Two Worlds II HD

Two Worlds II HD

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Raidor [dph]  [Entwickler] 7. Dez. 2019 um 9:51
Official Bug Thread for Shattered Embrace
please post any bugs reports here.

Shattered Embrace V 2.07.3 is available now. (February 12th 2020, you can see version on right buttom of the screen)

- 7 new cutscenes added
- fixed all cutscene sounds and lipsync
- fixed Intro Asyncs and subtitles timing (in the German subtitles timing is not fixed)
- fixed a bug that allowed entering the Foundry prior to obtaining the key from Shagir (Act II)
- fixed a bug with Ulzag's Villa interior being explorable prior to confronting Finglor (Act II)
- fixed a bug with partially misleading messages while unlocking the Gates of Marksmen and Battlemages (Act II)
- fixed a bug preventing Gates of Marksmen and Battlemages from being unlocked after subsequent Clearance Token upgrades (Act III)
- fixed a bug with unpassable door to Finglor's Workshop supposedly allowing to reach the Assembly Room ('Family Jewels')
- fixed a bug that allowed entering the Sunken City prior to talking to Orias (Act III)
- new paths defined for enemies in Gromshar Ruins (Act IV)
- fixed a bug allowing to leave Gromshar through the southern gate before meeting Orias on the central plaza (Act IV)
- mistakenly absent Forest Serfs re-introduced into Sharrean Forest (Act V)
- new paths defined for enemies in Sharrean Forest (Act V)
- previously corrupted minimaps in Outworld now display properly (Act VI)
- certain quest log entries while exploring the Red Dimension became more accurate (Act VII)
- new paths defined for enemies in the Red Dimension (Act VII)
- mistakenly absent Hell Knights re-introduced into the Red Dimension (Act VII)
- fixed a bug with certain monsters lacking proper names, e.g. part of Hell Legates (Act VII)
- superjump effect of Airwalker Potion was reduced (with terrain adjusted accordingly) in order to make jumping over lava in the Red Dimension more predictable (Act VII)
- fixed a bug with gigantic statues in the Red Dimension changing size while seen from the distance (Act VII)
- fixed a bug with the Essence appearing on the pedestal after killing Belial instead of the activated Orb (Act VII)
- fixed a bug that made it possible to reach Outer Teleport area after killing Belial without confronting Baal (Act VII)
- fixed a bug that allowed entering Ivan's Cellar prior to accepting Dano'endil's quest ('Soul Music')
- fixed a bug with wrong message showing after approaching a mysterious painting in the Art Gallery ('An Art Critic')
- messages shown after 'beautifying' each Zotmar's portait were made more specific to facilitate keeping track on the process ('An Art Critic')
- fixed a bug with the broken door to previously unreachable apartment above the Butcher's Shop ('The Great Architect's Riddle')
- fixed a bug with Great Architect's Amulet not appearing inside his Tomb ('The Great Architect's Riddle')
- fixed a bug with wrong Reputation bonus after solving Aiguonil's mystery ('The Great Architect's Riddle')
- fixed a bug with certain mobs around Mothark Shrine standing in water and reappearing so afer the Feast ('The Feast of Founding')
- fixed a bug that allowed entering the lighthouse in Freehaven before or after the Feast ('The Feast of Founding')
- effects granted by all jewelry rebalanced (e.g. expert side adventure medal for each faction now grants 75% attribute increase)
- mistakenly omitted variants of female Elven nobles re-introduced to Shadinar (Act II and beyond)
- corrupted High Priests Baelir and Mustalir now wear proper robes ('Gods and Demons')
adjusted body animations, facial expressions and custom cameras for certain NPC dialogues in Shadinar (Act II)

Update Status V2.07.2 - December 18th 2019:

