Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

What is a smurf?
I just bought this game, my first pc game ever and this guy tried explaining that the other team had a "smurf" he said he was a better player so he bought another account to play with us noobs... But why did he buy another account? Doesn't everyone just play together, he kept talking about ranks but I didn't really understand what he meant :/
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1-15 / 63 のコメントを表示
Sugoi 2014年6月25日 21時57分 
The concept of smurfing is to create additional accounts so that you'll be matched with players much worse than yourself either simply to stomp them, or because you want to boost your friends without endangering your current rank.

You'll also see a lot of players who got VAC banned who bought extra copies to cheat again. This is why everyone playing competitive dreads sales.

Edit: I feel like an idiot. Yes, you're smurfing, very funny.
最近の変更はSugoiが行いました; 2014年6月25日 21時58分
I don't think I get these "ranks".... what's my rank? and no I'm not a smurf ?
Sugoi の投稿を引用:
Yes, you're smurfing, very funny.
tbh im not sure why a someone would make a smurf account and jump on the community forum like "guise what's a smurf?", I don't think that would be the typical intention hahahah
I'm taking it that ranks work differently in this game than how they do in like cod and battlefield?
mint 2014年6月25日 22時03分 
smurf account is a new account to play against people you can easily beat or to bypass bans for disconnecting.
after 10 wins cs gives you a rank to try and make matchmaking games fair- normally you would not be matched against a player like the one you describe.

they are just smurfing to play against people not as good as they are to make them feel better about themselves .
don't take it to heart
logan 2014年6月25日 22時04分 
What he said ^
Sugoi 2014年6月25日 22時04分 
Pretty good troll. Only upon reading your post again with "my first pc game ever" did it click. I give you 8/10 because playing the naivete card to such an extreme level isn't believable, especially after examining your profile.
think の投稿を引用:
smurf account is a new account to play against people you can easily beat or to bypass bans for disconnecting.
after 10 wins cs gives you a rank to try and make matchmaking games fair- normally you would not be matched against a player like the one you describe.

they are just smurfing to play against people not as good as they are to make them feel better about themselves .
don't take it to heart
Okay but even if they were a high rank on lets say their "main account" wouldnt I still be matched with those people some times? does everyone not play together?..

and okay 10 wins got it, i only have 1 haha
Sugoi の投稿を引用:
Pretty good troll. Only upon reading your post again with "my first pc game ever" did it click. I give you 8/10 because playing the naivete card to such an extreme level isn't believable, especially after examining your profile.
this is my first pc game, i've always played console and my friend told me to get this cuz i just got my own laptop finally
A smurf is a player who plays on an alternative account that is much lower ranked than his main account and actual skill.

As Sugoi said, they usually do this either to stomp scrubs, playing on easy mode and trolling, or boost friends. Any combination of those.

When you play competative match maing you have to win 10 games to get your rank, then the game will try to pair you with and against people with similar rank. There are flaws in this system but it works.
Sugoi 2014年6月25日 22時11分 
If you are legitimately new, I do apologize. Sorry about that.
Boss の投稿を引用:
I'm taking it that ranks work differently in this game than how they do in like cod and battlefield?
In CoD there are levels, here you have a rank that tells something about your skill. In CoD, any noob can be high level, as it only takes time. In CS:Go you have a rank that is not affected by how long you have played, only your skill and success in the games you have played.
最近の変更は◢Damania◣が行いました; 2014年6月25日 22時14分
I've bought a 2nd account and after my 10 games I was placed on absolutely the same rank (Master Guardian Elite) If there's a smurf that is on lower ranks he do not deserve his high rank.

If there's a smuft he gonna climb easy. No one of smurfs is buying 2nd account only to play against noobs. Soon or late he will get back to his real rank
Boss の投稿を引用:
Okay but even if they were a high rank on lets say their "main account" wouldnt I still be matched with those people some times? does everyone not play together?..

You normally get matched with people of similar rank.
Mìçhòròv の投稿を引用:
I've bought a 2nd account and after my 10 games I was placed on absolutely the same rank (Master Guardian Elite) If there's a smurf that is on lower ranks he do not deserve his high rank.

If there's a smuft he gonna climb easy. No one of smurfs is buying 2nd account only to play against noobs. Soon or late he will get back to his real rank
Having an alternative account and smurfing is not the same thing, but close:

Smurfing = Playing on an account of much lower rank than your actual skill.
Alternative Account = Having one or more accounts of roughly the same rank as your main, maybe even higher than your main.

People who have played a lot of cs1.6 and css and now bought CS:GO might be considered smurfs as their skill is still much higher than their unranked CS:GO account. (but if they try hard, when they have won 10 games they will be at a high rank anyway)
最近の変更は◢Damania◣が行いました; 2014年6月25日 22時18分
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投稿日: 2014年6月25日 21時52分
投稿数: 63