Empire Deluxe Combined Edition

Empire Deluxe Combined Edition

Ultra Lives!
Anyone around who remembers the EDEE Ultra mod? The download site has been reactivated, you can now (as of 1/24/21) go to http://www.ultradbsite.com/EDEE/ and download a new release of UltraDB.zip.

I love this 140 discrete unit database, and the 'interesting' logistics of getting a stream of small missiles into combat. Will play if there's another person in the world interested....
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Hello. Is this DB set up for EDCE? Is it ported over?
CPWilly  [ontwikkelaar] 12 jul 2021 om 14:58 
I have not heard of one. Ultra is an EDEE mod.
Yes, I have played the Ultra Mod. I had some of the most epic battles ever while playing with that mod. Anybody here still playing?
Hello Shakerjet. Yes, I have Ultra capability! Haven't played a game with it for years, but also have fond memories of epic battles.
I'd port it over, but I don't have EDEE, only this game.
@Alomoes since you don't have EDEE, you don't know the scope of work, which would be significant! But I'd be willing to tangibly support this endeavor.
After looking at Ants vs Military mod, is it possible to create individual unit sets for factions like: American units, vs Russian, vs NATO, vs Chinese? Could they be created without crashing the game??? If so, which version would it suit better: EDEE, or EDCE?
BTW, would LOVE LOVE LOVE UltraDb to be available for EDCE!
Origineel geplaatst door CapnNukeMan:
After looking at Ants vs Military mod, is it possible to create individual unit sets for factions like: American units, vs Russian, vs NATO, vs Chinese? Could they be created without crashing the game??? If so, which version would it suit better: EDEE, or EDCE?

It's possible, but it may not work exactly like you think. For instance, you wouldn't be able to make it work with multiplayer, or with a random AI.

Also, you have to be comfortable coding the AI to use it properly. If you need an example of how to do it, the MUD mod is using this approach to improve AI handling.

All of that is for EDCE. I can't comment on how easy it is to do in EDEE unfortunately.
Hello backwardscadence(CPWilly, too),
What I had in mind was a mere graphic change-keeping the balances of the stats mostly untouched. For example: Fighter graphic=(American F-15), (Russian SU-27), (NATO Eurofighter), and (Chinese Chengdu J-7) graphic-along with all their other respective units-keeping their stats the same, since the RNG will choose anyways.
I had another idea, and would like your input in this. I was thinking on taking city units' individual unit production, and create individual factories to produce them outside the cities. The cities would produce specialised engineer teams to build each respective factories. For example, are samples of my setup:

For Land Units, example-Built by engineers on land.
1. General Military Vehicle Factory, and produces:
a. Utility Trucks (small or large).
b. Troop Transport Trucks (small or large)
c. Missile Trucks (For any missile type in any inventory)
d. Fuel Trucks (Can deploy into fuel stations)
e. General/Admiral Vehicles (JEEPS/HUMVEES).
f. ICBM Platform Trucks (mobile/deployable for ICBM LR Only)
g. Like cities before, the vehicle units can be repaired when entered.

For Sea Units, example-Built by engineers on shoreline.
1. Destroyer Factory Shipyards, and they produce:
a. Corvettes (Four can be attached to Super Carriers to augment defense).
b. Frigates.
c. Guided Missile Frigates.
d. Destroyers.
e. AA Destroyers (to augment anti-air functions in fleet actions with their AA cannons)
f. Heavy Destroyers (Carries 1 VTOL/Helicopter /Tilt rotor aircraft, or 2 drones).
g. Mine layers/Minesweepers.
h. Like ports, can support/repair sea units as cities would.

This would be perfect for one of my most massive maps. It allows production in remote areas away from cities, and would also solve the "Water-Locked City" problem by building a Barracks, and a Patrol Ship Boat Factory on a shoreline to create invasion units to take it. It also presents very juicy targets to protect (unlike cities, these factory units can be destroyed). In Ultra-Db, Missile Factories produce missiles, and ports produce types of small craft. I can see this happening. After I get a new computer, I would like to get started on this. Now, how does the MUD Mod help this? Would this be a viable setup? What do you think? As always, thank you for your attention.
I like where you are going with this! Here’s what I learned during my attempt to do something similar.