- Sound in most cutscenes fixed (4 of 69 pending)
- rebalanced amount of XP and Auras gained for all quests
- adjustments in monsters levels and immunities
- corrections in weather system placement
- fixed missing text in quest log for several gameplay sections (Acts I, II, VIII; 'The Right to Arm Bears')
- fixed missing text in German and Polish localization
- fixed a bug with certain types of monsters missing from Sharrean Forest, Outworld and the Red Dimension (e.g. Ents, Midworld Trolls, Hell Monks)
- fixed a bug with mage's starting boots not displaying properly
- fixed a bug with missing in-game achievements names
- fixed a bug with malfunctioning door to Dalnir's Villa and Perakir's House (Act II)
- fixed a bug with Dar Pha's Room being open after solving Finglor's case (Act III)
- fixed a bug with Finglor's Gate portal effect not showing properly after game completion (Act VIII)
- fixed a bug preventing from snitching the Dwarves to the Elves, or helping them effectively ('Dwarven Escape')
- fixed a bug while entering the Crypt below the Temple of Yatholen ('Gods and Demons')
- fixed a bug with gaining all Hulud-related XP prior to reporting back to Gorana ('The Orc and the Worm')
- fixed a bug with quest log directing to Dar Pha's Room for Elven cosmetics, instead of the Hero's Room ('A Holy Figurine’)
- subtitles in most cutscenes fixed (6 of 69 pending)
- chest fixes throughout levels, dungeons and interiors
- updates and corrections in reported clipping-related issues
- NPC behavior updates and additions in reported locations
- icon fixes for several items
- corrected paths for mobs on various maps
- dice game location updates
- guard location corrections
- physics corrections for certain models
- fixed a bug with improper positioning of the inactive Ingot Ward in Qual'atar Canyons prior to the cave-in (Act I)
- fixed a bug that allowed entering Averian River Source area in Qual'atar Canyons without blowing up the first CPU (Act I)
- fixed a bug with Orcish blood-related schematics missing from Finglor's Workshop (Act II)
- fixed a bug with Sergeant Kestaril not teleporting into his office after visiting Ivan (Act III)
- fixed a bug with improper positioning of Grim Grimdahl and the Golden Horn ('A Holy Figurine')
- fixed a bug with Polly being automatically picked up from the wardrobe in the Armory too early ('The Ancestral Sword')
- fixed a bug with Agenir offering Polly-related quest prior to visiting Mendel for the first time ('Now You See Me Now You Squawk')
- fixed a bug with Dano'endil replacing Shaer'voedain only after visiting Mendel ('Soul Music')
- fixed a bug with Mendel not reappearing in Freehaven after reuniting with Polly if she was left inside a barrel in the Treasury ('Weapons of the Old, Part 1')

Small Update Dec 18th evening:

fixed a bug with particle effect missing on Ragnar's body parts being merged ('Hard as a Rock')
fixed a bug with missing icons for some pieces of starting equipment for Mage class
fixed a bug causing some Tenebrae Deacon's equipment pieces to look similar to Tenebrae Acolyte's pieces
fixed a bug with swapped icons of some equipment pieces of two Tenebrae-themed equipment sets
fixed a bug while entering the Assembly Room in the Ingot Ward Foundry ('The Ancestral Sword')
fixed a bug preventing Midworld Giant and Midworld Trolls from being looted

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Raidor [dph]; 12. Feb. 2020 um 8:34
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Beiträge 115 von 211
Game Froze when i clicked to use Polly the parrot (from Cot) in my inventory
There seems to be a bug with the Midworld Giant boss during the Questline "Hunting the Alien Beasts".

The creature's loot table doesn't seem to spawn and you cannot loot him, preventing you from advancing the main quest.
Problem with the speech of my hero :( Often i can only hear Dhar Pha
kenrae 7. Dez. 2019 um 13:31 
I don't hear any speech. From anyone.
Can you please tune down the wind noise at the elven palace? Or in the town there in general?
Hero usually has no voice when he talks. Unless his lips are not moving; then you can hear him speak (???)
Sometimes you just can't hear anybody though
Can't open certain chests, it just shows me the surrounding scenery for a while. Some of those chests are facing walls which makes it difficult to find the right angle to open them. I assume they've just been placed there the wrong way.
Sasha 8. Dez. 2019 um 6:28 
Pre-rendered cutscenes lack sound. At all.

