdata%\.uoc2\log.txt
Along with the log, please attach your system specs.

GPU issues
For graphics related issues, make sure you have the latest video drivers installed.

If the performance is sluggish on a laptop, check if the dedicated GPU is being used.
This can be set in Nvidia, AMD and Intel control panels.

We're aware of some rendering issues on Nvidia GTX 1050 and are working hard to fix them. Until then, you can fix the issue by changing the Smoothing video option in the game to FXAA:
Options -> Video -> Smoothing -> Select FXAA


1.The game won't start all?
If the game won't run at all, your antivirus software might be blocking it. Try adding an exception for uoc2.exe in your antivirus software.

2. When I click my units I can't see the orange movement outline.
We've seen this issue pop up with certain GPU models. The workaround is as follows:
  • Go to Options/Video
  • Set the Video Quality Preset to "Custom"
  • Set Smoothing to either FXAA or "Off"

3. The game runs in 1600x900 in full-screen mode but my native screen resolution is 1920x1080.
This is happening due to windows UI scaling. Go to game Options and check the box that says: ignore system UI scaling.

4. The game doesn't start/black screen/has sound only.
Please make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date.

In particular, we get these issues often for AMD/ATI cards on Windows 7. Please go to this site and update your drivers:

5. I cannot click the Start Scenario button on the campaign screen (can also affect other buttons on the right-hand side of the screen).
Solution 1: disable tips in XBox Game Bar.
Win+G -> Settings (gear icon) -> uncheck "Show tips when I start a game".

Solution 2: in Options/Controls, uncheck "use system mouse".
Last edited by Ante Fau; Dec 13, 2019 @ 10:03am