A Plague Tale: Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence

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SP4RT4N3R May 18, 2019 @ 5:36pm
A Plague Tale: Innocence Ultrawide/21:9 Fix [EN/GER]

A Plague Tale: Innocence is an amazing game which sadly doesn't support Ultrawide (neither Gameplay nor Cutscenes).

Manual Method:
You can easily fix this by Hex Editing the Game and changing all 39 8E E3 3F Hex Values with 8E E3 18 40 Hex Values (for 3440x1440);
00 00 A0 3F [instead of 8E E3 18 40] for 1280x1024;
26 B4 17 40 [instead of 8E E3 18 40] for 2560x1080;
39 8E 63 40 [instead of 8E E3 18 40] for 3840x1080;
9A 99 19 40 [instead of 8E E3 18 40] for 3840x1600;
AE 47 A1 40 [instead of 8E E3 18 40] for 5292x1050;
AB AA AA 40 [instead of 8E E3 18 40] for 7680x1440.

Now you can enjoy both Gameplay and Cutscenes (aswell as the HUD) in 21:9 (even the Main Menu works!).
Sometimes the transition between Loading Screen and Cutscene glitches out with red bars on the side but it shouldn't be too worrying since it only lasts for the duration of the Loading Screen.

Keep in mind that this Fix only works for the Steam Version of the game and needs to be redone after every official Update (also keep in mind to read the short Hex Edit Tutorial down below if you don't know how to Hex Edit).
If the Fix strangely doesn't work try to set the inGame resolution to 16:9 (1920x1080) since the 39 8E E3 3F Hex Values are for 16:9.

This is how the game will look like once you fixed it via the Hex Editor:

Main Menu:

If you don't know how to Hex Edit:
Just download the program ''HxD'' from their Official Website.[mh-nexus.de]
  1. --> Open HxD
  2. --> Press Control O
  3. --> Choose the Game's Exe (''APlagueTaleInnocence_x64'' in steamapps/common/APlagueTaleInnocence)
  4. --> Press Control R
  5. --> Go to Hex Values (on top)
  6. --> Search for 39 8E E3 3F and change it with 8E E3 18 40 (or other resolutions)
  7. --> Activate Search direction all
  8. --> Press Change everything (bottom middle)
  9. --> (should change two values) Now go to the top left and save it where the normal exe is, changing it with the old one. If you have problems, just repair the game via Steam.



A Plague Tale: Innocence ist ein tolles Spiel, dass leider keine Ultrawide Auflösung unterstützt (weder Gameplay noch Cutscenes).

Manuelle Methode:
Ihr könnt das ganz einfach fixen indem ihr das Spiel Hex Editiert und alle 39 8E E3 3F Hex Werte mit 8E E3 18 40 Hex Werten ersetzt (für 3440x1440);
00 00 A0 3F [anstelle von 8E E3 18 40] für 1280x1024;
26 B4 17 40 [anstelle von 8E E3 18 40] für 2560x1080;
39 8E 63 40 [anstelle von 8E E3 18 40] für 3840x1080;
9A 99 19 40 [anstelle von 8E E3 18 40] für 3840x1600;
AE 47 A1 40 [anstelle von 8E E3 18 40] für 5292x1050;
AB AA AA 40 [anstelle von 8E E3 18 40] für 7680x1440.

Jetzt könnt ihr sowohl das Gameplay als auch die Cutscenes (sowie das HUD) in 21:9 genießen (selbst das Hauptmenü funktioniert!).
Manchmal wenn das Gameplay oder die Cutscenes in den Ladebildschirm übergehen glitched der Ladebildschirm an den Rändern leicht aus und es kommen rote Balken zum Vorschein, jedoch keine Sorge, diese bleiben nur währen des Ladebildschirms!

Denkt dran, dass dieser Fix nur für die Steam Version des Spiels funktioniert und nach jedem offiziellen Update neu angewendet werden muss (falls ihr nicht wisst wie man Hex Editiert einfach das kleine Tutorial unten durchlesen).
Falls der Fix komischerweise nicht funktioniert versucht die Auflösung in 16:9 (1920x1080) zu ändern da die 39 8E E3 3F Hex Werte für 16:9 sind.

So wird das Spiel dann nach Bearbeitung mit dem Hex Editor aussehen:


