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Balten Sep 19, 2020 @ 6:15pm
Crucifix? More like LOSERfix.
Naw I'm just playing, but srsly though I am trying to get this thing to work out. I have tried using crucifixes multiple times to mitigate physical assault, and on the most recent mission we had a wraith that presented all the signs of a Banshee, who SUPPOSIVELY was at some point mitigated when I had the cruficix out. However, when in an active chase, turning toward the ghost and trying to click on it, or at least shake the cross at it, has no effect.

I understand this isn't mean to be a 'haha your invincible to ghosts' tool, but knowing its limitations or contextual usage would be very helpful.

Love the game BTW! Me and my two friends are playing it quite a bit, and are quite broke in the game. I need to make more than the everyday Youtuber. Thanks!
Originally posted by Kinetic Games:
Hey, the Crucifix is used to prevent the Ghost from entering it's hunting phase to attack you. Once the Ghost is in it's hunting phase the only thing you can do is hide. You should find the Ghosts room and place the Crucifix inside it and it will stop most of the Ghosts hunting phases.
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Thamriyell Sep 19, 2020 @ 6:24pm 
I remember playing with some friends in one of the Farmhouse levels. We were three huddled in an area investigating, with one in the van. Suddenly we started hearing something approaching us while trying to use the Spirit Box, I freaked out, and started screaming some made-up Priestly quotes while swinging my cross into the direction of where I thought the ghost was. The chase seemed to stop and we were able to get out for a quick breather. Not sure if it had any effect, but felt cool.

I believe with the cross, all you have to do is hold it out towards the ghost and just hold it. Though, at the same time, moving away from it could be a factor too.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Kinetic Games  [developer] Sep 19, 2020 @ 7:25pm 
Hey, the Crucifix is used to prevent the Ghost from entering it's hunting phase to attack you. Once the Ghost is in it's hunting phase the only thing you can do is hide. You should find the Ghosts room and place the Crucifix inside it and it will stop most of the Ghosts hunting phases.
Balten Sep 19, 2020 @ 7:28pm 
Awesome, thank you! On the side note of stopping ghosts in hunting phases, we had an incident where taking a picture of a ghost caused it to disappear, which caused us to assume it was a Phantom due to our limited information. However, later one of us was killed by the ghost as it was completely invisible, and then found that it was in fact an Oni. Do some ghosts also react hte same way the Phantom is described to (being that it is supposed to disappear temporarily after a photo is taken), or was it just coincidence that when we took pictures it also was planning to yeet outta there?
Kinetic Games  [developer] Sep 19, 2020 @ 7:31pm 
Originally posted by Balten:
Awesome, thank you! On the side note of stopping ghosts in hunting phases, we had an incident where taking a picture of a ghost caused it to disappear, which caused us to assume it was a Phantom due to our limited information. However, later one of us was killed by the ghost as it was completely invisible, and then found that it was in fact an Oni. Do some ghosts also react hte same way the Phantom is described to (being that it is supposed to disappear temporarily after a photo is taken), or was it just coincidence that when we took pictures it also was planning to yeet outta there?

Ah, that was just a coincidence. Once the ghosts are in their hunting phase there is nothing you can do except hide.
Rover Sep 19, 2020 @ 9:26pm 
Originally posted by Balten:
Naw I'm just playing, but srsly though I am trying to get this thing to work out. I have tried using crucifixes multiple times to mitigate physical assault, and on the most recent mission we had a wraith that presented all the signs of a Banshee, who SUPPOSIVELY was at some point mitigated when I had the cruficix out. However, when in an active chase, turning toward the ghost and trying to click on it, or at least shake the cross at it, has no effect.

I understand this isn't mean to be a 'haha your invincible to ghosts' tool, but knowing its limitations or contextual usage would be very helpful.

Love the game BTW! Me and my two friends are playing it quite a bit, and are quite broke in the game. I need to make more than the everyday Youtuber. Thanks!

It only works on certain ghosts. If you use it against the right enemy it makes them instantly disapear. You can even save team members if they are getting grabbed.
Minshiya Sep 21, 2020 @ 5:30pm 
Originally posted by Kinetic Games:
Hey, the Crucifix is used to prevent the Ghost from entering it's hunting phase to attack you. Once the Ghost is in it's hunting phase the only thing you can do is hide. You should find the Ghosts room and place the Crucifix inside it and it will stop most of the Ghosts hunting phases.

How do you know when the Ghost is in it's hunting phase? Sometimes it appears right in front of you and then boom you're dead before you can pull out the crucifix and sometimes even after.
Kinetic Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2020 @ 8:32pm 
Originally posted by mommashiya:
Originally posted by Kinetic Games:
Hey, the Crucifix is used to prevent the Ghost from entering it's hunting phase to attack you. Once the Ghost is in it's hunting phase the only thing you can do is hide. You should find the Ghosts room and place the Crucifix inside it and it will stop most of the Ghosts hunting phases.

How do you know when the Ghost is in it's hunting phase? Sometimes it appears right in front of you and then boom you're dead before you can pull out the crucifix and sometimes even after.