First and foremost, you can’t have multiple production type units in EDCE. Believe me, I tried. It wasn’t pretty (full crash to desktop). I think the game is hard coded to only recognize the unit “CI” as the production unit.

What you can do, however, is construct them through the engineering menu. To set this up, create your “factories” as new units (copying the fort is the easiest way). Then go into the construction tab and add the units the factory can build and the construction time you want for each. Make sure that all the units in the construction menu can also be hosted (transported) by your factory otherwise it will cause issues with tile sharing.

Then go in game and see if it works.

The drawbacks to this are:
- You can’t use the efficiency system of cities which is a bummer. However, you can make the factory construct “expansions” of itself which could produce a tech tree type of thing where the more you expand the factory the better the production becomes.
- You can’t use supplies. I think only units that use the production option can do this.
- You would have edit your AI rules of engagement to recognize the factories as more important than cities. Those are found in the "unknown" folder where your app data is stored.

In MUD, examples are:
- Recon Infantry, Space Shuttles, and Space Stations are set up to construct units this way, if you need an example of how to configure it.
- EAFV’s can construct 18 base types and show how to add multiple unit construction options to your builders. If you changed the bases to factories, it would work the same way.
backwardcadence, CPWilly,
Not sure what EAFV's are, for I do not have the MUD setup downloaded yet. If that means that Engineer units can build these, then most certainly yes. Also, would these modified fort/port components allow me to build the exact units as described in the list? Here it is, so sit down a spell:

This setup includes a modification of 'city' units to form individual production unit assets (training facilities/factories/shipyards) for each unit to be made from the original respective database function of the city in the earlier games. Therefore, in each city, an engineer type can be produced to create the unit’s factory or shipyard of the unit. It is to be used on much larger maps so there is room for the good dispersal of these production units, while at the same time, provide assets to be further protected. This also makes the cities that produce the producers more valuable to protect as well when these production units fall to attack. Each production asset can be configured to produce specific units according to which database used (Classic, Custom, or Enhanced) and can be adapted to build whatever unit making asset to be made. For this depiction, some examples of Oblivion’s awesome Ultra Db, along with my own custom setup, will be used to exemplify this.

A. Land-Based Assets:

1. Military Construction Engineers can build:

a. Barracks Produce General Infantry/Marine Units by building (land-based for Infantry, shore-based for Marines). These Infantry/Marine Units can be augmented/specialized (Equipped) by a specified unit

b. Military Academy Training Centers Produce Generals/Admirals By building on land (Generals), Shoreline-Based (Admirals).

c. Engineering Universities Made in cities, the finest engineer teams that can build anything from forts, ports, roads, radar stations (both in mountains, and on land), refineries (off shore, and on land), airbases, fuel support stations, VTOL bases, train stations, and railroads that can build the framework of your war effort. Engineer Units cannot traverse mountain terrain without roads.

d. Military Engineer School. Produces Military Construction Engineers to build unit-specific war factories, barracks, schools, academies, training facilities

e. Supply Depots. Built near friendly roads, railroads, ports, and cities these store various supply units for later use.

f. Fuel Support Stations. Produces essentially gas stations/repair shops on roadways for ground unit support (like an airbase/carrier unit for air units, but for ground units only).

2. Specialty Unit Training Facility (Special units can be attached to Infantry/Marine Units to change/specialize their skill set for specific mission types). Unit types include:

a. Commandos

b. Envoys (for alliance treaty-making)

c. Mine layer/Minesweeper Units (instead of the engineers doing it).

d. Anti Air Unit (Shoulder-mounted, or cannon-equipped)

e. Anti Armor/Vehicle Artillery Unit (Shoulder-mounted, or cannon-equipped)

f. Combat Engineer/Sea Bee (rudimentary engineer team that can build anything from forts, ports, roads, airbases, radar stations (both in mountains, and on land), refineries (off shore, and on land), VTOL bases, and railroads, but at a much slower rate) Combat Engineer/Sea Bee units can enter terrain-prohibitive mountain terrain.

