Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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I have benn banned from playing Compertive
Hello ,

Maybe its my fault . But i was banned for 1 week for playing Compertive in Counter Strike GO .. The reason is that i took damage to my teammates .. Really look i dont do it .. I was shooting on de_nuke_se with an AWP and someone of my teammates go forward and i kill him .. After that i go ramps and with a mistake i hit another of my teammates cuz i was shooting with an enemy .. Please 1 week without GO is hell.. If you can help me , please answer me admins

Thanks ,
Sorry for my bad english
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
jjb-54 Feb 6, 2013 @ 9:57am 
I have not played that game - but one thing that strikes me as 'curious' - is that "Friendly Fire" -- WHICH DOES HAPPEN - is not understood in the game world. Now yes, I am aware that some are not.

But more often then not - Friendly Fire is the problem. I know I have to deal with it in Skyrim - Fallout 3 & NV ... and other games.

If this is the case - Friendly Fire - where other players are getting into a "line of fire" intentionally or not ... is the Player really suppose to be "punished" for it?
Last edited by jjb-54; Feb 6, 2013 @ 9:57am
Play the casual! Forget competetive.
Tito Shivan Feb 6, 2013 @ 10:28am 
You need 3 infractions to get a 1 week competitive ban. So the week ban didn't come 'out of the blue' you had 2 previous warnings.

In any case, there's nothing that can be done but wait. Matchmaking bans are automatic and can't be lifted. Just wait for the week and don't get more infractions.
You can still play the casual gamemodes normally.
Irrelevant Feb 6, 2013 @ 11:26am 
It is friendly fire. It won't happen unless you are an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a guy in swat clothing and a guy in racistly stereotypical terrorists
jjb-54 Feb 6, 2013 @ 11:37am 
Hey - sometimes you are in the heat of the battle and some decide to join in ... and do cut in front of your fire as you are fighting ... now is that your fault? I cannot tell you how many times that has happened and people and NPC's have gotten mad at me! Huh? ....
Irrelevant Feb 6, 2013 @ 11:50am 
Yeah... sorry... annoying n00bs do that sorry
dirrtymartini Feb 6, 2013 @ 11:57am 
Originally posted by jjb-54:
Hey - sometimes you are in the heat of the battle and some decide to join in ... and do cut in front of your fire as you are fighting ... now is that your fault? I cannot tell you how many times that has happened and people and NPC's have gotten mad at me! Huh? ....

I'm a truly awful TF2 player but even I check my fire when someone crosses downrange.
Next time you play-don't fire when someone runs infront of you and aren't looking at you. Also if it turns out you did "accidently" kill somebody on team immediately appologise (preferably by both whisper/tell & Global/team).
Last edited by MentallyillGamer(Kaddam); Feb 6, 2013 @ 12:54pm
dirrtymartini Feb 6, 2013 @ 1:03pm 
Originally posted by DAM187TOP:
Next time you play-don't fire when someone runs infront of you and aren't looking at you. Also if it turns out you did "accidently" kill somebody on team immediately appologise (preferably by both whisper/tell & Global/team).

Yeah, a quick apology usually helps soothe some friendly fire anger. It's also good in-game manners.
Irrelevant Feb 6, 2013 @ 1:15pm 
And telling them that their is a good sniper is good too. I once was told by a team mate there was a pro sniper and we all ducked immediately and he took the shot and won a demolition game
ChrisW Feb 6, 2013 @ 1:22pm 
You need to be more aware of your surroundings. If you can't guarantee your team's safety, just like in real life, you are not supposed to take the shot. It is your responsibility to be aware of your surroundings before shooting. It is not everyone else's responsibility to get out of the way of your bullets. Your actions are ruining the game of your teammates you are killing.
jjb-54 Feb 6, 2013 @ 1:32pm 
But that is the thing - It was clear at the time of the shot was taken - but litterally at the last moment the other person .. moved and sometimes quickly into the line of fire. When does it become the other player/NPC to also look around them ...? :) (This is a fun/good dialog and am not attempting to be APITA ... )
ChrisW Feb 6, 2013 @ 1:54pm 
If they are close enough to the target that they can easily step in the way, don't take the shot. Wait for them to move away so that possibility is negated. If your teammate is closer to the target than you, you can't expect them to turn around to see your position.
Look first kill i was with optic and watching to come out .. And boom i sawed a person i shoot i killed a teammate , i said sorry , write sorry .. he said its okay , its my fault i go front of you .. But on ramps i was shootting with an enemy when suddenly an teammate shows up. .. Then you know the story 1 week banned .. That is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i can say .. Im not a person who ruins the game , if i was i`m not gonna write this .. But Admins cant read it =]
Spacecraft Feb 6, 2013 @ 3:09pm 
Originally posted by madscientistjr:
It is friendly fire. It won't happen unless you are an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a guy in swat clothing and a guy in racistly stereotypical terrorists

Hold on, racist? Are you kidding? Look at the rebel fighters in Syria, Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, fighters in Sudan, Somalia, and tons of other parts of Africa. Most of the time they're wearing normal clothing with some kind of second hand equipment like combat vests. That is how non-organized fighting forces dress more often than not.

What is racist about counter strike?
Last edited by Spacecraft; Feb 6, 2013 @ 3:09pm
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Date Posted: Feb 6, 2013 @ 9:48am
Posts: 15