

Ghost knows where you are hiding
A friend I play with has had an issue occur pretty frequently, at least once a night if they get caught in a hunt playing 2-4 games. If they get hunted, the ghost just comes straight for them and kills them instantly. Pulled out of lockers, closets and in hiding spaces a good distance from the spawn the ghost homes in. It seems like a bug but it's not 100% and sometimes the ghost will behave so it's tricky to nail down. Frequency is high for this kind of bug, my friend tends to play with extreme caution and avoids being indoors if someone is under 40%. It's not the first time it's been reported but I'm not sure if people are using different wordings too. Ruins the session though and obviously can be very unfairly costly for the player.

Other issues experienced are failures for the spirit box to be recognised, certain equipment not working like EMF not registering at all, comms volume for each player defaulting to 100% after every session and no toggle option for sprint (jk, but please put it in there soon).
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If these issues started in 0.30 they did change a few things about how ghosts track you in a hunt and odds are this is not a bug. Some of your other issues could be.

If your group does not mind looking things up all of the hunt changes you need to know are in the patch notes.
Boot up willow street, hide behind the washer in the garage, and wait for a hunt. If the ghost is nearby, it will pick up any radio chatter. If it beelines right to your friend every single time, it's a mic issue.

Make sure electronics are off or discarded too. It behaves similarly to voice and will attract the ghost during hunts. Your flashlight in particular must be swapped to and discarded/shut off as there is a bug where the hotkey still keeps it on.
^--- this

The washing machine check in Willow is good way to easily find out if something is wrong or not. Hiding behind it is under good conditions a 100% safespot. This spot is good for tests because Willow is so tiny, that the ghost will everytime roam through the kitchen area in hearing and sensing range. And this is when it gets interesting.

If you hear the ghost beeline from the kitchen, through the garage, directly around the corner to kill you, the ghost knew were you are. This can be either by talking, mic white noise or any carried equipement which was on.

Be aware of the currently hunting mechanics (afaik them):
* the ghost can hear you talking about 20 meter, about 10 if you whisper
* electronical flickering and statics begin at 10 meter to the ghost
* the ghost can sense any carried and switched on electronical devices 8 meter
* the ghost can see you without any range limitation in a direct line of sight
* the ghost will remember the last location it heard, saw or sensed you and will check this position even if you stay quiet or shut everything off already

This is why it is vital to stay silent, hardware mute your mic if necessary to cancel white noise. As soon as the flashlight is flickering, be sure to shut off electronical devices BEFORE entering your hiding spot. Talking and electronical device sensing works through wall. If you think, the ghost got a "ping" of your hiding spot, consider changing your hiding spot if there is time left. Also make sure the ghost didn't saw you entering your hiding spot (break line of sight at least once). In long hallways (High School, Asylum) ghost can see you before you even get any heartbeat or hunting sound, keep that in mind. A Revenant or Jinn (with breakers on) can close in pretty fast and will check the last place it saw you, including the room you might have entered. So hide deeper inside that room.

Due to a bug, for non-VR players it is best to cycle to your flashlight manually and hold it in your hands to shut it off. Hotkey can cause the light being counted as "on" even when you don't see the light anymore (you will notice the flashlight being dropped activated from the dead body). I suggest to keep it in hands until hunt is over. if you cycle through a photo or video camera, ghsot will immediately get a "ping" of your location if within 8 meter range as both items are auto-on as soon as in hands.

Hope this helps your friend, and maybe yourself.

Messaggio originale di EGunslinger:
my friend tends to play with extreme caution and avoids being indoors if someone is under 40%

Individual sanity does not count. The average team sanity is what is interesting. If the team sanity is below 50% nearly all ghosts may hunt from time to time. The lower the team sanity, the more frequent hunts become.
Ultima modifica da Kelrycor; 27 set 2021, ore 18:07
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
Messaggio originale di EGunslinger:
my friend tends to play with extreme caution and avoids being indoors if someone is under 40%

Individual sanity does not count. The average team sanity is what is interesting. If the team sanity is below 50% nearly all ghosts may hunt from time to time. The lower the team sanity, the more frequent hunts become.
I had a Shade that hunted about as much as a Demon all because of the team sanity being WAY below 20% since both people left alive were at or around 0%.
Messaggio originale di Cursed Hawkins:
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
Individual sanity does not count. The average team sanity is what is interesting. If the team sanity is below 50% nearly all ghosts may hunt from time to time. The lower the team sanity, the more frequent hunts become.
I had a Shade that hunted about as much as a Demon all because of the team sanity being WAY below 20% since both people left alive were at or around 0%.

Yes, at zero team sanity things can get crazy with any ghost.

