Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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MissAyalah Nov 22, 2014 @ 4:33am
DDoSSed 4 days in a row - ONLY on CS:GO. Twitch Streamer.
Hey guys, I've been trying to do the stream every day challenge for an entire year. One of my main games that I like playing on stream is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I play other games on stream with no problem, but every time I try playing CS:GO I get pinged to death / DDoS and it forces me to abandon match because I'm kicked offline for hours. At least 3-4 hours, if not more.

I am at my wits end here, it seems to be a security issue either on Twitch or on Steam's server itself, because this only occurs when I try to play and stream CS:GO matchmaking games. Since I have received abandonment 4 times in a row, I am now facing a 7 day ban. I understand its unfair for the team to have a bot, but this is out of my hands. I have never left or team killed or been vote kicked or been toxic- I have not done anything to give me a cooldown besides these abandonment issues that is a direct result from DDoS or Ping to Death DoS. I have video proof since I record all of my livestreams. I have reset my IP, I don't use Skype or give out personal information or display anything publicly, so I have no idea what else could be exposing me besides the actual CS:GO servers when I go in matchmaking.

I have already sent a ticket to support but I doubt that any cooldowns will be lifted. I do have video proof of me being kicked off and my ping skyrocketing to the point where I am offline, since I record all my gameplay. Though the community can be unfriendly at times, I really do enjoy the competitive matchmaking system and would like to participate without any form of DoS, nor do I feel it is fair to receive cooldowns because of a DoS. Has anyone else felt targeted in CS:GO and kicked off unwillingly almost every match? Is this a recent new exploit in the security that people are taking advantage of, or is it myself being targeted by a specific individual?

Thanks and hope to hear some genuine feedback about what to do. I appreciate it.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
iza Nov 22, 2014 @ 4:35am 
I don't want to dumb your spirit, but unless you're not someone important or atleast SMFC+ i hardly doubt you get ddos'd.

However, if that still happen you should call your ISP and ask for a change.

Also is known for ddosing people. Maybe you should stop streaming. ;)
MissAyalah Nov 22, 2014 @ 4:42am 
You're not dumbing my spirit, but you're ignoring the facts. I've also already stated that I had contacted ISP and already done a change.

Just because people are "internet bullying" me persay, doesn't mean I should let them force me to stop doing what I enjoy doing- which is streaming.

The best I can show is the large amount of packets being sent to me, as well as video proof of me in game where my ping starts skyrocketing to the point where it says I lose connection mid-game. This DoS crashes me offline for hours, not just the length of the game. I'm sure if it was a one time occurrence I would be doubtful it was a type of DoS, but with this occuring 4 days in a row- I'm pretty sure its a DoS of some sort. Also, it only happens when I stream and play CS:GO. I appreciate you trying to respond but there is nothing substantial in your message... at all.
iza Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:16am 
Originally posted by darlingaya:
You're not dumbing my spirit, but you're ignoring the facts. I've also already stated that I had contacted ISP and already done a change.

Just because people are "internet bullying" me persay, doesn't mean I should let them force me to stop doing what I enjoy doing- which is streaming.
If you want changes, you should stop streaming, fullstop. It's your fault if you are still getting ddosed, when you have the option to stop it. I'm not ignoring the facts, but i don't really care about them because you are asking for something in this forum and you actually know no1 can help you. Just saying.

I don't know if you are female or not, but i stopped using a headset since 2012. Also i wanted to stream once, but i never did that. Refer to your "internet bullying". Females that have a proper look and play actually good are very rare. Because most females are terrible in this videogame, are mostly boosted...

Anyway, welcome to 2014, the age of abusing everything, of boosting people and of a terrible gamingcommunity.
Last edited by iza; Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:17am
change IP = problem solved
vlees Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:37am 
1. Remove people you don't really know from your Steam friendslist. Via the Voicechat functionality anyone can get all their friends IP's via Steam (seriously, removing them from your friendslist removes this ability), because voice chats go via P2P and not via Valve's servers.

2. THEN get a new IP, because that person now obviously already has your IP and even without being a Steam friend with you can continue to do so.

3. Skip step 1 and 2 and just get a better router.

Last edited by vlees; Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:40am
iza Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:47am 
I'm sure this person had 350+ friends in her list anyway..
asd Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:52am 
Originally posted by vleesch:
1. Remove people you don't really know from your Steam friendslist. Via the Voicechat functionality anyone can get all their friends IP's via Steam (seriously, removing them from your friendslist removes this ability), because voice chats go via P2P and not via Valve's servers.

2. THEN get a new IP, because that person now obviously already has your IP and even without being a Steam friend with you can continue to do so.

3. Skip step 1 and 2 and just get a better router.

This problem with voise chat is fix or its going to be fix. because they post it in patch note beta for some time ago.
MissAyalah Nov 22, 2014 @ 6:48pm 
Originally posted by vleesch:
1. Remove people you don't really know from your Steam friendslist. Via the Voicechat functionality anyone can get all their friends IP's via Steam (seriously, removing them from your friendslist removes this ability), because voice chats go via P2P and not via Valve's servers.

2. THEN get a new IP, because that person now obviously already has your IP and even without being a Steam friend with you can continue to do so.

3. Skip step 1 and 2 and just get a better router.

They can only receive my IP if I set up a voice chat from them, and not before this fact right? Well I've deleted some people off my list that are kind of random anyways, but I don't accept random invites generally anywho.