Falls ihr nicht wisst wie man Hex Editiert:
Downloaded einfach das Programm ''HxD'' von der offiziellen Website.[mh-nexus.de]
  1. --> Öffnet HxD
  2. --> Drückt Strg O
  3. --> Wählt die Exe des Spiels aus (''APlagueTaleInnocence_x64'' in steamapps/common/APlagueTaleInnocence)
  4. --> Drückt Strg R
  5. --> Klickt auf Hex Werte (oben)
  6. --> Sucht nach den Werten 39 8E E3 3F und ändert sie mit den Werten 8E E3 18 40 (untere Zeile/oder eine andere genannte Auflösung)
  7. --> Aktiviert ''Search direction all''
  8. --> Drückt ''Change everything'' (unten mittig)
  9. --> (sollte 2 Werte ändern) Jetzt navigiert ihr nach oben links und speichert die geänderte Exe in demselben Dateipfad der alten Exe um sie somit zu ersetzen. Falls es Probleme gibt repariert das Spiel einfach über Steam.
Last edited by SP4RT4N3R; Dec 10, 2019 @ 2:41am
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Showing 1-15 of 152 comments
Broccoleet May 18, 2019 @ 6:24pm 
Nice tutorial ! simple and clean. i'm keeping this post for when i buy the game later! cheers!
Link May 19, 2019 @ 8:04am 
ive done this using the same method and i noticed after doing this that the side of my screen get blurry is that normal part of the game or did i messed up.
SP4RT4N3R May 19, 2019 @ 8:37am 
Originally posted by Linkqatar:
ive done this using the same method and i noticed after doing this that the side of my screen get blurry is that normal part of the game or did i messed up.
I think they get slightly blurry because of the Chromatic Aberration but I'm not 100% sure.
It didn't really bother me (since it seems like only a 5% blur boost) and I only found out after your comment^^
But no, you didn't mess up. Keep in mind that this is only an unofficial Hotfix since there is no official Fix/Patch for it yet.
c3lix May 19, 2019 @ 9:16am 
I have no love and money for games who don't come with Ultra wide support. It should be an easy fix for most games but devs just don't add it.
Cheswick May 19, 2019 @ 10:21am 
Originally posted by c3lix:
I have no love and money for games who don't come with Ultra wide support. It should be an easy fix for most games but devs just don't add it.
Depending on the engine its not just a task of some minutes.
KillingArts May 19, 2019 @ 1:56pm 
Originally posted by Cheswick:
Originally posted by c3lix:
I have no love and money for games who don't come with Ultra wide support. It should be an easy fix for most games but devs just don't add it.
Depending on the engine its not just a task of some minutes.

Yes, it is. What 3D engine do you know that does not allow for different resolutions?
Cheswick May 19, 2019 @ 2:18pm 
Originally posted by KillingArts:
Originally posted by Cheswick:
Depending on the engine its not just a task of some minutes.

Yes, it is. What 3D engine do you know that does not allow for different resolutions?
its not a problem with different resolutions, if u set up 21:9 or 32:9 u need to fix the fov + viewing angle and mashes of different objects cause ultrawide isnt a standart..
KillingArts May 19, 2019 @ 2:47pm 
Originally posted by Cheswick:
Originally posted by KillingArts:

Yes, it is. What 3D engine do you know that does not allow for different resolutions?
its not a problem with different resolutions, if u set up 21:9 or 32:9 u need to fix the fov + viewing angle and mashes of different objects cause ultrawide isnt a standart..

Sorry, but that's BS. The FOV is such a basic concept for every engine. It is extremely easy to do. It's just a parameter you set. You don't need to "fix" anything. Have you not ever thought about all those countless games you played that supported 1920*1080, but also 1920*1200 and 1280*1024 and 1024*768? Like most games on the planet? Do you really think that in all those cases there is something complicated going on that the developers had to do in order to support different aspect ratios? No, it's really easy. Pure UW support is just a matter of minutes. It can get a little more complicated with cutscenes and menus, sure. But even that is usually no big deal. And if they are not comfortable with releasing a UW version that is not fully tested, they can just do a beta branch. I am sure every UW user would gladly prefer this over no support whatsoever.

Also, it's "standard" and "meshes". And I don't see why you would have to change any meshes. Maybe you mean pop in of certain objects in cutscenes? You definitely don't need to change any geometry for UW support.
Flo66 May 19, 2019 @ 3:27pm 
This Game definetly needs UW screen support! For 3840x1080 these values work:

I found the Hex fix for 3840:1080, It isnt perfect but playable. Look for APlagueTaleInnocence_x64.exe in game folder and search 39 8E E3 3F Hex Values, then change all to 39 8E 63 40
SP4RT4N3R May 19, 2019 @ 3:28pm 
Originally posted by Flo66:
This Game definetly needs UW screen support! For 3840x1080 these values work:

Thank you, I will add it!
kissmo May 25, 2019 @ 10:32am 
Don't do the java installation!!!!
Loaded with ransomware and viruses.

I spent 1 hour to disinfect my system.
SP4RT4N3R May 25, 2019 @ 1:55pm 
Originally posted by kissmo:
Don't do the java installation!!!!
Loaded with ransomware and viruses.

I spent 1 hour to disinfect my system.
This shouldn't infect your system, you sure it wasn't another problem causing this?
I will look into it and upload it somewhere else. Maybe the Webpage was the problem.
Cheswick May 26, 2019 @ 9:27am 
I installed the java and had 0 problems on 3 different systems
Midas' Touch May 28, 2019 @ 5:32am 
After today update it dont worked. I was using this methode.
SP4RT4N3R May 28, 2019 @ 5:40am 
Originally posted by Midas' Touch:
After today update it dont worked. I was using this methode.
It works fine for me, got the right values?
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