Technically a hunt can happen every 3 seconds, according to the old idle state and hunting formula. But then you were very unlucky and it is a rare occasion. More realistic is something between 12 seconds and 45 seconds, depending on the base idle state timer and if it is an aggressive ghost type or not. How accurate this formula is, or if it is already completely deprecated, I don't know.

But from my experience, hunts under very low team sanity conditions, are happening about every 15-30 seconds (if you stay inside the house). The Mares (in dark rooms), Demons or Yokais (if spoken to) will more likely hunt near the 15 second delay as sanity drops. Normal ghosts give you more time between the hunts while there is some sanity left. But in my experience, if team sanity reached the bottom line at completely 0, all ghosts hunt with the same possibility and frequency. So a Shade can also take you by surprise by re-hunting very soon, or a lot, if RNG is rolled badly.

If everyone is outside of the house, any hunt that RNG'ed will just be voided. But it can happen, the very moment you step in, the ghost eventually comes out of its idle timer and nearly instantly starts a hunt shutting the main door right behind you.
Ultima modifica da Kelrycor; 28 set 2021, ore 4:49
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
Messaggio originale di Cursed Hawkins:
I had a Shade that hunted about as much as a Demon all because of the team sanity being WAY below 20% since both people left alive were at or around 0%.

Yes, at zero team sanity things can get crazy with any ghost.

Technically a hunt can happen every 3 seconds
That's roughly what happened with the Shade it would start a hunt the second anyone alive got even remotely close to its room.
Messaggio originale di Cursed Hawkins:
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:

Yes, at zero team sanity things can get crazy with any ghost.

Technically a hunt can happen every 3 seconds
That's roughly what happened with the Shade it would start a hunt the second anyone alive got even remotely close to its room.

I know what you mean.

Especially on bigger ghost rooms it can get a decent death trap to gather some evidence once team sanity is totally wasted. Reaching the ghost room, entering and altering the set up, can be a run for your money between all the hunts happening.

If we have such a bad situation, we usually tend to sneak to the nearest hiding spot close to the ghost room. Then we wait the next hunt out, and as soon as it stops we sprint into the ghost room, do whatever we planned to and run out into the hiding spot again. Rince and repeat if necessary. Still can be very annoying because it takes a lot of time :)

Having a player back you up with a smudge stick or two (VR players can wield 2 sticks) can be helpful if things get grim and the ghost spawns at a bad spot.
Ultima modifica da Kelrycor; 27 set 2021, ore 20:56
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
Messaggio originale di Cursed Hawkins:
That's roughly what happened with the Shade it would start a hunt the second anyone alive got even remotely close to its room.

I know what you mean.

Especially on bigger ghost rooms it can get a decent death trap to gather some evidence once team sanity is totally wasted. Reaching the ghost room, entering and altering the set up, can be a run for your money between all the hunts happening.

If we have such a bad situation, we usually tend to sneak to the nearest hiding spot close to the ghost room. Then we wait the next hunt out, and as soon as it stops we sprint into the ghost room, do whatever we planned to and run out into the hiding spot again. Rince and repeat if necessary. Still an be very annoying :)

Having a player back you up with a smudge stick or two (VR players can wield 2 sticks) can be helpful if things get grim and the ghost spawns at a bad spot.
That's the other thing every time it started a hunt it would start in that room then walk out so it pretty much forced them to stay away from the room, I literally was the only member of the team that marked it as a Shade because only I was able to see the EMF 5 evidence while the others weren't able to and went with Demon as their choice because of the amount of hunts.
Edit: the map in question was the Highschool and its room was one of those locker rooms towards the left of the entrance for reference.
Ultima modifica da Cursed Hawkins; 27 set 2021, ore 21:00
Messaggio originale di Cursed Hawkins:
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:

I know what you mean.

Especially on bigger ghost rooms it can get a decent death trap to gather some evidence once team sanity is totally wasted. Reaching the ghost room, entering and altering the set up, can be a run for your money between all the hunts happening.

If we have such a bad situation, we usually tend to sneak to the nearest hiding spot close to the ghost room. Then we wait the next hunt out, and as soon as it stops we sprint into the ghost room, do whatever we planned to and run out into the hiding spot again. Rince and repeat if necessary. Still an be very annoying :)

Having a player back you up with a smudge stick or two (VR players can wield 2 sticks) can be helpful if things get grim and the ghost spawns at a bad spot.
That's the other thing every time it started a hunt it would start in that room then walk out so it pretty much forced them to stay away from the room, I literally was the only member of the team that marked it as a Shade because only I was able to see the EMF 5 evidence while the others weren't able to and went with Demon as their choice because of the amount of hunts.