g. Mountaineers: Made in Barracks so they can traverse mountain terrain). They can be equipped.

h. Paratroopers: Made in Barracks so they can specialize in airdrop campaigns. They can be equipped

3. Military Factory Engineers: Produces the general military units’ factories originally done in the older games’ cities.

a. Armored Vehicle Factory (Support Unit).
1. Heavy Armor
2. Standard Armor
3. Light Armor
4. APC units (Carries 1 Infantry/Marine-equipped Unit/2 non-equipped).
5. Land Dreadnoughts

b. Artillery Factory (Support Unit).
1. Light Mobile Artillery
2. Heavy Artillery
3. Anti-Air Artillery
4. Surface To Air Missile Unit
5. Mobile Missile Launcher Unit
6. Anti-Satellite Launcher Unit

c. Fighter Aircraft Factory.
1. Standard Fighters (land and carrier-based)
2. Advanced Tactical Fighters (land and carrier-based)
3. VTOL Fighters (land and carrier-based)
4. Attack Fighters (land and carrier-based)
5. Interceptors
6. Stealth Fighters (land and carrier-based)

d. General Military Vehicle Factory.
1. Utility Trucks (small or large).
2. Troop Transport Trucks (small or large)
3. Missile Trucks (For any missile type in any inventory)
4. Fuel Trucks (Can deploy into fuel stations)
5. General/Admiral Vehicles (JEEPS/HUMVEES).
6. ICBM Platform Trucks (mobile/deployable for ICBM LR Only)

e. General Military Aircraft Factory.
1. Utility Aircraft (small-carries 2 supply units or large-carries 4 supply units)
2. Long Range Spy Plane
3. Transport Aircraft (small, medium, or large)
4. Recon/Scanner Aircraft (Large-AWACS-type)
5. Recon/Scanner Aircraft (Carrier-based Hawkeye-type)
6. ASW /Minelayer Aircraft (Large land-based).
7. ASW/Minelayer Aircraft (Carrier-based).
8. Drone Aircraft
9. Re-fueling Aircraft (Land-based)
10. Re-fueling Aircraft (Carrier-based)

f. Land-Based Helicopter/Tiltrotor Factory. Helicopters are the ubiquitous means of support for ground/sea actions. Tiltrotors offer similar advantages with twice the speed, range, and expense of helicopters.
1. Utility Helicopter/Tiltrotors (small-carries 2 supply units or large-carries 4 supply units)
2. Transport Helicopter/Tiltrotors (small-carries 2 non-equipped units/1 equipped, or 1 support unit or large-carries 4 non-equipped units/2 equipped, or 2 support unit)
3. ASW Helicopters
4. Attack Helicopters
5. Assault Tiltrotors

g. Bomber Aircraft Factory.
1. Standard Bombers
2. Tactical Bombers
3. Strike Bombers Anti-Ground, and Maritime (can carry SR/SN missile)
4. Strategic Bombers [Fast and Normal Long Range (can carry LR/LN missile)].
5. Stealth Bombers.
6. High Altitude Satellite Killer (carries two LR missiles to target orbital-level units).

B. Sea-Bearing Production Assets (Coast/Shoreline only):

1. Patrol Ship Boat Factory
a. Patrol Boats.
b. Torpedo Boats.
c. AA Boats (cannon or missile type).
d. Landing Craft (can be attached to capital ships).

2. Destroyer Factory Shipyards
a. Corvettes (Four can be attached to Super Carriers to augment).
b. Frigates.
c. Guided Missile Frigates.
d. Destroyers.
e. AA Destroyers (to augment anti-air functions in fleet actions with their AA cannons)
f. Heavy Destroyers (Carries 1 VTOL/Helicopter /Tiltrotor aircraft, or 2 drones).
g. Mine layers/Minesweepers.

3. Cruiser Factory Shipyards
a. Light Cruiser (No ranged fire, but can bombard shoreline targets)
b. Cruiser (Typical Ranged fire)
c. AA Cruiser (Basically a cruiser with SAM capability).
d. Heavy Cruiser (Carries 2 VTOL/Helicopter aircraft/4 drones).
e. Missile Cruiser (carries 8 of any missile in inventory)
f. Battle cruiser (Carries 16 missiles of any inventory).