Some doors are stuck in extremely awkward and weird positions.

Every now and then, the game freezes, but somehow I can still hear movement and/or dialogue, but I have to alt+f4 and get back in.

Camera angles during dialogue switch to some of the weirdest positions I've ever seen.

The game's soundtrack doesn't seem to kick in some places. Often it just plays one of the soundtracks from the original game.

Animations are terrible, as usual, but somehow now they're even worse. Just check the town criers for a clear example.

Will update this list as I go.
Raidor [dph]  [Entwickler] 8. Dez. 2019 um 6:42 
There are no prerendered Cutscenes. All cutscenes are ingame. If cutscenes would be prerendered, hero would always look the same.
We are currently fixing sound and other bugs.
Sasha 8. Dez. 2019 um 6:44 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Raidor dph:
There are no prerendered Cutscenes. All cutscenes are ingame. If cutscenes would be prerendered, hero would always look the same.
We are currently fixing sound and other bugs.

Eh, whatever. In spite of this whole thing I am actually enjoying the game and I don't even know why lol. Good job, I guess.
Sasha 8. Dez. 2019 um 6:45 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sasha:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Raidor dph:
There are no prerendered Cutscenes. All cutscenes are ingame. If cutscenes would be prerendered, hero would always look the same.
We are currently fixing sound and other bugs.

Eh, whatever. In spite of this whole thing I am actually enjoying the game and I don't even know why lol. Good job, I guess.

Oh and that one bug I reported about that door and the clue in the villa? I managed to find the clue eventually. But still, at least fix the door so it'll properly open :)
I Can only speak for the german edition - and it is the same here: Awkward walking animations.
In Cutscenes and during dialogues the hero has no voice, or both he and the others do not speak. It almost looks random when they moving their lips and you can hear something.
Because of this and the weird angles and movements the whole introduction chapter is not playable in a good way. Please fix this a soon as possible. Otherwise it is an affront to all players who bought the seasons pass. After such a long time that really sucks. Thanks in advance for your work. Greets
I can't get past the golden horn quest because the npc is clipped weird and I did the bird poop quest still no horn. Is there something I am not doing? I took a screenshot.
Raidor [dph]  [Entwickler] 10. Dez. 2019 um 7:58 
V 2.07.1 is available now. (you can see version on right buttom of the screen)

- Sound in most cutscenes fixed (4 of 69 are pending)
- music fixed in all areas
- enviroment settings fixed in most areas (10% pending)
- German / Polish translation updated
- some smaller fixes in quests
Haven't played for quite some time.
So after the latest DLC was released I decided to fire up TW 2 again. After downloading and starting a new game, I finished the prologue, but I have noticed some issues with textures.

So now I am in Bayan and I have finished the ostriches quest to get my horse. However I noticed strange issues in the distance.

It seems as if the engine isn't loading all the textures so I can partly see through the environment.
Turing around does not fix this. Moving closer or further away you can see layers of textures change.
See screenshot below:

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Syphedias84; 10. Dez. 2019 um 8:03
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Syphedias84:
Haven't played for quite some time.
So after the latest DLC was released I decided to fire up TW 2 again. After downloading and starting a new game, I finished the prologue, but I have noticed some issues with textures.

So now I am in Bayan and I have finished the ostriches quest to get my horse. However I noticed strange issues in the distance.

It seems as if the engine isn't loading all the textures so I can partly see through the environment.
Turing around does not fix this. Moving closer or further away you can see layers of textures change.
It's a well known bug many times topic here. Hoped with new DLC ver 2.07 it will be fixed. :/

Set "view distance" in setup not greater than 5 then most issues will disappear.

see also:
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