A Kiss For The Petals - Maidens of Michael

A Kiss For The Petals - Maidens of Michael

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Game removed from Steam store?
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Origineel geplaatst door Rik67:
Steam removed this game but is totally okay with that https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/steam-video-games-nazis_us_5aa006cae4b0e9381c146438
Shame on you, Steam.

Ikr? People die in games all the time, and it's okay for people to see that, but not fine for people to see sex.
Origineel geplaatst door anzu:
Origineel geplaatst door Rik67:
Steam removed this game but is totally okay with that https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/steam-video-games-nazis_us_5aa006cae4b0e9381c146438
Shame on you, Steam.

Ikr? People die in games all the time, and it's okay for people to see that, but not fine for people to see sex.

They just cant handle the yuri. They're trying to stop it, but little do the know that yuri shall conquer the world.
Origineel geplaatst door Chomping:
Origineel geplaatst door Hanako Games:
It's best not to jump to conclusions. Right now we have no idea why the game is missing. It might be an error, it might be something temporary about a totally different legal issue that we haven't imagined. I've seen many games disappear from the store temporarily and then be restored. Give it a bit of time to find out what's happening.
What this guy says.
If the game was reported to have pr0n/illegal content, It makes sense valve would take it down while they check the game's content and/or contact the developers.

i sure hope it's this
Origineel geplaatst door anzu:
Origineel geplaatst door Rik67:
Steam removed this game but is totally okay with that https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/steam-video-games-nazis_us_5aa006cae4b0e9381c146438
Shame on you, Steam.

Ikr? People die in games all the time, and it's okay for people to see that, but not fine for people to see sex.

Worst part is that the people in charge are bankmen. They can set any rules they want for allowing their bank to do transactions for something. So if they disliked black people, they could just not allow black people from buying from their connected stores.

"Luckily" they only harass porn and nudity and not races. Probably because those have no power to fight back, while racism could be fought by just making petitions.
Out of all the garbage borderline porn on Steam, it baffles me that this one was singled out. Get your ♥♥♥♥ together, Valve
Do you guys think the uncensor patch may be responsible for this? I did read a while ago that Valve wasn't happy with the publishers linking patches on the forums, so they apparently forced all VNs publishers to stop doing that, but I thought that linking the patches outside Steam was fine. Is that not the case anymore?
Origineel geplaatst door Ynairo:
Do you guys think the uncensor patch may be responsible for this? I did read a while ago that Valve wasn't happy with the publishers linking patches on the forums, so they apparently forced all VNs publishers to stop doing that, but I thought that linking the patches outside Steam was fine. Is that not the case anymore?

Very unlikely. The publisher haven't linked any information about the patch here, so the problem seems to be another matter.

If that was the case, Steam would have to ban 80% of the VNs sold in their store.
Hope things get restored, guys! Someone in the force is trying to disturb our Yuri games. :steamsad:
Laatst bewerkt door Entrexia; 9 mrt 2018 om 18:15
Origineel geplaatst door hamburger:
hey I don't mean to gloat, but I did this

Well,I let you imagine all the nice words we have for you.
Laatst bewerkt door Rik67; 9 mrt 2018 om 18:38
Person claiming delisting is probably full of ♥♥♥♥ but also their information is inaccurate. All Manga Gamer would have had to do is show that the information isn't true to get it reinstated.

Furthermore, there are a lot of other games starring high school casts so it'd be an inane double standard at play.
Laatst bewerkt door Yuri Deluxe; 9 mrt 2018 om 19:01
Origineel geplaatst door hamburger:
Origineel geplaatst door Rik67:
Well,I let you imagine all the nice words we have for you.
With such transparent trolling, I doubt this will stick. Small victories I guess? You sure showed them
Origineel geplaatst door hamburger:
the thing is, the information is true. read the archives links where I made that argument.

I mean your information is actually just straight up wrong. "Years 1-4 of high school". You literally don't even know how high school works in the setting. If you can't even bother being right about something that simple why would anyone follow your thread of logic from there.
Hmmm, I wonder what SteamRep has to say about obvious troll... Oh, nevermind.

Origineel geplaatst door hamburger:
"years 1-4"
do you know how highschool and age works

I know that the school they're attending has first years, second years, and third years. I know what the "annex building" actually is. I know what content in the game would actually make a more solid foundation for arguing its ban. I know that fictional characters are whatever age the fiction says they are because it's not real. They could be 1000 or they could be 7. They aren't real. Their ages are defined by the statements of the work, not how many years they've lived. So, in the English language version of the game? They're 18.
If you're going to lie, do a better job. Literally the only true thing you've said is that you've played multiple games in a series you say contains child pornography.

That stands for itself.
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