4. Battleship Factory Shipyards
a. Battleship (Typical Ranged fire)
b. Dreadnought
c. Armored Heavy Battleship (Most heavily-armed, expensive, and the hardest to kill)

5. Carrier Factory Shipyards
a. Escort Carrier (Carries 6 select aircraft).
b. Picket Carrier (Carries 4 select aircraft, or 8 drones).
c. Standard Carrier (Carries the typical 8 fighters).
d. Fleet Carrier (Carries 10 select aircraft).
e. Super Carrier (Carries 16 select aircraft).
f. Amphibious Assault Carrier (Carries 4 landing craft, 4 large Transport Helicopter/Tiltrotor Craft, 8 small Helicopter/Tiltrotor Craft, and 16 Infantry/Marine (non-equipped), or 8 Infantry/Marine (equipped)/Support Equipment.
g. Command Assault Carrier (Carries 8 landing craft, 8 large Transport Helicopter/Tiltrotor Craft, 16 small Helicopter/Tiltrotor Craft, and 32 Infantry/Marine (non-equipped), or 16 Infantry/Marine (equipped)/Support Equipment.

6. Submarine Factory Shipyards
a. Submarine.
b. Fleet Submarine (Carries 1 Covert Marine Unit, like a SEAL team)
c. Attack Submarine (Carries 6 SR missiles)
d. Boomers (Carries 12 LN, LR Missiles)
e. SSGN's (Carries 24 SR non-nuclear Missiles)

7. Transport Ship Factory Shipyards
a. Transport (Carries 6 Infantry/Marines, or 3 Equipped Infantry/Marine, or 3 Armor/Light Artillery/AA Artillery support units).
b. Troop Transport (Carries 8 Infantry/Marines, or 4 Equipped Infantry/Marines).
c. Logistics Support Craft (Carries 8 large/16 small transport Helicopter/Tiltrotor craft, and 24 supply units.
d. Support Ship/Oiler (Refuels non-nuclear capital ships).

8. Unit Supply Factory
a. War material supply unit (pallets of ammo, spare parts, support equipment)
b. Fuel Supply Units.
c. Food/Medical Supply Units.
d. Acquired from processed resources
e. All produced in cities to be transported to respective factories, bases, or supply depots.

9. Orbital Combat Factory
a. Satellite
b. Armed Satellite
c. Utility Orbiters (Transports, equips, and supplies orbital stations).
d. Combat Orbiters
e. Battle Stations (Holds 12 LR missiles, and 24 SR missiles)
f. Missile Defense Stations (Creates a defensive screen against enemy orbital units).

10. Missile Factory
Produced in small, medium, and large types.

B. Terrain Resources (To be processed by Engineers for supply) attacking /destroying these factories will seriously dampen/halt production abilities:
1. Oil-Refinery building (Offshore and on land).
2. Ore/Metals/Minerals/Uranium (Cultivated with mining in mountain/ground areas)
3. Marshland Methane-Natural gas refining
4. Allow cities to produce supply units by connecting roads/railroads from these assets to the factories.

Whew! That is what I am wanting to build after I get a new computer going.
Origineel geplaatst door CPWilly:
I have not heard of one. Ultra is an EDEE mod.
Hello Mark,
Is there a EDEE forum still active? I am having trouble uploading UltraDB onto my computer. The instructions provided are either not leading to goal, or I am erring somehow and need to discuss it. Is there one? Thank you.
Origineel geplaatst door GeneralGrenadier:
Anyone around who remembers the EDEE Ultra mod? The download site has been reactivated, you can now (as of 1/24/21) go to http://www.ultradbsite.com/EDEE/ and download a new release of UltraDB.zip.

I love this 140 discrete unit database, and the 'interesting' logistics of getting a stream of small missiles into combat. Will play if there's another person in the world interested....

Hello GG.
Is there an active EDEE forum?
Origineel geplaatst door Shakerjet:
Yes, I have played the Ultra Mod. I had some of the most epic battles ever while playing with that mod. Anybody here still playing?

Hello Shakerjet.
Have you had trouble loading UltraDB?
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