I already have resetted the IP, again, today so I hope that solves the issue. And I'm using Verizon FiOS, they provided me the router.. so I don't really know how that process to getting a newer / better one would really go down to. I appreciate your efforts in trying to help though, your consideration in trying to help means a lot.
MissAyalah Nov 22, 2014 @ 6:49pm 
Originally posted by iza :>:
Originally posted by darlingaya:
You're not dumbing my spirit, but you're ignoring the facts. I've also already stated that I had contacted ISP and already done a change.

Just because people are "internet bullying" me persay, doesn't mean I should let them force me to stop doing what I enjoy doing- which is streaming.
If you want changes, you should stop streaming, fullstop. It's your fault if you are still getting ddosed, when you have the option to stop it. I'm not ignoring the facts, but i don't really care about them because you are asking for something in this forum and you actually know no1 can help you. Just saying.

I don't know if you are female or not, but i stopped using a headset since 2012. Also i wanted to stream once, but i never did that. Refer to your "internet bullying". Females that have a proper look and play actually good are very rare. Because most females are terrible in this videogame, are mostly boosted...

Anyway, welcome to 2014, the age of abusing everything, of boosting people and of a terrible gamingcommunity.

How to be a total troll 101, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for the tips. :D
iza Nov 22, 2014 @ 6:57pm 
Ugh i'm so tired of trying to tell you the truth.

I'd like the streamlink, if u have above 10k follows i might believe you this story. And a proper rank. Maybe clear out the >> i don't know how many friends you got << list, probs 300~...
MissAyalah Nov 22, 2014 @ 7:05pm 
Originally posted by iza :>:
Ugh i'm so tired of trying to tell you the truth.

I'd like the streamlink, if u have above 10k follows i might believe you this story. And a proper rank. Maybe clear out the >> i don't know how many friends you got << list, probs 300~...
You are an assumption master, huehue. Assuming girls have to fall in a certain category of gameplay and are always boosted and are only valid if they have over 10k follows, and then assume that they have to have a list a 300~ friends or so because they are a girl. Pathetic mindset, troll 101 lesson 2, thanks iza!
iza Nov 22, 2014 @ 7:07pm 
Nvm, got your link, 2k follows, not bad. And you're Silver.

Someone really doesn't like you at all from your twitchviewers, must be in your Steamlist too.

Also it's not an assumption, i boost people myself.. :D
Last edited by iza; Nov 22, 2014 @ 7:16pm
MissAyalah Nov 23, 2014 @ 3:43am 
I never stated I was a big time, popular, streamer. And I recently started playing CS:GO, but doesn't mean I can't improve my rank over time without "boosting". Its also ironic how I only have about 80~ on my friendslist.. but you have 200+ on yours. Hmmm...

Those people aren't in my steam list, and its actually being resolved. I appreciate your trolls and an A+ excuse for why there isn't a better community of girl gamers- because your elitist behavior forces you to believe you're automatically better than other "female gamers". Instead, I recommend treating others with respect. Have a good day sir c:
iza Nov 23, 2014 @ 8:31am 
Originally posted by darlingaya:
I never stated I was a big time, popular, streamer. And I recently started playing CS:GO, but doesn't mean I can't improve my rank over time without "boosting". Its also ironic how I only have about 80~ on my friendslist.. but you have 200+ on yours. Hmmm...
I do not stream and complain about DDoS.. ;))
Also if you were reading CAREFULLY, well, you didn't, i mentioned boosting in general, but the overly protective grill is going nuts. Jesus. I hardly doubt you get any boosts on Silver.

I said it's hard to believe if someone on Silver is getting DDoSed, because come on, what's the advantage..
Originally posted by darlingaya:
Those people aren't in my steam list, and its actually being resolved.
Magician, i see.
Originally posted by darlingaya:
I appreciate your trolls and an A+ excuse for why there isn't a better community of girl gamers- because your elitist behavior forces you to believe you're automatically better than other "female gamers". Instead, I recommend treating others with respect. Have a good day sir c:
I barely can't. Most female gamers are simple dumb♥♥♥♥s, no skill but skins and some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ behaviour. I can't even take you serious. You want the community to solve your DDoS problem, yet you act like a ♥♥♥♥♥. I gave you atleast three reasons what it could cause and how to solve.

You might have some respect to each other in Silver, although this is bs, because Silver is full of douchebags, so is Global Elite, just with cheating douchebags.
MissAyalah Nov 23, 2014 @ 1:01pm 
Troll 101 lesson 3, thanks iza! If you actually read my original message, I was actually calling for a community discussion to see if other people were experiencing similar experiences. I.E read: "Has anyone else felt targeted in CS:GO and kicked off unwillingly almost every match? Is this a recent new exploit in the security that people are taking advantage of, or is it myself being targeted by a specific individual?"

I never asked anyone to solve my issues. So you were mistaken my friend c;. Also, you seem angry.. why are you cussing and so condescending? Must be something in your water over there... lol. I'm not even sure how I act like anything but decent.. you on the other hand.

P.S: Wanna know my favorite thing about you? You stated this: "Anyway, welcome to 2014, the age of abusing everything, of boosting people and of a terrible gamingcommunity." You seem to complain that this is the "age of abusing everything" like you hate it- yet you directly contribute to boosting people and contribute to a terrible gaming community by being disrespectful, condescending, and straight out rude. Congratulations for your achievements to the community, iza!
Last edited by MissAyalah; Nov 23, 2014 @ 1:17pm
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Date Posted: Nov 22, 2014 @ 4:33am
Posts: 16