The Commission: Organized Crime Grand Strategy

The Commission: Organized Crime Grand Strategy

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 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
Find a Rat? Report them here!
Bug Reporting

No matter how much planning goes into an operation, it is more than likely a rat or two can make their way in and mess things up! If you have encountered a bug or fatal error during your gameplay experience of The Commission: OC, our team would appreciate hearing all about it in this discussion thread.

With your help, we can work towards making sure no more pesky rats are trying to ruin our family fun. As time goes on, we will put together an FAQ section to help you get back to running rackets. Thank you all for your patience and more importantly your support!
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 9 sur 9
Alex 23 aout 2018 à 14h05 
Hello! I've noticed that all rackets are lost when you adjust the amount of muscle to a soldier.
Alex a écrit :
Hello! I've noticed that all rackets are lost when you adjust the amount of muscle to a soldier.
Moving all of your units out of a town will render the rackets abandoned and will thus lead to them being removed by the town that you are no longer there to uphold.

I am assuming that you are running into an issue not with moving all your muslce but having all of your muslce leave their asigned town when atempting to transfer a few between soldiers. If that is the case or if I missed the mark, please let me know!

Either way, I'll pass your message along and we will take a closer look at this section of the build.

Thanks so much for your input and support!
Played as the Junio family and assassinated a don and got the Rocca Revenge achievement.(The don killed was Bogianna)
LGN Berten a écrit :
Played as the Junio family and assassinated a don and got the Rocca Revenge achievement.(The don killed was Bogianna)
Looking into it, thanks!
Hey everyone, while playing the game, if you get a random crash or freeze between turns please follow the below instructions so we can gather specific information on why these things may occur. This also allows devs to quickly find the issue and expedite fixing them. Please keep in mind that this is not for normal bugs that cause unexpected behaviors but for crashes or freezes that halt playing the game.

First, please make sure this isn't a normal bug but a crash or freeze, halting gameplay. We will need to gather OS information and have you run the game with certain settings to produce an output log for devs to see what is causing the crash or freeze.

This graphic will show you how:

After grabbing the output log, send it our way via our Discord Community:

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out via Discord! Thanks so much!
Dernière modification de sunpotato; 1 sept. 2018 à 12h49
I have an issue where I can't zoom with the touch pad on my laptop.

I thought it could be an issue with my laptop so I tried it on a different game but I could zoom just fine. Help me out?
Hello. I purchased this game and played it, everything was going well. I really enjoy it. However, when I went to start it one day, the game loaded to the menu but I couldn't click anything, plus the music wasn't on. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times only to get the same result. I have also installed it on another computer I have Steam on, only to get the same result.
The game loads to the main menu with no sound, I can't click anything. Its currently unplayable. I really enjoy this game, does anyone have any advice?
eyutk613 a écrit :
Hello. I purchased this game and played it, everything was going well. I really enjoy it. However, when I went to start it one day, the game loaded to the menu but I couldn't click anything, plus the music wasn't on. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times only to get the same result. I have also installed it on another computer I have Steam on, only to get the same result.
The game loads to the main menu with no sound, I can't click anything. Its currently unplayable. I really enjoy this game, does anyone have any advice?

The game works for me so I can't directly try to find a fix for you. When you uninstalled the game, did you check if there was still a game folder that may have had files in it? Maybe the uninstall didn't fully uninstall it and the remaining files are glitched.
fix game make it less story like
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