I just finished the game
I am disapointed that I really didn't need to build a base and the game turned into an action adventure game. Now I am back at my old station. Is that it? Should I continue to look for the other modules?
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I, too, thought it kinda odd that base building really doesn't seem that important, and in fact since I've been told that resources don't respawn, that one is probably better off NOT building because it eats up valuable resources that you'll need for other stuff.

That, and you know, the game just hands you an almost perfect base, the engineer's shuttle that has the 2 storage lockers next to a crafting table that you find right after you make the first spacesuit and helmet.

Since you can't build storage in the same room as a crafting table from what I've seen, this shuttle ends up being the best base in the game, the only thing it's missing is a bed, but you could just build a small base with just the essentials and a bed to take care of that.

Only other thing you need is the research table...
I stopped playing when I got to Chapter 3. I was pissed after all the time I spent building a base to leave it behind....
hanrahan6 eredeti hozzászólása:
I stopped playing when I got to Chapter 3. I was pissed after all the time I spent building a base to leave it behind....

I've not gotten that far yet, but that just makes me ask "WTF?"

They literally show off base-building as a major feature, but yet it's only available/relevant during one chapter of the game?

And barely, at that. Basically all you need/want is a bed and a research table. Nothing else seems to even matter, lol
Legutóbb szerkesztette: maestro; ápr. 21., 6:37
maestro eredeti hozzászólása:
hanrahan6 eredeti hozzászólása:
I stopped playing when I got to Chapter 3. I was pissed after all the time I spent building a base to leave it behind....

I've not gotten that far yet, but that just makes me ask "WTF?"

They literally show off base-building as a major feature, but yet it's only available/relevant during one chapter of the game?

And barely, at that. Basically all you need/want is a bed and a research table. Nothing else seems to even matter, lol

I know. I had two modules only because I couldn't build a place for my vacuum cleaner in the same module. In there I had the research table, oxygen generator, power generator and that was basically it. I have so much stuff spewed all over the floors because of how expensive the case was. Under storage I see lots of little placeholders but only the case. Was that the only method of storage?

Now I finished the story and came back to my pathetic little building. Should I try to build it up? Did the story never happen because I don't see Babe there?
So what did you do?
malding and seething, probably @grrl267
The main flaw is that, as been said, the base is pretty useless. and when you return, you can build on to it and even build a airlock for the ship but you cant fly the ship in section 1 so its pointless..
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