Yes, the problem is, once at 0 sanity, the frequency does not say anything about the ghost type anymore. Demon begins at a higher level than normal ghosts, will hunt more than usual in between, but at low sanity the same amount than any oher ghost.

Why didn't you told your team the EMF5 evidence? If you were dead, there are ways getting their attention with throwing items to show them - without cheating and using Discord or Steam chat of course :)

We have an agreement that dead players throwing an item multiple times at the activity board will indicate "I saw an EMF5", throwing item against TTV means "I saw orb or DOTS in TTV", throwing an orb at the boombox means "I heard the spirit box". The same with the books under the TTV for "ghost writing inside", or the fingerprint picture in the truck for fingerprints (though they are hard to see them as a dead player). So I am able to tell them an evidence I found easily by getting their attention and then point to the appropriate thing or tool ^.^
immediately after the update, I also encountered similar problems. I believe that this is a bug of the game (perhaps the microphone). It also seemed to me that the player has no way to deal with this. It either happens or it doesn't. Now everything is fine with me and I can even light up during hunting, as in this video
I think that the problem is based on the electronic devices you are carrying.

Remember that since the last updates, the ghost is able to detect you if you are carrying any electronic device ON:

- flashlight
- camera
- etc.

So if the ghost is about 8m or less from you and you are carrying any electronic device ON, then he will detect you like if you were talking or making any noise.

The only electronic device that is not detectable is the headcamera (because you can not turn it ON/OFF and you can't throw them).

Whenever a ghost hunt starts, turn off any device and hide... other option is to throw the items. The ghost will not detect them if they are on the floor even if they are ON.
Ultima modifica da Danutopik; 28 set 2021, ore 2:41
Technically a hunt can happen every 3 seconds,

I agree... Last night I played the game with some friends. At some point on Willow house map the ghost did a pair of hunts, then we could escape the house.

We were waiting at the outside next to the entrance door until the hunt ended and as soon as we could open the door we entered the house again, however just 1 or 2 seconds after entering a new hunt started.

Fortunately we all survived... :steamhappy:
Ultima modifica da Danutopik; 28 set 2021, ore 2:50
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
Why didn't you told your team the EMF5 evidence? If you were dead, there are ways getting their attention with throwing items to show them - without cheating and using Discord or Steam chat of course :)
I WAS DEAD, there was nothing TO throw to try and indicate them EMF 5 evidence in the locker room, I was literally telling my friend who was alive through Steam that I saw EMF 5 twice for a split second did they believe me hell no.
Edit: plus nobody could get close enough to check the reader because as I mentioned each time it would start a hunt it would do it from inside the room then walk out basically keeping people alive away from its room.
Ultima modifica da Cursed Hawkins; 28 set 2021, ore 11:07
Messaggio originale di Cursed Hawkins:
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
Why didn't you told your team the EMF5 evidence? If you were dead, there are ways getting their attention with throwing items to show them - without cheating and using Discord or Steam chat of course :)
I WAS DEAD, there was nothing TO throw to try and indicate them EMF 5 evidence in the locker room, I was literally telling my friend who was alive that I saw EMF 5 twice for a split second did they believe me hell no.

That is what I meant. If you are dead you can throw items around to make your team aware of something or to tell them things. You are not able to move ghost hunter equipement. But teddys, beer cans, bottles, volley bally, smartphones, anything you can pick up and use to communicate with the living. Keep throwing these items against the activity board or an EMF reader on the ground to make them aware of EMF5.

But if your friend didn't believe you seeing an EMF5, you cannot do anything about it. Seems like your friend isn't trusting your hunting skills too much. As you had the correct ghost, but he didn't, it seems not to be your problem after all if he believeed you or not ;)
Ultima modifica da Kelrycor; 28 set 2021, ore 11:12
Messaggio originale di Kelrycor:
But if your friend didn't believe you seeing an EMF5, you cannot do anything about it. Seems like your friend isn't trusting your hunting skills too much. As you had the correct ghost, but he didn't, it seems not to be your problem after all if he believeed you or not ;)
Its not so much a problem of trusting the hunting skills its the verification something that couldn't be done since the moment anyone got close to the room the Shade would begin to hunt and it would always manifest in that room so it could walk out to force people away.
Edit: and it didn't help that the room only had one way in and one way out so its not like we could try to find another way into the room, plus each time it hunted the reader went haywire so that didn't help either with the verification process.
Ultima modifica da Cursed Hawkins; 28 set 2021, ore 11:21
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Data di pubblicazione: 27 set 2021, ore 16:40
Messaggi: 28