When the lights are flashing.
mattattack6969 Sep 28, 2020 @ 6:32am 
i am still confused how you use the crucifix. we wanted a picture of the ghost and to stop it with the crucifix so began chanting its name and when it showed itself we pulled out the crucifix in my hand. Do i throw the crucifix? is holding it ok as long as i am close to the ghost? when we left after getting the picture i was holding the cross and hunt mode began and i died by the door so did not seem to work. and what do you mean hide? crouch behind something?
Mommy Nora Sep 29, 2020 @ 4:14pm 
Originally posted by mattattack6969:
i am still confused how you use the crucifix. we wanted a picture of the ghost and to stop it with the crucifix so began chanting its name and when it showed itself we pulled out the crucifix in my hand. Do i throw the crucifix? is holding it ok as long as i am close to the ghost? when we left after getting the picture i was holding the cross and hunt mode began and i died by the door so did not seem to work. and what do you mean hide? crouch behind something?

You hide by running into a room or closet, and shutting the door behind you. As for the crucifix, you throw it on the ground in the ghost's room. The one where the temp drops, where the EMF picks them up, etc.
Rennoel Sep 29, 2020 @ 4:45pm 
Yeah we threw the crucifix on the ground as soon as the lights started flashing and yet the ghost just walked past it and killed one of us.
Sir Alf Sep 29, 2020 @ 4:54pm 
This works just as the developer described. I saw it happen on a twitch gaming stream. The crucifix has to be in the ghosts room and it can stop a hunt from starting. It wont stop the thing from killing you if its already on the prowl.
Guts Oct 18, 2020 @ 9:32am 
The Crucifix needs to be in the room it's most likely to spawn at. It HAS to be on the ground for it to work, if it's in your hand nothing will happen. Also it won't work if you throw it down once the lights start flashing because that's a sign of it hunting. When the lights start flashing the crucifix has to be where it spawns, if not as soon as the lights start to flash run for your life into a different room close the door behind you and hide in a closet.
The Great Brambino Oct 18, 2020 @ 10:41am 
Originally posted by NoEL:
Yeah we threw the crucifix on the ground as soon as the lights started flashing and yet the ghost just walked past it and killed one of us.
The crucifix has to be down BEFORE the hunt begins. If the ghost happens to start the hunt near the crucifix, the hunt is cancelled. This can only happen twice, then the crucifix disappears.
Myth Alric Oct 18, 2020 @ 11:31am 
The crucifix stops the hunting phase from starting, but the ghost spawns like 5 seconds or something after the hunt phase starts. Meaning if you see the ghost you completely missed your chance to stop the hunt.

If you are provoking a hunt to take a picture of a ghost, I would find a long hallway with a view into the room and put the cross in that hallway and behind that hallway. Then stand in the hallway and face the room. Once the ghost appears take the picture the quickly run into a hiding place. Note that some ghosts can be fairly quick.

I would not stand inside the room and start a hunt and wait for it to spawn, take a picture, then try to run out of the room and hide. While it is possible to still run out of the room and escape as long as it isn't a fast type of ghost, that is a pretty ballsy move and is very likely to get you killed.
BurlsoL Oct 18, 2020 @ 12:14pm 
Originally posted by Styliised:
The Crucifix needs to be in the room it's most likely to spawn at. It HAS to be on the ground for it to work, if it's in your hand nothing will happen. Also it won't work if you throw it down once the lights start flashing because that's a sign of it hunting. When the lights start flashing the crucifix has to be where it spawns, if not as soon as the lights start to flash run for your life into a different room close the door behind you and hide in a closet.
Not exactly. And this is why so many people have had trouble with it since it was changed. The radius was changed from 6m to 3m.

The spot where the ghost starts the hunt has to be within that 3m radius in order for it to prevent the hunt. Elsewhere in the room, does nothing. If ghost starts the hunt somewhere other than directly in the center of the room that is haunted (like frequently in the hallway or door to hallway), does nothing.

Holding the cross still works, but it still has to be in the right spot. This is also why there is confusion on the matter since some ghosts start their hunt in the hallway outside the room so the person holding the cross happens to be running through that area just at the right time to stop the hunt.

All this contributes to just general confusion over what should be a simple mechanic.

Cross in the room should just decrease chances of hunting, making the ghost to just do other behaviors for that cycle instead of a hunt, but not have a limited number of uses. This keeps things dangerous and disrupts hunting being like clockwork or safety being dependent on obscure and unreliable mechanics. But still of a benefit.

Smudge Sticks in the room should decrease anger and delay hunts from starting for a few minutes. Just like how they originally were. You can only bring a few of these to session, need to have someone with both the smudge stick and the lighter to use them, so have to save them for periods where you need to do some more prolonged setup work in the area.

Both these things are kinda needed for large maps to be practical without them boiling down to 2 minutes to move freely, hide in room for 2 minutes, move around freely for 2 minutes, hide in room for 2 minutes, repeat until all evidences are found.
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Date Posted: Sep 19, 2020 @ 6:15pm
Posts: 17